i was reading online that tribal members did net lake bemidji and the dnr took the nets and did cut them but no tickets where issued the report said, and no one was arrested. Then it said after dnr left they went back out and netted again. why do we pay taxes in this state and the laws arent enforced?>???????????
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » ILLEGAL NETTING LAKE BEMIDJI NO ACTION TAKEN WHY?
May 17, 2010 at 2:48 am #872363
yes it is, this is illegal and there is proff of this illegal activity online with pictures.
May 17, 2010 at 3:01 am #872368So the next ticket the DNR writes for fishing out of season, could be fought in court, and the person that gets the ticket has a legit case.
Complete BS in my mind. I understand that the natives wanted tickets to get their day in court and fight it all the way to the Supreme Court to get what they think is theirs.
All I know is if most of us did this we would have a hefty fine to pay. It is just not right, what happened to equality to all Americans?Ron
May 17, 2010 at 3:27 am #872373Quote:
how long before this gets 86’d
Nothing out of line here so far. If anglers can’t express their views here on IDO regarding an issue that will impact their collective use of shared resources in the future I’m not sure where they’ll find a more appropriate platform to do so. Of course all discussion must remain free of threats, name calling or other nonsense…
May 17, 2010 at 5:55 am #872389
but no tickets where issued the report said,
Maybe I wasn’t paying attention, but the Friday night news I watched (Ch 4 rerun at 2 am) said they were issued tickets…and it was showing a video where the DNR officer was handing what looked like to me, a ticket.
If that is the way it went down, I thought they did a good job of keeping the tension down (by not arresting and hauling anyone away). The fight should be in court and not in the parking lots ect.
I could be wrong though.
May 17, 2010 at 11:31 am #872396From Kare 11 web site:
If the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources issues citations tomorrow, the protesters say they’re ready to fight those citations in court.Kare 11:
But officials said nobody was ticketed or arrested Friday, leaving it unclear when or how the dispute might end up in court.Wcco:
The DNR took the nets and names of tribal members participating, but did not arrest anybody.
If you watch the VIDEO it does look like a ticket was handed out, just too many stories that go against proving that someone was ticketed.May 17, 2010 at 11:37 am #872398Quote:
I think the tribes were looking to recieve the tickets in order to initiate the on coming lawsuit.
Your statement is 100% correct.
Could be a wise move by the DNR.
Does that mean I can go bass fishing this week in the southern part of the state and I will not recieve a ticket?
Now if I get ticketed and take it to court, I have an equal rights defense.May 17, 2010 at 12:05 pm #872404nothing, absolutely nothing will come of this. the state will just give in and give them what they want, due to not wanting to go against the “PC attitude” most of our politicians have.
and i read in the star tribune, that when a DNR officer was confiscating one of the nets, the indian did not want to give it up, and there was a “tug of war” so to speak…yet no additional action took place.
I wonder what would happen if i was ticketed for something and the officer wanted to confiscate my rod, and i said NO, and would not turn it over. i guarantee they would not just go away and do nothing…
and, GREAT POINT on equal rights, this is on the books, and documented that an entire group of people went against the rules, and broke the law, and the DNR took no action. if they can fish out of season, there is no reason I cannot.
May 17, 2010 at 1:14 pm #872429I understand the debate about this. But why should we continue to hash this over none of us alive today did any of this to them and none of them alive went thru it. I feel that apologizing for something my immigrant ancesotr did 200+ years ago seems to be muted to me. I think they just need to grow up, plainly what they were doing is throwing a temper tantrum on those shores for. But they did us all a favor anything caught out season or what not on the water DNR cant give a ticket they set precedence and no court would nail you on it.
May 17, 2010 at 1:24 pm #872430This stunt was just the tying of the shoes before the marathon. We are in for a court case that is going to eventually escalate to the Supreme Court in one way or another. That is sad as several cases of Indian treaty rights that have been placed in front of the Supreme Court system have gone in the favor of some obscure and outdated treaty. Now this one may be a bit different as the tribes involved and the treaties they are speaking of have a little different wording from what I understand. I am hoping the DNR has an ace in the hole on this one they are playing out.
