The End of the World as we know it…

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I hope this isn’t too political….


    MADISON — Wisconsin’s immigration reform advocates want Dane County’s sheriff to stop contacting federal immigration agents when officers arrest non U.S. citizens. They say local immigrants have become more fearful of law enforcement since Arizona passed a new immigration law.

    At a recent immigration task force meeting in Madison, advocates said that Sheriff David Mahoney’s collaboration with the Immigration Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) has had an unintended effect – tearing families apart and undermining trust in local law enforcement. They said tensions in Wisconsin’s immigrant communities have reached an all-time high since the passage of Arizona’s new immigration law.

    Salvadore Carranza of Madison says for the past month, he’s been outraged at what’s been happening in Arizona, namely the policies on immigration. Carranza chairs the advocacy group Latinos United for Change and Advancement.

    Carranza is accusing Sheriff Mahoney of referring immigrant offenders to ICE even for minor infractions, which he says instead of keeping the community safer, “is actually victimizing the victim and on the other hand protecting the criminal.”

    But after sitting through nearly four hours of what he called “heart-felt testimony”, Mahoney characterized the recommendation as unfeasible.

    “The request to totally do away with contacting ICE when somebody is brought to jail is not workable,” says Mahoney. “Because I have a responsibility to use every method I can to identify people in my jail.”

    Mahoney says people are not booked into the Dane County jail on minor offenses, such as driving without a license. The immigration task force is expected to give him a formal recommendation later this month.

    — Kirk Carapezza, WPR

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Yeah, what the hell was that sheriff thinking, who is he to not turn his head on the immigration issues?!?!? What a bad American! Don’t like it get out!

    Posts: 1493

    Yep, heaven forbid people be held accountable for their crimes…

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 76

    This guy should be running for office in WI!!!
    He’s got my vote

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    To repeat my favorite line I’ve heard on this one, “Illegal immigrants have rights too!”

    Yes. They have the right to get legal or get out.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    This guy should be running for office in WI!!!
    He’s got my vote

    MADISON, WI……….

    I am so glad my daughter turned down the opportunity to go to school in Madison that I thank the good Lord every day.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    il·le·gal   /ɪˈligəl/ Show Spelled[ih-lee-guhl] Show IPA
    1.forbidden by law or statute.
    2.contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.: The referee ruled that it was an illegal forward pass.
    3.Informal. illegal alien.
    Use illegal in a Sentence
    See images of illegal
    Search illegal on the Web


    1620–30; < ML illēgālis. See il-2, legal

    —Related forms
    il·le·gal·ly, adverb

    —Can be confused: illegal, illicit (see synonym note at this entry).

    1. unlawful; illegitimate; illicit; unlicensed. Illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, criminal can all describe actions not in accord with law. Illegal refers most specifically to violations of statutes or, in organized athletics, codified rules: an illegal seizure of property; an illegal block (in football). Unlawful means not sanctioned by or according to law: an unlawful claim to the inheritance; to take unlawful advantage of the trading situation. Illegitimate means lacking legal or traditional right or rights: an illegitimate child; illegitimate use of privileged knowledge. Illicit, which originally meant simply “not permitted,” now most often applies to matters regulated by law with specific emphasis on the way things are carried out: illicit conversion of property; an illicit attempt to control the market. Criminal most often refers to violation of the statutes of penal as opposed to civil law. All felonies are criminal as are all crimes sometimes punishable by death such as murder, arson, and kidnapping: a criminal act.

    Enforce laws, all of them. I can understand how illegal immigrants will not call the police, the samw way a person with a warrent for their arrest will not call. Because they are illegal.

    I hold nothing against a person for trying to better their lives by coming to America, all of our ancestors did it at one point in time, but do it legally.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    I am so confused. Is there some special website I can go to that tells me which laws I am suppose to follow ?

    Is the website the same one our president used to determine if the Heath Care bill was constitutional……

    South Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 223

    Once a gain Bk is stirrin the pot … I am all for immigration but do it legally if your here illegally then you gotta go and try agian the right way. Yes this country was founded upon immigration but it was done the right,legal and moral way. not sneakin through under the cover of darkness… This guy was doing the right thing and he is getting grilled for doing his job well WTH!!!! those who are against these immigration laws must love paying for everyone else

    Posts: 145

    How about this for a novel idea. Why don’t we start putting executives of major corporations in jail and fining the daylights out of corporations that seek out and employ illegals. Smith Frozen foods is one of the biggest offender and they even have “scouts” down in Central America telling prospective employees how to get here. The big hotel chains are particularly prone to hiring cheap labor. They’ll keep on coming as long as we keep hiring them. Stop the jobs and the incentive goes away. I just don’t see putting rich white guys in jail, however, no matter how much they deserve it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    At a recent immigration task force meeting in Madison, advocates said that Sheriff David Mahoney’s collaboration with the Immigration Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) has had an unintended effect – tearing families apart and undermining trust in local law enforcement.

