Morel’s Are Getting Bigger!!

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Stopped at my folks in Downing WI to check on a few good spots out there. I asked my dad on the phone on the way if he has been out yet. He said no its been to dry. I thought AWSEOME!! I knew he was way wrong Got dad and we headed to a good patch of dead elms lining the hay field and would’nt ya know it dad and I sure had a blast!! He called this morning and found a bunch more.

    If you have not been out yet. I highly suggest getting out after the rain we had yesterday!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    This last week has been great with the much needed rain and heat. Key for us is the areas that have stayed damp and hasn’t dried out. Leaf cover to hold the w3ater has helped out a lot for some spots – YUM!

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    lookin good, guys!!

    enjoy it while you can; i think its over down here. found some big yellers today but they were toast.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    How long do morels last before you have to freeze them? Are they ok in the fridge for a couple days. Or is it best to keep them at room temp.?

    Dundee, Wi
    Posts: 94

    I went geo caching with the wife and daughter today and saw a few elms along the way and checked, (thinking its gotta be too late), and to my surprise I found a whopping 3 morels…. This got me curious, and when I got home, I went exploring. What the heck, today IS May 15th, and that is the day I usually go every year…cept this one. I went out and was very pleased with what I found. I didnt think I was gonna get any, so I didnt even bring a bag. Thank god I had a hat on. Some of them were getting old, but still worth pickin. I dont see any ticks on me yet, so thats a good thing. Wife and daughter had several today.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I see Kowaski’s had them, about $15 for about 4 of them, that the going rate???


    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    We found 4 huge ones on Saturday also

    Dundee, Wi
    Posts: 94

    At least you remembered a bag. I went out today and once again forgot the bag! Did well again. I didnt even go where I wanted to, so I get to hit that spot tommorrow.

    $15 for 4 morels???? I heard they were expensive, so that could be right. I’ve seen on the travel channel that they were selling them $40 a freezer bag, and it wasnt much more than 4.

    Watch out for poisen ivy out there, its everywhere! I recommend rubber boots.

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    Nice work Get Hooked

    The Mrs picked up a shroom sack for me at Gander Mountain for $15 I keep it in my turkey vest at all times

    Posts: 2389

    Found almost 10 lbs on Sunday.

    I, too, was without bag… Had to stuff my turkey decoy, and use two large vest pockets for the rest.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    That stuffed turkey looks good enough to eat!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I found 2 of them this weekend right outside my camper door! Not sure that’s what they were at 1st, But I’m pretty sure they are. What do you do with them? When should they be picked?

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    1. Pinch them off at the ground.
    2. Cut in half (lengthwise).
    3. Soak in saline water for 15 minutes.
    4. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
    5. Coat with white flour.
    6. Saute over a medium heat turning on occassion in 100% butter. Salt & pepper to taste.
    7. When they turn golden brown and develop a crisp texture remove from heat ~ proceed to eat in front of the other card players kicking your in rummy.

    Dundee, Wi
    Posts: 94

    I pick them as soon as I see them. Today is my last day pickin. With no rain in the forecast, and warmer temps comin, Anything left out there will be toast real soon. (at least in S.E. Wi..) The Misquitos were bad, and the poison ivy was out in full force. I think i’ll count my blessings that I had a good year, got no poison ivy, and had no ticks. I also think that this was not as good of year as years past. Trees that should’ve had a bunch, didnt. I never really got the “bumber” crop in one spot. Oh well, maybe next year.

    As far as what do you do with them….You can do a search on the internet that will give you many ways to prepare them. I soak mine in salt water for a good hour. This is mainly for bug removal and a good rinse. I cut them in half length wise, This is where you can make sure all bugs and slugs are out. Then I fry them in butter, garlic, and onion. I like them cooked soft, and I also like them with a crisp to them. I suppose cooking anything in butter, garlic, and onion is going to taste good, but thats what I do. I tried breading them, but that didnt turn out so good for me.

    Man, every little itch i have right now is a little panic of do I have poison ivy?????? I wear rubber boots and shower immediately when I get home, so I should be good. .

    This is all I got today. I might have to get me one of those mushroom bags. I hope they have bigger sizes…..

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Ah real men eat them whole! There could be a little added protien in there.

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