It’s fixed!!
It’s time for a new laptop anyway. 
Here’s another question for the experts….. I think I have some sort of virus. I have Norton and I have to run a Quick Scan several times a day. Every time I run it, it finds a problem and fixes it. A couple hours later the computer starts running like crud again and I repeat the process. Right after the Quick Scan it runs like new. Is there a free anti virus program out there that I should try that might fix this for good?
I’m about 2 steps from formatting the hard drive and starting over.
Before you spend the money on a new one, format the harddrive and reinstall the operating system and start over.
Most people will not take the time to do this. It is a very good way to get rid of the junk that has gotting loaded over time.
It makes them run like new again. 
Like I said most people do not know how or will not take the time to do this.
They just go buy another one