WI Wolf Population

  • sgt._rock
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    Got this fwd from a friend. And we wonder why the deer herd is dropping.


    Wolf population continues to rise
    DNR estimates increase at 75-100
    By Paul A. Smith of the Journal Sentinel

    Posted: April 17, 2010 |(6) Comments

    Wausau — Wisconsin was home to about 725 gray wolves in about 185 packs during the 2009-’10 winter, according to state biologists.

    The estimate, derived from tracking surveys and aerial counts, represents an increase of 75 to 100 wolves over 2008-’09, said Adrian Wydeven, wolf ecologist for the Department of Natural Resources.

    The estimate was tallied Friday and Saturday at the annual Wisconsin Wolf Stakeholder Committee meeting in Wausau.

    The official population range was listed at from 702 to 746 wolves.

    The animals have shown substantial increases in both population and range over the last decade, said Randy Jurewicz, conservation biologist in the DNR’s endangered resources program.

    The extent of the growth has surprised even state biologists.

    “Ten years ago I would have never believed we’d be over 700 wolves in Wisconsin,” said Wydeven. “But they continue to find adequate food and habitat, including in some areas that weren’t considered suitable in the past.”

    In 2000, the wolf population was estimated at 248 animals in 65 packs.

    The stakeholders group, comprised of about 50 individuals ranging from hunting to animal rights groups, discussed the most recent estimate and reviewed a revised wolf management plan for the state.

    At the direction of the Natural Resources Board, the plan will include an option for a public wolf harvest.

    Such a harvest, whether by hunting or trapping, would not occur for at least several years, said Wydeven.

    First the wolf would have to be delisted as an endangered species in Wisconsin, the Legislature would have to authorize a season and the DNR would have to establish the necessary regulations.

    But according to the most recent estimate, the state’s wolves could sustain a public harvest now, said Wydeven.

    The proposed management plan would require a minimum of 375 wolves in Zone 1 (northern Wisconsin) or Zone 2 (the central forest) for a hunt to occur. Northern Wisconsin had at least 500 wolves last winter, according to estimates.

    Payments to ranchers, farmers and homeowners for wolf depredation have been higher than anticipated in recent years, according to a committee report.

    A 1999 wolf plan assumed annual reimbursements for wolf depredation in the $20,000 to $40,000 range. But the state paid $108,000 for wolf depredation in 2008-’09, up from about $86,000 in 2007-’08, according to state records.

    The draft of the state’s revised wolf management plan will be presented to the NRB at its August meeting, said Wydeven, and likely will be out for public comment this fall.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13675

    A 1999 wolf plan assumed annual reimbursements for wolf depredation in the $20,000 to $40,000 range. But the state paid $108,000 for wolf depredation in 2008-’09, up from about $86,000 in 2007-’08, according to state records.

    And guess who will pay for this?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18736

    Make that about 724. Not that I know anything…
    I’m not overly concerned with wolves going up but I am overly concerned with deer spiraling down. I wrote one of the state reps listed on this website and got a seriously bogus sounding reply. I was so uninspired I didnt even think to post it here. Long story short the politicians are brainwashed into thinking there are still too many deer. Unbelievable.

    Posts: 1564

    Hard to pin the lower deer numbers only on the wolf-how would wolf predation explain the lower deer numbers around my house when we don’t have any wolves????
    Think the indiscrimiate blasting of anything brown along with so many tags available that some people’s car keys will no longer fit in their pockets due to being already being filled up with antlerless tags.
    that being said–sure would love to go wolf hunting!
    But, you know what’s coming–a wolf stamp.

    Posts: 65

    Stop trying to interject facts into the discussion. Remember how many 20 inch, 1rst year walleyes were spawned when they killed the cormorants on Leech:)?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13675

    Doc, it won’t be a stamp. It will be an over-priced lottery system.

    Posts: 2389

    DOC, no wolves in Menomonie?? If not yet, soon. They are in EC county/EC area for sure…

    “The stakeholders group, comprised of about 50 individuals ranging from hunting to animal rights groups, discussed the most recent estimate and reviewed a revised wolf management plan for the state.”

