I’ve been thinking this the last few days witch group of fisherman spend the most. I think I’ve got the same amount tied up in bass, walleye and muskie gear. What’s everybody else think?
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Who spends more?
April 30, 2010 at 3:41 am #868071
As a group, it’s a fact that walleye guys spend more which is why the DNR (in MN) budgets more for them.
Cat guys can have specialized rods for flats and channels, but as I was informed yesterday by a Crook, most of them fish with a $2.15 Kmart fishing pole and a cloths line.
April 30, 2010 at 3:45 am #868072No thats not what I said, I did say in the conversation about noodling “instead of sticking my arm in a muddy hole in a river I’d rather break down and spend the $2.50 on a cat rod” or “I could just get a stick and use my shoe lace”
April 30, 2010 at 3:55 am #868080I think your right BK walleye guys as a whole group spend the most. But witch single angler spends the most to catch his fish of choice?
April 30, 2010 at 4:17 am #868086I know the answer to this one Tim…According to the St. Croix management, the fishing industry’s most lucrative area is the Musky niche.
April 30, 2010 at 5:10 am #868094I’ve got a ton of dough tied up in both walleyes and muskies. But I’m pretty confident that the muskie gear wins by a good margin. I have to believe that muskie fishermen spend quite a bit more money individually than walleye fisheremen.
By the way, I just bought two cat rods (which will double as muskie sucker rods) that in total cost the same as one pounder bull dawg. Cats are downright easy on the wallet.
April 30, 2010 at 11:47 am #868112Raps $8 average muskie bait $18 I buy maybe 10 raps a year, and 3x that in new muskie baits a season. add in $15-$20 just to spool a reel, $15 for 2 leaders,the expense of net and release tools ect your getting into some money. Then a box or 3 to store all your big baits at $60-$160 and up.
I have maybe $3k total in all my walleye rods, reels, baits ect. Closer to $8K in muskie gear. Local baitshop owner supports that as a single angler muskie guys will spend more per visit than walleye guys.
April 30, 2010 at 11:57 am #868113
it’s a fact that walleye guys spend more
Post your documentation to validate this please….thanks….b/c I don’t see any of you featherweights holding candles to what we spend
(I wasn’t able to vote on this??)
April 30, 2010 at 12:18 pm #868121You left out the all around fisherman. I have a lot of money wrapped up in all the gear for every species.
I voted Musky only because of the cost of baits, Rods and Reels for tossing the big stuff.Hey Slop, you do know you can put a Bass Boat inside of a true Musky rig…….right
Posts: 1960April 30, 2010 at 12:45 pm #868130Great lakes trollers.
Add up the multiple rod/reel set-ups and expensive terminal gear….not to mention all the downrigging, dipsy rigging, out rigging gear and all the gas to run those big rigs………
Serious inland fisherman don’t hold a candle to the serious great lakes trollers, IMHO.
April 30, 2010 at 1:08 pm #868140Sorry Slop, there are way more wallebie guys than bass guys.
Don’t get what I said confused with the individual. The walleye category (group) gets the attention. Check out the MN DNR website for the actual numbers of fish stocked, budgets ect.
Quote from Tom Nordstum at the MN DNR Roundtable “Walleyes are the most popular fish in MN and get the most funding. That’s just the way it is, get over it”.
As far as stocking goes, they stock more Channel Cats than Large Mouth Bass!
April 30, 2010 at 1:10 pm #868142
(I wasn’t able to vote on this??)
See what I’m talking about? Non factor.
April 30, 2010 at 1:16 pm #868145I’d have to agree with Bret. The guy that tries to be set up equipment wise for every species has to spend the most.
April 30, 2010 at 1:23 pm #868151Quote:
Sorry Slop, there are way more wallebie guys than bass guys.
Don’t get what I said confused with the individual. The walleye category (group) gets the attention. Check out the MN DNR website for the actual numbers of fish stocked, budgets ect.
Quote from Tom Nordstum at the MN DNR Roundtable “Walleyes are the most popular fish in MN and get the most funding. That’s just the way it is, get over it”.
As far as stocking goes, they stock more Channel Cats than Large Mouth Bass!
Bass are already almost everywhere and in very large numbers. Stocking more would only hurt the size on most lakes. I can think of at least 10 lakes in the Alexandria area that I could catch 75-100 bass in a day’s worth of fishing easily. In fact even the “Bass Guys” up here think many of the lakes have too many bass.
