Anyone make their own carp bait?

  • RichStadler
    Posts: 74

    I am getting pretty good at smoking carp (hard to light but worth it). Anyway we have a pretty steady stream of carp swimming in front of our dock and I would like to catch some. Any body have experience with this on hook and line? I tried corn and had some pecking at it but would not commit. I am going to try again tonight but any help would be appreciated.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    flour and water makes good dough balls…I used them alot as a kid had great success…

    put a dough ball the size of a golf ball on a 1/0 hook with a sinker about 18 inches above hook..

    Posts: 74

    How long do they last in the water? Flour and water, that’s it??

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    usually a good 15 min soak is about all they have. It typically didn’t take that long to get a bite…

    Error on the dry side when making them, as the water will help bait stick to your hook….Otherwise I am going to have to call my mom to find out her secret recipe…

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I used to make my own carp bait, least I did until the wife caught me and a buddy trying to use her blender, seems the molasses, corn, flour, vanilla were ok, but appears the nightcrawlers were not suppose to go in the blender too.

    Now I just use Uncle Josh’s carp bait, its cheaper than buying a new blender…


    Posts: 1455

    Just some plain ol’ canned sweet corn on a circle hook will do the trick.

    Posts: 163

    Corn meal, molasses, a little water. Thin out on wax paper & microwave on high for 10-15 seconds.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Bob Clairy, would mix strawberry soda with wheat germ. We called them pig nuts and we all swore by them when I was a kid. Seems like I remember people would mix wheaties or cornflakes with water also, but we were hooked on the pig nuts. Maybe I should say we had the pig nuts on our hooks.

    And I’m not talking about mountain oysters

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    i watched a group of kids railing carp and fiddlers in st paul last summer using wet oatmeal with enough flour to make it firm. ive always just used crawlers.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171


    Posts: 74

    I just caught a 7lb’er! Thanks for the tips guys.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    I just caught a 7lb’er! Thanks for the tips guys.

    Well, what did you catch it on Rich.
    Can’t just leave us hanging man

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    He probably combined suggestions using corn mixed with dough, molassess and outmeal…

    …on a treble hook snapped hard through the water.

    Posts: 2

    Try a loaf of the cheapest supermarket bread you can find. Wad a slice of it up sans crust and shape it around your hook. It won’t last long (maybe ten minutes), but if you are anywhere near an area that people feed ducks, you won’t be able to keep your pole in the water long enough for that to matter. Also expect to catch catfish and the occasional bullhead. Use the lightest sinker you can get away with, if any.

    Edit: I used to do this way back when I was in sales just out of HS to pass the time between appointments. I have literally caught dozens of carp per hour and some of those were monsters.

    Posts: 74

    I caught it on a dough ball made of flour/water/corn syrup and corn. I think the big problem was using too stiff of pole. I have a noodle rod and the fish had it first bite with that. Only managed 1 but the weather was crap and I will try again tonight. He is in the brine right now.

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