New Mexico Dropped Utah concealed carry licenses

  • Jasper
    Posts: 29

    New Mexico dropped Utah as recognizing its concealed carry licenses. I just renewed mine last month and had a lengthily conversation with a young lady who works for the state on the licenses. She was saying, Utah is very strict with the back ground check, finger printing and following through with allot of questions. The biggest thing they really don’t teach is how to use a gun. Most people in Utah grow up using guns, and were taught by their parents or in Hunter Safety as a scout. I would guess more than 1/2 of the people in Utah that get their license ( LADY’S ) have never shot a gun before in their life and it is pretty scary. When you are done taking the test, you might have a hour to go practice with the gun you have. Then they will approve you on the license. They are looking for someone that is scared to death of a gun or have never shot before in their life, then they will refuse the license till they prove to the officers they can handle the gun. The teachers are Law Enforcement Officers witch is a good thing because they have a first hand with the public and guns.
    We are trying to make to make it harder to get a Utah CCW permit. Instead of a 3-4 hour class with if you are lucky 1 hour shooting time. Too a 4-5 day classes of 1 day book work and 2-5 days of handling, shooting and just being comfortable with the gun you own.

    Here is the link:

    Just a thought of CCW’s is you have them keep them updated. If you don’t get it!!!!!!!!!!

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