power assist for tiller motor?

  • riverking
    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    i have a 75 yamaha tiller and have had a bad left shoulder since my HS football days, dislocating it several times. now closing in on 50 the shoulder gets very sore and stiff after a day on the water and i am considering buying a hydrolic steering assist. the problem is i cannot find much about them on the internet. does anyone know where i can get one and what the cost would be? any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    that looks more like a remote steering unit for a kicker motor. what i am looking for is something like “power steering” for a 75hp tiller motor. i have seen it advertised for the bigger tiller motors, like the 125hp and 150hp tiller lunds. i want my own hand on the tiller and throttle, just want it easier to turn left and right.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    I’m not sure about cost for either option, but your other option is from Titan.

    The Titan system is non-powered. That is a key difference. I don’t know what that means in terms of performance.


    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    Get the Titan steering system, it will work well for a 75 HP. I have the Power Tiller Steering from Mertens which is a hydraulic system for larger motors (mine us a 150 tiller). This system was sold to Mercury a couple of years ago and it is tough to find any around anymore but there are a few dealers that may have some in stock.

    The good news I hear is that another system is being developed that will further revolutionize tiller systems. I’m not sure when this will be available but I’m hearing very good things about it. Maybe Hot Runner Guy will chime in. He’s up on the latest tiller developments.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Like others have mentioned, the fully-powered Enginesteer system might be an option, IF you can find a dealer who has one. I believe the supply of parts is nearly exhausted. The Enginesteer system is roughly $3K. The Titan steering-assist system is what most guys (including myself) use on 50-115hp motors, and while you still use your arm to move the motor, once you release side pressure the motor locks in place, so you don’t have to hang on to it to continue in the direction you left it it. The Titan is roughly $1100-1200. There are other tiller steering system developments going on, and being field tested, but most of those are going to be available only thru the boat manufacturers, and not available for re-trofitting.
    Here’s the Titan website, with a dealer listing page http://www.titantiller.com/index.cfm


    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    This will be my 4th season with the Titan system.

    Also on a Yamaha F75.

    Money well spent in my opinion.

    No more sore shoulder or arm after long runs in rough water.

    se iowa
    Posts: 126

    thanks guys! i will be calling the iowa dealer for the titan today.

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