Trolling rods

  • mikeraiche
    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    Looking to buy a couple of new trolling rods and reels. 2 for regular trolling and 2 for lead core. Any suggestions as far as length, and if some of the expensive rods are really that much better. thanks for any input.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    2 10ft+ rods for longlining…I don’t have a particular brand med action with a moderate to fast tip

    2 “Shorty” rods for leadcore I forget who they’re made by but I know dean carries them at Everts

    My vote goes to Diawa reels size 27’s or 47’s Sealines are the better choice but spendy otherwise accudepths are the other.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    If its in the budget a great setup is: outside rods either St Croix Wild River WC96MF2 9’6″ or Wild River WC106MMF2 10’6″ and for inside rods St Croix Tidemaster TIC76MM 7’6″ paired with Shimano Tekota Linecounters. Use the rod holders to adjust the proper trolling spread.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    If St Croix rods are not in your budget check out Cabela’s DepthMaster Trolling Rods I have two of the DM-PB-86M 8’6″ Planer Board A Med rods and two of the DM-PB-90M 9′ Planer Board A Med. Both of these rods are telescoping, I really like that feature because they store much better then a two piece rod and the 8’6″ will still will fit in my rod locker, and like JR said for lead core check out he shorty rods that Dean has, I love mine! As for reels I also agree with JR spend the extra $$ and go with the Diawa line counter reels they will last a life time.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    If its in the budget a great setup is: outside rods either St Croix Wild River WC96MF2 9’6″ or Wild River WC106MMF2 10’6″ and for inside rods St Croix Tidemaster TIC76MM 7’6″ paired with Shimano Tekota Linecounters. Use the rod holders to adjust the proper trolling spread.

    X2 Can’t beat these set ups IMO for regular trolling! The 10′-6″ work great for pulling boards also.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    I think Tekotas are a bit overkill… They are popular for Dipsey divers and King salmon that make huge runs and will kill a cheap drag.

    Granted they are the cream of the crop and the drags are Smoooooooth, but for 47’s they are lookin for $170 ea. and I think $150 for a 27.

    I do have some cabelas set-ups, Not too much I say for cabelas but they are ok, drags could be a bit better. I do use a set for Lakers and Coho on Superior. Maybe Okuma or Diawa. -Mark

    Posts: 4062

    Check out Berkley 8’6″ Tactix trolling rods, and a Abu Garcia 5500 series for mono and a 7000 series for leadcore

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I’m not an expert on rods for core, but Cabelas in Rogers has the Shimano Compre walleye trolling rods on sale for $78 whcih is normally $119. Model #CPCTR83MB.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Thats a good deal, im assuming in-store only? wish i wasnt so far away.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 121

    Dont forget to look at Scheel’s they carry there own line of rods and reels life time guarantee over the counter exchange and a great product. Plus they dont break the bank

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Don’t put any big money in a rod that just sits in the rod holder. A cheap one will still tell you if a fish is on. Put the money in the reel. I like the line counter reels by Diawa Sealine. The 17’s and 27’s you can find on-line for under a 100 bucks shipped. Cableas has some good combos that won’t hurt the pocket too bad.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Some factors to consider when deciding on your set-ups is can I read the tip on my rod if you have a small piece of grass,leaf,and or small fish.Can I read the tip if pulling a #4 or #5 shad rap ? How does the action of my rod pull the plug? What does the rod do on big fish at or near the boat? Some of us have learned the hard way on some of these factors.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I have four Shimano Clarus rods that I use for pulling boards and bouncers. I have long lined with them at times as well and they are easy to read.

    My long line rods are either the tidemaster 7’6″ medium moderate, a gander guide series 7′ medium action that is 10+ years old, and a 7′ shimano of which I don’t remember the series of. I run Shimano Curado reels on my long line rods. I don’t use counters because I don’t like holding a rod with a counter on it, and when I’m long lining, I’m usually fishing shallower water with smaller baits and like to do everything by feel.

    My leadcore rods are the Jason Mitchell lead core rods. 2 of the 5′ shorty rods and two of the 8 foot rods, all with sea line 47s.

    Those setups may not be everyone’s ideal, but I’ve had good luck over the years with all of them.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    Best trolling sticks for the money I have seen are sold as flippin sticks at Bass Pro Shop. Buddy turned me on to this best kept secret. Absolutely unreal. AND telescoping. Let me know if you are interested. I can give you the model and the two sizes I know are perfect for regular and large cranks. I paired them with the Accudepth Plus 17 LC and am literaly flabbergasted with the setup.

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    thanks everyone for your input you have been very helpful.

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