Well i made the maiden virgin trip to Everts and Pool 4 Monday W/ a nephew and a good friend of mine. First stop Everts, (sry no treats Dean next time for sure) Very nice tall thin kid helped us out W/ 3-ways, plastics, minnows and a map of were to start.He sent us on our way w/ a good luck and if u have any problems stop back and he will help us out So we made our way to a few marked spots he said would be a good start. And a good start it was. First 10 min. 1-22″ eye
next couple of spots netted a couple saugs.by the end of the day 2-22″ eyes 13 nice keeper saug’s. Sorry Dean wanted to swing bye and say thanks on our way back, but coupled w/ time and the fact that river fishing is alittle tougher than lake fishing, I was wwwwwwwwwwwhipped. So where you go
No PB unless u count my first saug.I,m almost hooked after 1 trip to the GREAT POOL 4. Thanks again.
March 30, 2010 at 3:09 pm