Morel’s Love Rain!!

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Found my shroom hunting buddy for life tonight! I have never seen a kid so excited! Being less than 4′ tall he is way closer to the ground than me. And would’nt you know he found the 1st and the biggest ones today! ATTA BOY!!

    We ended the night with over 5 pounds!!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    Way to go boys!


    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Those pics are Great! Congrats Boys!!

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    That is awesome! That is what makes kids so great. The smile is priceless and you will never forget it.Thanks for making my evening.

    Posts: 21

    Way to go.

    You’ve got some wonderful pics there, you’ll treasure those for the rest of your life.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    5 lbs!….Hell that’s about $200!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    It was amazing he found one and I got down on hands and knees to look at it. Then I looked up from my knees and it was like they were glowing! What a day in the woods I only picked a couple! Jonas was like I found another one……… big deal after 20 or so There I am just giggling away not sure who was the kid tonight

    I have a couple people I sell them to but I was wondering who esle will buy them? I found these on private land and only looked for a hour or so. I still have over 80 acres to search for. Being laid off this could put some gas in the boat!!

    Do you just start calling around to sell them???

    Posts: 776

    Time to shine…..Love the smile.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    Found my shroom hunting buddy for life tonight! I have never seen a kid so excited! Being less than 4′ tall he is way closer to the ground than me. And would’nt you know he found the 1st and the biggest ones today! ATTA BOY!!

    We ended the night with over 5 pounds!!

    colklink83, great job! Sounds like you had a blast with you boy. It doesn’t get any better than that.

    Was wondering if you would share what type of ground you are hunting on. I have never been out looking for Morel’s but would like to give it a try. I live in N. central MN. Any help on which way to get started would be appreciated.

    Thanks and Congrats!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    Was wondering if you would share what type of ground you are hunting on. I have never been out looking for Morel’s but would like to give it a try. I live in N. central MN. Any help on which way to get started would be appreciated.

    This year has been really different for me. Most of the time I will walk through the woods looking for dead Elms. I walked to the base of the dead tree and start circling it to see what I can find. I don’t spend to much time looking if I don’t find anything. I have noticed this year it is really early!! I also look for ground cover. If your finding heavy leaf cover for me that has not been the place to look. I look for dead elms or cottonwood, combined with exposed dirt and moss in the area. The ones we found yesterday all came from area about 75′ by 75′. It was not covered with buckthorne or any type of brushy stuff.

    Hope that helps??

    I am not going to lie this year has been good and I have had a lot of luck!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Yep. We checked one of our spots Fri and they were a little small yet to pick. However I went out Sunday west of the cities running and gunning and found enough for a good meal with the fresh sauger I caught Sat. mmmmmmmmmmm

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Hey Mike,

    Can you go a little slower next time? You lost me on the highway….

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2442

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Monday, April 26
    12:01 pm

    30 minutes ago I’m driving down 61 and see a perfect looking “tree”. I turn around and check it out.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    greys and yellows (blondes), can’t beat that! Hope it stops raining here today! First sun tomorrow, then Weds they should be pop’n

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1523

    Found these under my favorite elm tree

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I got in the game this morning and found just over 2 lbs in the 1st spot i checked unfortunately none in the other 2 spots i was still a happy camper,the area i found mine sounds very close to yours definately had some moss around although i did find some hiding under some under green weeds

    Posts: 776

    Found a couple pounds yesterday as well. Feels good to get back in the swing of things.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    I’ve never picked more than I can eat and give away. I dried them once. I am interested in preserving some. Can they be frozen? Have any of you done it? How?

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I dry them in the food dryer! It works great! Then I am able to rehydrate them in the winter for soups and stew. I I froze a couple this weekend to try it. Not sure what to expect. Heading out today to try a new spot I got. Me and the boy are back at it around 1pm

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I dry most of the ones which don’t get eaten. I have friends who will clean, slice in half, egg wash then seasoned saltines for the coating. Lay a single layer on a wax paper covered sheet pan and freeze, once they are set up put into a vacuum sealer bag and get all the air out. When you feel the need, dig out a sack and fry in butter. The ones I tasted were a bit more soggy than fresh, but they were sure tasty on Super Bowl Sunday!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Thanks guys. Both sound great. I just put a load in the dehydrator. If I get more I may try the frozen recipe too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    BTW-we found a lot last night east of cities. GAME ON!!!
    The clock is ticking.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well I’m heading home at 2, whipping dinner together (for later) and heading out, hopefully I can get lucky and find my first, ever morel. ray:

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Took the boy for a bike ride at a local park and were we just crusing down the trail. He slams on the breaks of his lill creaky training wheel bike and jumps off “LOOK THERES ONE RIGHT THERE!!” I almost fel over I was laughing so hard. He found almost a pound right next to the bike path. Filled his hat up with them. We had to hurry home to show ma. That was pretty cool! Think I have him hooked!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    Took the boy for a bike ride at a local park and were we just crusing down the trail. He slams on the breaks of his lill creaky training wheel bike and jumps off “LOOK THERES ONE RIGHT THERE!!” I almost fel over I was laughing so hard. He found almost a pound right next to the bike path. Filled his hat up with them. We had to hurry home to show ma. That was pretty cool! Think I have him hooked!

    Great story! He’s hooked! I have been slamming them this year. Relatively speaking. Tonight will be the 4th night in a row we will have eaten them. I just found another quart or so. I dried a batch yesterday. My advice is to pick any park, city or country, and look for dead elms. All it takes is one good one to find more than enough for a meal. Good luck.

    ps.check yourself for ticks. I have gotten them EVERYPLACE I have been looking. Found one today already attached in a rather delicate area..

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am giving it a try on Friday, weather permitting. I am a virgin, so it’s going to take a little luck with the little knowledge I have gained from here and the web. I just hope my first isn’t like going to watch a movie that has been over-hyped.

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