2000 lbs. more fish netted on Mille Lacs

  • mark-bruzek
    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    A WI tribe?
    How can this still actually be taking place? This is MN DNR territory.
    Is it just a rhumor that only parts of thei “treaty” are being followed. Its a new era people, how are we going to stop this great infraction?

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    i dont think we can do a thing about it….. there has been very rich people with good attorneys and lots of backing try and do something about it and you see what has happened……. now i do believe that there are two sides too this but as much as i would like to defend the WI indian nation its getting pretty hard to do so. there is alot of our hard earned money put into keeping our MN Fishery up too par and there for future generations and with this mass netting in such a magnificent body of water it worries me greatly! but remember we also take many many thousands of pounds of fish from that lake….


    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    very simple quit goin to there casinos! not sayin you guys do.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    exactly as bub says

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    very simple quit goin to there casinos! not sayin you guys do.

    When I lived in Onamia and fished Mille Lacs lake that was my arguement. Many people would complain about what was going on. However EVERY TIME I drove past the casino, the parking lot was full. I mean EVERY TIME. 0300, 0530, 1100, 1500, 1900, 2100, 0000. It didn’t matter. That’s a lot of money going into that place.


    A WI tribe?

    How can this still actually be taking place? This is MN DNR territory.

    Is it just a rhumor that only parts of thei “treaty” are being followed. Its a new era people, how are we going to stop this great infraction?

    I would like to point out that the media is full of crap. I have friends that have jobs that bring them onto the reservation all the time. I’ve heard stories of garbage dumpsters 1/4 full of unprocessed walleye not to mention other species.

    This is a bad topic and I see it going south real quick.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    A WI tribe?
    How can this still actually be taking place? This is MN DNR territory.
    Is it just a rhumor that only parts of thei “treaty” are being followed. Its a new era people, how are we going to stop this great infraction?

    Unfortunately it’s not MN DNR territory, its a reservation, a “sovereign” nation.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Technically, the 17,000 lbs they claim last year, is what actually hit the table…. how many pounds were left to float around in the lost nets….??? Guessing pretty close to the 19,000 number… I haven’t been to the casino in about 10 years… but the last time I was there, it was full of blue hairs on oxygen…. they probably could give a hoot about your fishing…

    big G

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I’m as against netting and spearing as the next guy. And I don’t spend much time in casinos either. But can someone smarter than me try to explain how not going to the casinos is going to make the natives quit netting and spearing. Do you really think that having the average “Joe Hunter and Fisherman” threatening to boycott their casinos is going to make them give up their hunting and fishing rights?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Instead of boycotting the casinos, how about not voting for any state representative who accepts tribal PAC money?

    Mille Lacs is not “DNR Territory” It’s ceded 1837 tribal territory. Bands from Mn, Wi and Mich can net the lake.

    Do a little digging and you might be surprise how little the Mille Lacs band actually takes from the lake.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I’m as against netting and spearing as the next guy. And I don’t spend much time in casinos either. But can someone smarter than me try to explain how not going to the casinos is going to make the natives quit netting and spearing. Do you really think that having the average “Joe Hunter and Fisherman” threatening to boycott their casinos is going to make them give up their hunting and fishing rights?

    Let assume the casinos went broke (what a dream). On most reservations, that’s the only revenue coming in (federal assistance as well). Without that revenue, they can’t afford lawyers to fight lawsuits in court. Lawsuits that challenge treaty rights among other issues. That’s how boycotting the casinos would help. However there are way too many blue hairs willing to blow their cash in a smokey casino. A couple hunter/fisherman aren’t going to hurt.

    However I tend to bring up the casino thing because I hear people complaining, however I know they frequent casinos. That’s where those comments come from. You can’t complain about what someone is doing when you are supporting them financially.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Instead of boycotting the casinos, how about not voting for any state representative who accepts tribal PAC money?

    Posts: 74

    If we all boycotted casinos, wouldn’t the tribes need more fish to eat, since they wouldn’t have any jobs or money to spend on fastfood-takeout or fine dining. The fact is that our government officials have gained too much power because we the people have allowed them to help too many people that don’t deserve the help. Let’s just say that if you were of Native American blood and recieving help from any portion of our government(local-state-national), I think you should live like an indian in a teepee not a high roller.If the tribes waste a resource(fish), we are in trouble because they are supposed to know how to live off the land(isn’t that what indians are supposed to do),not casino revenues or our tax dollars. Sorry if i have offended anyone(your concious is your savior), just my thoughts.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    they are supposed to know how to live off the land(isn’t that what Indians are supposed to do),not casino revenues or our tax dollars.

    Now that’s funny. I hunt reservations in Nebraska as well as spend time on them in Northern MN. I’ve never been anywhere where I’ve seen more garbage in the woods and water. In general there is a greater lack of respect for the land and it’s resources than anywhere else in I can think of. There is more filth in the reservation wild areas than there is on the ground in urban areas. I honestly believe that. I’m not attempting to exaggerate.

    In all the years I’ve been hunting, I’ve seen a tiny fraction of the locals utilizing the lands ( < 1%). Many of them ask us what we are doing when we head into town for lunch or whatever. “Turkey hunting???? Why would you want to go do that? Just go buy one.”

    Posts: 74

    My point exactly! As a native american, you should embrace and protect the land(I think), not use and abuse. I have also wittnessed the lack of pride and ambition on some tribal lands.

    Next time they ask why you are hunting and fishing, tell them it’s part of your native american tradition, along with conservation training.

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