To compete with their business climate, we would all have to be willing to work for $2 a day, not care about workplace safety. Allow the employer to fire you for any reason including having the audacity to get injured on the job. Don’t forget that you also must to be willing to let them dump toxic waste in your backyard. I personally am not interested in living in the climate greedy corporations seek.
With said, I plead guilty to not always making the effort to look for a quality American made product. What we all really need to do is stop buying products that are not made in this country. Every one of those products is a job for someone here.
Those are good points. I can say this, the quality will suffer when moving abroad. It is a proven fact. When working for Team they outsourced some of the Polaris parts to India. When it came down to it, the parts returned from India were junk, ie: not made to spec’s. This caused the product to be delayed and all of it had to be remade here in the US. I can only see more of this happening. I give them 5-10 years in Mexico and they will back in the US making quality parts. Their is no way they can train them non-educated workers to work in the automated celluar manufacturing world that we work with in the US in a short time period with out an enormous risk financially. The turnaround time for train up will kill them. Not only will they suffer from costs of the extra training, but the quality of the product will suffer along with consumer confidence. I see it as losing proposition. Their is a reason why the Chinese and Japinese can make a profit. It starts with management. This is my 2 cents worth.