    Um no, that would be the illegal immigrant who is responsible for that. Nice try in shifting the blame.

    And I do agree that we also need to come down on corporations and people who hire illegals.

    I have nothing against immigrants from the south, in fact, I have defended them as some of the hardest workers around. And I don’t buy into the idea of things like stealing jobs, because they increase consumer spending here.

    Posts: 1493

    [quote And I don’t buy into the idea of things like stealing jobs, because they increase consumer spending here.

    Just curious…when its well known that most of our “southern” immigrants ship their money down south, how can that possibly increase consumer spending here?

    Posts: 1564

    Only in Madison–heck, when we were down there Saturday my wife saw some dude (guy) down on State Street wearing a skirt…………so this junk does not surprise me.

    If you are here with a visa to work–welcome!!!
    If you don’t have a visa—get out.

    It’s bad enough that our own citizens are living off the system–now even illegals want it. Why is it so hard for people (our government) to see the common sense in matters such as this?
    The plain sense is, we can not afford it.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547


    To repeat my favorite line I’ve heard on this one, “Illegal immigrants have rights too!”

    Yes. They have the right to get legal or get out.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Just curious…when its well known that most of our “southern” immigrants ship their money down south, how can that possibly increase consumer spending here?

    Well the ones that ship all their money end up dying of starvation then I guess and it works itself out.

    Do you really think that it is a significant amount of money?

    To me the greater problem is the income is not taxed. Then again, the way the system works, they are probably losing money not filing because they normally don’t make that much.

    Posts: 76

    He’ll never be reelected in the socialist state of madison

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    MADISON — Wisconsin’s immigration reform advocates want Dane County’s sheriff to stop contacting federal immigration agents when officers arrest non U.S. citizens. They say local immigrants have become more fearful of law enforcement since Arizona passed a new immigration law.

    This subject is not at all too political. If said people are legal they have nothing to fear, but on the other hand if they are illegal I hope they are deported.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974


    Do you really think that it is a significant amount of money?

    Maybe not significant to you, but how about half if not more of each check? Is that significant? How much does it cost our schools to hire extra teachers who speak Spanish? How much do we spend because all copies need to be made in three or more languages? I’m not saying all of this is bad, but is it being paid for by those workers shipping half of their money back home? Oh yeah, how do these people eat if they are sending so much money south? Ummmm…hello, foodstamps, just look around in the grocery store line, you will be surprised, who do you suppose get a good portion of free and reduced lunches at school?

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    This photo was sent to me by a friend. This is at a High school in California. (Done by the students)

    I think there is a problem with allegiance to this great country. If you don’t like it GET THE HE(( OUT!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    How much does it cost our schools to hire extra teachers who speak Spanish? How much do we spend because all copies need to be made in three or more languages? I’m not saying all of this is bad, but is it being paid for by those workers shipping half of their money back home?

    Those things would all exist even if all Mexicans were here legally.


    Oh yeah, how do these people eat if they are sending so much money south? Ummmm…hello, foodstamps, just look around in the grocery store line, you will be surprised, who do you suppose get a good portion of free and reduced lunches at school?

    Those are all issues we should have with our government. Unfortunately many of them think the constitution and inherent rights belong to anyone here, legal or not. It doesn’t matter if they pay federal taxes to support federal programs or not, they get the benefit. Yet once you try and do anything that targets illegals apparently it is veiled racism.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693


    I am so glad my daughter turned down the opportunity to go to school in Madison that I thank the good Lord every day.

    Geez Brett, that’s pretty harsh. UW-Madison is one of the finest schools in the country. My daufghter is going there now, just completed 3rd year in dairy science. She has had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica for class over Christmas and is leaving for a summer internship in Austrailia next week. I doubt if she would have had these opportunities at other schools. If you have done a good job of parenting what goes on around them should not matter.

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