91 year old woman punched in face and robbed!

  • jighead-two
    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    What a man, a real tuff guy…I’m speechless

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    My security must be kicking in..what did it say…what did it say!?

    Posts: 54

    Guys like that need to be removed from the face of the earth!!!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Give me a baseball bat and 5 minutes with this scum bag.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    If this guy did this on the East Coast and this was an italian mother, he might be quietly fitted for a new pair of concrete shoes.

    His family would be the only ones wondering why he no longer answers his cell phone


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    If this guy did this on the East Coast and this was an italian mother, he might be quietly fitted for a new pair of concrete shoes.

    His family would be the only ones wondering why he no longer answers his cell phone


    Ya, but here the bleeding hearts will whine about how we have to be sensitive towards criminals and that they’re not really criminals and just misunderstood youth..

    But I’m with you, 5 minutes with a baseball bat and he’d never hit anybody again.

    Al…who thinks enough is enough, build prisons not stadiums.

    Posts: 974

    I say dig 3’X6’X6′ holes not build prisons for these scum bags

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    Low Life coward. Probably beats his wife and molests his kids. Even guys in prison hate guys like this. What is wrong with people. Is there no shame.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180


    I say dig 3’X6’X6′ holes not build prisons for these scum bags

    Oh.Fa ged aboud it.!Why waste the time and energy by digging a hole. Cut em up and throw him in the land fill with the rest of the garage.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    Why not send him thru the wood chipper like in the movie Fargo.

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