Re: Everts Point System Revistied

  • jkratky
    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171

    Well i made the maiden virgin trip to Everts and Pool 4 Monday W/ a nephew and a good friend of mine. First stop Everts, (sry no treats Dean next time for sure) Very nice tall thin kid helped us out W/ 3-ways, plastics, minnows and a map of were to start.He sent us on our way w/ a good luck and if u have any problems stop back and he will help us out So we made our way to a few marked spots he said would be a good start. And a good start it was. First 10 min. 1-22″ eye
    next couple of spots netted a couple the end of the day 2-22″ eyes 13 nice keeper saug’s. Sorry Dean wanted to swing bye and say thanks on our way back, but coupled w/ time and the fact that river fishing is alittle tougher than lake fishing, I was wwwwwwwwwwwhipped. So where you go No PB unless u count my first saug.I,m almost hooked after 1 trip to the GREAT POOL 4. Thanks again.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    sry no treats Dean next time for sure

    …and you’re wondering why no personal best??

    Sounds like you did very very well for your first time out. I wish I would’ve had a bite my 1st (10) outings.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171



    sry no treats Dean next time for sure

    …and you’re wondering why no personal best??

    Sounds like you did very very well for your first time out. I wish I would’ve had a bite my 1st (10) outings.

    should have known, and beginners luck I think

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    You did well as the bite is still not really rockin out there. What techniques worked best for you?

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Good job guys & good to meet ya! Just think how good you would have done with homemade baked goods!

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171


    You did well as the bite is still not really rockin out there. What techniques worked best for you?


    What worked best for us was the way Dean told us to do it w/ 3-ways, jig tipped w/ plastic and minnow. Early bites came on the minnows, later they wanted the plastics. The eyes close to the current in deeper water 12-16 fow the saugs. in a little shallower along the trees and calmer water. Caught both eyes pitching jigs and minnow off the current edges, but tough to control. If its makes a difference now blue seemed to be the color.Plastics and jigs.

    central, IA
    Posts: 85

    You know, Dean ott to be tall and fat instead of tall and thin with all those treats, higher than a kite to with the sugar, but he is pretty calm when I’ve been around him. maybe thats cause I didn’t bring him a treat?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    You know, Dean ott to be tall and fat instead of tall and thin with all those treats, higher than a kite to with the sugar

    He has a 32′ tape worm to help keep the weight off.

    Posts: 9303

    Sounds like a great trip on the maiden voyage. I do have to tell you though that not bringing the baked goods was a rookie mistake. Doubt you will make it again though.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171


    Sounds like a great trip on the maiden voyage. I do have to tell you though that not bringing the baked goods was a rookie mistake. Doubt you will make it again though.

    rookie mistakeyes

    But do I still get a PB pin for my saug…?

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