As for issuing tickets they did not but they did hand out court dates and that just may be much more severe than a simple ticket. It kept a small group of radical idealist calm and cool when they came to town looking for a fight and major news coverage; they got neither.
I’m just happy I did not see or hear of any of my Red Lake neighbors taking part in this.
May 17, 2010 at 1:51 pm #872438Instead of having the arms race like we did against the Russians we now have the fight being fought on our homeland.
1) Chinese dominate us financially.
2) Sovereign nations (within our borders) dominate our resources internally.
But hey……………at least we are allowed to pay for their health care.
May 17, 2010 at 2:04 pm #872444Quote:
I understand the debate about this. But why should we continue to hash this over none of us alive today did any of this to them and none of them alive went thru it. I feel that apologizing for something my immigrant ancesotr did 200+ years ago seems to be muted to me. I think they just need to grow up, plainly what they were doing is throwing a temper tantrum on those shores for. But they did us all a favor anything caught out season or what not on the water DNR cant give a ticket they set precedence and no court would nail you on it.
A few excerts from various sources
Raiding Parties. There were, however, important differences between the objectives of eastern Indian warfare and the goals of their southwestern counterparts. While eastern Indians fought almost exclusively to achieve retribution, southwestern Indians clashed with their neighbors both to avenge previous wrongs and to loot them of material possessions. Apaches and Navajos, for example, raided both each other and the sedentary Pueblo Indian tribes in an effort to acquire goods through plunder. Though the distinction was missed by the Pueblo Indians and, later, by the Spanish, raiding parties differed substantially from war parties in terms of their objectives and their approach. While war parties sought to take captives and to achieve vengeance through killing, the smaller raiding parties hoped to avoid fighting and focused instead on taking booty. Raids often spawned blood feuds, though, because a tribe had to avenge the death of a warrior who died either in a raid or in an ensuing battle with pursuers.and..
Semisedentary Tribes. Like their eastern neighbors, tribes such as the Apache and Navajo fought to avenge the deaths of kinsmen rather than to acquire territory. When a clan member was killed by Indians from another tribe, a war leader related to the deceased formed a war party composed of kinsmen and unrelated young men who sought the prestige that came through success in battle. After two nights of war dances and a day of feasting, the war party moved into enemy territory, where it took women and children captive and killed enemy warriors. Because semi-nomadic Indians such as the Navajo had to avenge every clan member killed by a rival tribe, blood-feud warfare was, as in the East, self-perpetuating and never ending. As with eastern woodland Indian conflict, moreover, warfare among the Native Americans of the Southwest produced light casualties in comparison to contemporary European wars.
George J. Gumerman, ed., Themes in Southwest Prehistory (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 1994);Elizabeth H. John, Storms Brewed in Other Men’s Worlds: The Confrontation of Indians, Spanish and French in the Southwest, 1540–1795 (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1975);
Alfonso Ortiz, ed., Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 9: Southwest (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1979);
Ortiz, ed., Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 10: Southwest (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1983).
I guess my question would be, are the tribes reimbusing other tribes for wrong doings?
If not, and I suspect they’re not, why are we????Well, I have a couple idea’s and they are also the cause of the problems we’re having now.
We are ONE country and only one..imhoAl
May 17, 2010 at 4:35 pm #872488
The said bands of Indians, jointly and severally, obligate and bind themselves not to commit any depredations or wrong upon other Indians, or upon citizens of the United States; to conduct themselves at all times in a peaceable and orderly manner; to submit all difficulties between them and other Indians to the President, and to abide by his decision in regard to the same, and to respect and observe the laws of the United States, so far as the same are to them applicable. And they also stipulate that they will settle down in the peaceful pursuits of life, commence the cultivation of the soil, and appropriate their means to the erection of houses, opening farms, the education of their children, and such other objects of improvement and convenience, as are incident to well-regulated society; and that they will abstain from the use of intoxicating drinks and other vices to which they have been addicted.
they have broken that part of the treaty, why are they not being cited?