April 30, 2010 at 1:30 pm #868158Well Joe, the same could be said about blue gill and they stocked more of them than bass too. Just sayen.
April 30, 2010 at 1:38 pm #868162
Don’t get what I said confused with the individual. The walleye category (group) gets the attention. Check out the MN DNR website for the actual numbers of fish stocked, budgets ect.
Quote from Tom Nordstum at the MN DNR Roundtable “Walleyes are the most popular fish in MN and get the most funding. That’s just the way it is, get over it”.
this isn’t about how much funding a species gets …..
Posts: 2389April 30, 2010 at 2:17 pm #836923WHO SPENDS MORE???
Answer: The wife!!
There I go again, answering the question before I read it…
(No, actually I probably spend waaay more than her, but that’s just between me and you… ok??)
April 30, 2010 at 2:20 pm #868184You sure like showing of your bass hole Slop!
This post isn’t about tourney anglers either…is it?
April 30, 2010 at 2:22 pm #868185Where in the poll does it say that this is for Minnesota or even a northern state? Or is it for the whole country or the world? Results are going to be subjective based on the area polled.
April 30, 2010 at 2:24 pm #868188Quote:
You left out the all around fisherman. I have a lot of money wrapped up in all the gear for every species.
I voted Musky only because of the cost of baits, Rods and Reels for tossing the big stuff.
I am in full agreement with Bret here!! I started with blue gills, moved into walleye gear, found out I loved bass fishing last year, went redhorse fishing this spring…catching a 40+ inch sturgeon, found out I needed to start fishing for catfish…I could keep going here…
My wife was in the boat one day and looked at all the gear. She asked how much money did I spend on fishing…lol I stated I didn’t know. She then asked how much does a panfish jig cost? I said a dollar…I didn’t know she had my panfishing jig box open…lol This form of questioning went on for a few minutes and the items started to get more pricey…
Finally, I said what is it worth for your son to catch a huge fish and tell every person about it for the next month…followed up with “PRICELESS.” She doesn’t ask anymore…
April 30, 2010 at 2:30 pm #868190
Results are going to be subjective based on the area polled.
…and who!
April 30, 2010 at 2:36 pm #868194I did vote, “Muskie” but I think everyone would agree if you changed the question to, “Who spends the most per fish?”
April 30, 2010 at 2:48 pm #868202
This post isn’t about tourney anglers either…
Nope – never said it was…Here’s another
for ya…
April 30, 2010 at 2:55 pm #868207For the “INDIVIDUAL” fishermen I would have to believe Muskie fishing would be a LANDSLIDE over walleye or anything else… Muskie baits are minimum DOUBLE the cost, rods are the same… and I would venture to say that muskie fishermen in general buy double the baits of walleye fishermen… obviously there are exceptions but I’m generalizing here… Muskie season doesnt open for a few more weeks and I’m already thinking I need another grand in baits or so before it hits!
April 30, 2010 at 6:36 pm #868289Depends how you shop I say! Yesterday I purchased 41 musky baits for 70% off ($630 worth for $197) all brand name musky lures. I have to admit I loaded up the cart a $24 dollar lure was roughly 6 bucks. I never get these deals on rapalas, etc.
That being said I consider myself an all around fisherman. I do have a much higher number of lures for walleye, so I would have to say just due to shear number and variety I need in my arsenal walleye fishing costs the most.
April 30, 2010 at 7:06 pm #868302Sorry to say I think I was the last person to get them for 70% off. After I was there the sale must have ended now it is 30% off. It was at Fleet Farm in Rochester.
April 30, 2010 at 8:01 pm #868321By far the Grand kids, by the hour, pop, cookies, treats every bait being sold, new hello kitty rods, lost and broken equipment, suntan lotion, the list goes, but I’ll spend my last dollar on them to see them having fun.
April 30, 2010 at 8:22 pm #868327Quote:
By far the Grand kids, by the hour, pop, cookies, treats every bait being sold, new hello kitty rods, lost and broken equipment, suntan lotion, the list goes, but I’ll spend my last dollar on them to see them having fun.
All though there wasn’t a ballot, my vote goes to the Dads and Grandfathers out there. After 1 hour or all day at the end they all say
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