First off I really would like to see our sports teams get a new stadium ie Vikings. I don’t want these teams to move out of town…no matter what I’ve said in my previous tongue and cheek posts. I just don’t want to pay for it.
Serious question.
The voters of MN have said over and over again, they don’t want to pay for a stadium. Yet they our elected officials keep bringing up bills that will do this wasting MY and your money with these endless bills going through committees.
Again, I don’t want to make Cougereye cry…but if the tax payers of another state want to kick in towards a new stadium…let it go to where ever! The dog track in Hudson WI comes to mind.
What am I missing??
We had a civic center in Hutchinson that was voted down. What did the they do? They didn’t keep bringing it back to the city council, a number of businesses went together and sponsored the construction on the center.
There are times when I feel our elected officials need to press 1 for English.