June is Dean Appreciation Month!

  • drewsdad
    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    I was on the phone with Dean checking up on a rod I broke that Dean was taking care of for me. At the end of the conversation Dean told me to say “hi” to all the guys (meaning pool 2 guys). After I hung up I started thinking about it and I would bet that there are a ton of us that don’t get down to Evert’s like we used to.

    Sure all sorts of people love Dean to death during the month of April and on warm winter days when Evert’s is the only game in town; but I bet Dean likes baked goods during the summer too. So lets make an effort to get down to Evert’s and visit Dean at a time of year when he might even have time to visit. So this June bring your boat and some baked goods and show Dean you care post-spawn just as much as you do pre-spawn. *


    *This post was not authorized by anyone but me.

    I just realised the acronym for Dean Appreciation Month is D.A.M. Like in lock and dam. It’s just meant to be

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I’m probably gonna be banned from pool 4 for this BUT- -I don’t get to Everts that often but the last time I was there it looked like Dean had been “bulking up” over the winter. Maybe we’re (self included) being a little too generous with the guy jerr

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    i’ll promise to lock down a few times this summer.

    as long as brian isn’t around…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    Oh RIP!

    I’m wearing my pink Everts hat to commemorate DAM!

    Posts: 74

    Yeah Dean, you complete me…oh I mean I appreciate you…wait I mean Happy Dean Appreciation Month. DAM I am so confused.

    One of these years I will have to drive over so we can do some fishing. I did an MWC there one year and look forward to going back.

    Posts: 730

    You guys that don’t get here that often better wise up.
    He suckers you in to get his baked goods delivered to him,
    sells you a bill of goods, takes your money,and sends you on your way.
    But, he will sell your honey-hole for a six-pack of cookies,
    even rename it if they’re good enough. Us regulars at the shop know his kind. Love ya and leave ya. I wouldn’t bring him a truckload of week-old donuts!!

    Sorry Dean, I couldn’t resist.
    As for Brian K… Brian Appreciation Month equals BAM !!!!

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Just sent in a check to get a cabin for late August. Never been down there, but I hear Dean’s the man.

    Maybe we’ll meet Brian too. He’s my hero.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    There is help for you guys…I’m just not sure where.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589


    Maybe we’ll meet Brian too. He’s my hero.

    your life is that boring??

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