    I loved this quote… Aren’t ALL Wisconsin residents and non-resident land users “Stakeholders”??????

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674


    Hard to pin the lower deer numbers only on the wolf-how would wolf predation explain the lower deer numbers around my house when we don’t have any wolves????

    Doc you have at least one pac there I know a trapper that had one in a trap north of town and I am sure the follow the river south for a long ways I would say as far Durand or further

    alex hamm
    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 53

    “Earn a doe…. Shoot a Wolf…”

    Could have been one of the best bumper stickers I saw last year (I don’t think this would ever happen… just saying…. )

    alex hamm
    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 53

    Hate to break it to you… but there is PLENTY of timberwolves between Menomonie (where I currently live) and Cadott (where my father lives 30 miles straight east) I’ve seen them on numerous occasions and know of numerous farmers/hunters that have them on their trailcams (including wolves pulling deer into dens). Can’t say it’s too much of a “joking” situation anymore either when the DNR is giving landowners quotes such as, “Your pets should not be let out without leash or chain”…. I’m sorry but if I suddenly for the first time can NOT let my dog out for fear of it being attacked by a “wolf that wont attack”… I’m thinking there is a problem…

    p.s. I have to agree with Doc on the other aspect as well.. WAYYYY to many antlerless tags!!

    Posts: 1009

    IMO i think its great there are wolves out there again! but on the other hand we got to keep them in check just like everything else! Do I think there to blame for the deer # declines?

    NO wake up people we are to blame! the DNR is going to make laws that are attractive to the people stuffing there pockets!

    so this is what they do! give us tags tags and more tags! most hunters love to hunt and kill deer!so hunters kill as many as they can!@ end result less deer!

    I hunted in WI this past season and seen one deer the whole firearms season! and this was while standing talking to another hunter that was bitching about how there are no deer and they got to stop giving doe tags! about 20 mins in our conversation a yearling doe comes running right for us! ( oh here comes one!) He grabs his gun and bang!

    I have nothing against his decision to shoot that deer! he was well within his rights to do so! and after a week of seeing no deer who can blame him! but this is the point im trying to make! Its us we are killing the deer!

    as far as the wolves! ya its good to see some frome time to time! but this is a critter to be kept at low numbers! in ranges suitable for them! I not sure if there is a season in WI for them, If not maybe its time!

    when you write in to your DNR office to address the wolves talk a bit about the harvest limits on deer as well! your WI DNR is F-ing you guys over!

    Chippewa County, Wi
    Posts: 129

    Sad to say the information I got was that there estimates do not include the indian nations wolves as they are in a different country so to speak. So we still do not know the real number of wolves in Wisconsin!!!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    The area I hunt is in the middle of the Reservation. Ashland County. Our group and those around us don’t shoot does. Too few deer for that to ever happen. Mother nature and winter keeps things in check. Logging operations affect the amount of feed. There are no farmlands. It’s all woods. And I will state for a fact that the wolf population in our area has increased and is having a dramatic effect on the deer population. Not saying the bear population hasn’t helped it either. Too many predators leaves too few deer. I’ve been hunting this area since the early 70’s. I’m not sure it’s worth buying a license this year.

    Posts: 1564

    West of Menomonie we have lots of coyotes and maybe a wolf or two. IMHO, other than bear dogs and pets getting eaten, I think the wolf has taken a bad rap. Sure, they eat deer and everything else, but 700 wolves in the state is a spit in the bucket compared to the deer numbers-even when the deer numbers are at a low (which I believe they are now). I just always get a kick how others conviently blame the wolf and fail to look at their own actions of blasting off all the fawns and does for years and years and years and years and years.
    Maybe due to our actions of lowering the deer herd down to nothing the poor wolf will have nothing to eat? In small localities, maybe an issue but not statewide. If people want to see more deer, ban baiting up north and make the deer wander around and look for food. Wolves are coming south, no doubt, but what issue they will be-that is the question.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 649

    Five years ago a guy I work with had 5 calves killed at the same time. They were confirmed wolf kills and he got payed for them.

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