Traeger Grills

  • skeeterbear
    Posts: 22

    I am thinking about buying a Traeger wood pellet grill. Just wondering if anybody here has used one and what they thought of it? Thanks

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    I have no idea how good a Treager pellet grill is, but I built an electric smokehouse that has a smoke generator that uses either pellets, chips or chunks. I fired it up with pellets and the amount of creosote they produced was unreal. From what I understand most pellets have the bark of the tree ground up too and that is what causes the creosote. I won’t use them again.

    Posts: 776

    I saw one running at Chippewa Falls Absolute2ks had one I thought it was real nice mayby he’ll post in Kevin Where are you!!

    Posts: 124

    I personally would not cook my food with pellets, who knows what is in them!!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    whos knows whats in the cheese burgers you eat from mcdonalds either but i bet you still eat them. 2 guys in our deer hunting party have traegers and love them

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Use pellets made exclusively for cooking, they are made differently than heating pellets. Many commercial smoke houses used pelletized fuel, again just make sure it is made for that use! Nice grill imho!

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 63

    I have owned one for two years and love the thing. Best ribs, pork butts, etc I have ever had. I even do my steaks and burgers on it now. Got rid of my gas grill.

    The amount of ash is minimal when you use food grade pellets.

    Posts: 22

    Thanks for the reply. I think i will pick one up soon.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    You will not regret buying one. I have had one for 3 years and there is no better grill as far as I’m concerned. It is extremely versatile and so simple to use. If you need more info pm me.

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