May 17, 2010 at 5:13 pm #872502Quote:
I understand the debate about this. But why should we continue to hash this over none of us alive today did any of this to them and none of them alive went thru it. I feel that apologizing for something my immigrant ancesotr did 200+ years ago seems to be muted to me. I think they just need to grow up, plainly what they were doing is throwing a temper tantrum on those shores for. But they did us all a favor anything caught out season or what not on the water DNR cant give a ticket they set precedence and no court would nail you on it.
I can trace my lineage to the mid 1800’s which was when the disputed Treaties were inacted. None of my ancestors renounced their rights to hunt and fish/net/spear either. So, if myself or any other “Non-Indian” tried to net along side of the Indians, would I be treated the same way?
What would it look like if I was able to stand right along side of my Indian neighbors and cry “DESCRIMINATION” if I was not ticketed or allowed to net if that was the end result. My thought is really a question…Is that maybe how we end the netting? On what legal basis can the Feds or State support their position that they can descriminate between me and my Indian friends?
May 17, 2010 at 5:18 pm #872503Quote:
What would it look like if I was able to stand right along side of my Indian neighbors and cry “DESCRIMINATION” if I was not ticketed or allowed to net if that was the end result. My thought is really a question…Is that maybe how we end the netting? On what legal basis can the Feds or State support their position that they can descriminate between me and my Indian friends?
One high profile angler from MN has tried to fish out of season to push this point and the DNR won’t touch him with a ten foot pole. It would definitely raise a very legit legal question.
May 17, 2010 at 5:20 pm #872504Yes he has! And he has been doing it for years!
That should tell us all something.John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 17, 2010 at 7:12 pm #872527Quote:
One high profile angler from MN has tried to fish out of season to push this point and the DNR won’t touch him with a ten foot pole. It would definitely raise a very legit legal question.
He claims he was ticketed last week and will challenge it in Court as a case of ‘racial discrimination’. His challenge will get tossed like a used rubber. This issue is not a matter of civil rights, but one of usufructuary rights.
Usufructuary? Can you use that word here? I thought this was a family site. Guess I better look that word up.
May 17, 2010 at 7:33 pm #872533Quote:
Details for us less than high profile fisherman?
I’m about as low profile as you can get
my guess (and it’s just a guess) is they are talking about Joe Fellegy on Mille Lacs.
May 19, 2010 at 7:22 pm #873164Will be interesting to follow the story. Even more interesting that none of the local media has mentioned the story.
Sorry if this is a re-post. Just getting caught up on posts from the last 4 days….
May 19, 2010 at 7:28 pm #873169Maybe I missed it, but does this guy have a legal defense fund or does he need financial support??
Not sure if he has a chance or not, but kudo’s for trying.
May 19, 2010 at 7:28 pm #873170Quote:
I understand the debate about this. But why should we continue to hash this over none of us alive today did any of this to them and none of them alive went thru it. I feel that apologizing for something my immigrant ancesotr did 200+ years ago seems to be muted to me. I think they just need to grow up, plainly what they were doing is throwing a temper tantrum on those shores for. But they did us all a favor anything caught out season or what not on the water DNR cant give a ticket they set precedence and no court would nail you on it.
I can trace my lineage to the mid 1800’s which was when the disputed Treaties were inacted. None of my ancestors renounced their rights to hunt and fish/net/spear either. So, if myself or any other “Non-Indian” tried to net along side of the Indians, would I be treated the same way?
What would it look like if I was able to stand right along side of my Indian neighbors and cry “DESCRIMINATION” if I was not ticketed or allowed to net if that was the end result. My thought is really a question…Is that maybe how we end the netting? On what legal basis can the Feds or State support their position that they can descriminate between me and my Indian friends?
Very interesting. By ticketing you they would be advocating descrimination. Very interesting indeed.
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