WI DNR Deer Management is Nuts

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Hunters and friends. We need your help to call your elected officials!

    Last Thursday, the Natural Resources Board approved the DNR’s revised overwinter deer population goals. The revised goal is 794,172 which is an increase of about 54,172 from their last proposal. The legislators have until Monday to accept or reject it. The current estimated deer herd size is 990,390. With the new goals we are over goal by 25%. If this new goal is passed you should expect the DNR to be even more aggressive in future years to reduce the herd size.

    A few things to consider about the DNR’s new proposed goal:

    “At goal” would mean a little over 1 deer per 40 acres of deer range (not total square miles of WI).
    If we would reach this new goal, using an average expansion rate, an annual harvest of about 250,000 deer would maintain goal. Last year, our harvest was around 329,000 deer.
    As an example, if the archery kill is 100,000, it leaves 150,000 deer for the 650,000 gun season hunters. (Please note: these numbers are for example only, we are NOT against the archery harvest).
    Action is needed from all deer hunters. Take 5 minutes to contact your elected officials and members of the Natural Resource committees to reject this proposal.

    Here are the phone numbers for the Assembly Fish and Wildlife Committee and the Senate Committee on Natural Resources. You should call all of them if you can.

    Members of the Assembly Fish and Wildlife Committee:

    ·Ann Hraychuck 28th District (Chair)
    (888) 529-0028 [email protected]

    ·Nick Milroy 73rd District
    (Vice-Chair) (888) 534-0073 [email protected]

    ·Louis Molepske Jr 71st District
    (888) 534-0071 [email protected]

    ·John Steinbrink 65th District
    (608) 266-0455 [email protected]

    ·Chris Danou91st District
    (888) 534-0091 [email protected]

    ·Amy Sue Vruwink 70th District
    (888) 534-0070 [email protected]

    ·Scott Gunderson 83rd District
    (888) 534-0083 [email protected]

    ·Mary Williams 87th District
    (888) 534-0087 [email protected]

    ·Jim Ott 23rd District
    (888) 534-0023 [email protected]

    ·Dan Meyer 34th District
    (888) 534-0034 [email protected]

    Members of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources:

    ·Jim Holperin 12th District (Chair)
    (608) 266-2509 [email protected]

    ·Jim Sullivan 5th District
    (608) 266-2512 [email protected]

    ·Jeffrey Plale 7th District
    (608) 266-7505 [email protected]

    ·Dave Hansen 30th District
    (608) 266-5670 [email protected]

    ·Joseph Leibham 9th District
    (608) 266-2056 [email protected]

    ·Neal Kedzie 11th District
    (608) 266-2635 [email protected]

    ·Glenn Grothman 20th District
    (608) 266-7513 [email protected]

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    It’s hard to breath after reading such an attrocity.
    It would appear Deer are to be exterminated to the point of not being a threat to non-hunting motorists. Starting to look like the Buffalo programs of the 1800’s….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    While your at it, please ask WI to reduce the Flathead limit on the border waters to a more reasonable amount than 25.

    Minocqua, Wi
    Posts: 554

    Thats why I just duck hunt. Quack Quack

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Thats why I just duck hunt. Quack Quack

    Good idea Dodge Boy.

    Instead of waisting my money on a tag I also heard there is a good Sturgeon bite that time of year

    Hudson,Wi. Locked out/ Croix
    Posts: 128

    I have given up wisconsin gun hunting,i’m down to bowhunting and that may come to an end soon.It interfers with fishing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Instead of waisting my money on a tag I also heard there is a good Sturgeon bite that time of year

    Now we’re talking ice boy!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Letters have been emailed and phone calls placed. Now, only if they realize who they are working for

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 272

    A birth rate of 1/4 is quite low, especially over the easy winters.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    last year was the first year I ate tag soup usually shoot 4-5 deer in ws. private land management and QDM in place. Bears are killing the deer in my country and they don’t seem to care about dropping those pops to much just let them eat the deer.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    Bret, why the Monday deadline. The spring conservation hearings are not until April 12. They always used to talk deer herd management then. At any rate go to your spring hearing and raise holy hell.

    I grew up hunting in the early 70’s when seeing a deer was a sucessful season. By the mid 70’s taking the safety off was a good season. By the 80’s actually shooting was wonderful. My kids can’t fathom that kind of deer population. I surely don’t want to go back to those days.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    Been a landowner in So. Wis since 85, and what I’ve seen the DNR do to the population in the last few years is absolutely mind boggling. Between their CWD scam, unlimited antlerless tags, and earn a buck, it doesn’t really pay to buy a liscense anymore.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Thank you Senator Kedzie!!!


    March 26, 2010
    State Senator Jim Holperin
    Chair, Senate Committee on Transportation,
    Tourism, Forestry and Natural Resources
    Room 409 South, State Capitol
    Madison, WI 53707
    Dear Senator Holperin,
    As you are aware, the Senate Committee on Transportation, Tourism, Forestry and Natural Resources is currently reviewing Clearinghouse Rule 09-053, relating to deer management unit population goals. I respectfully request an executive session be scheduled on the rule prior to March 31, 2010, when the Committee’s jurisdiction expires.
    At the December 17, 2009 public hearing on this rule, hunters from throughout the state expressed their legitimate concerns regarding the Department of Natural Resources’ management of Wisconsin’s deer herd. I provided the DNR Secretary with comments from the nearly 10,000 hunters who took the time to answer an on-line survey posted on my Web site. The vast majority of those hunters are not satisfied with the status quo, and expect the Department to take immediate and dramatic steps to change the policies that regulate deer hunting in Wisconsin.
    While the modified rule before the Committee increases the overwinter population goals slightly, I do not believe the Department has fulfilled its obligation to Wisconsin’s hunters. As such, I believe the Committee should vote to request the Department consider additional modifications to the unit population goals that reflect the overwhelming desire by Wisconsin hunters to see a significant reduction in the harvest of antlerless deer in Wisconsin, as well as the elimination of the unpopular Earn-a-Buck regulations statewide, including in Chronic Wasting Disease units.
    Thank you for your consideration of this request for executive action on Clearinghouse Rule 09-053.
    Neal Kedzie
    State Senator
    11th Senate District
    NJK: mp

    Posts: 6259

    Bret I’d love to help you but since when do public officials elected by the people listen to the peoples will anymore?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I can remember years in the early 80’s when crossing a track in the snow was a great year. This is far north Ashland County.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Bret I’d love to help you but since when do public officials elected by the people listen to the peoples will anymore?

    When flooded with e-mails and phone calls. Sitting back isn’t going to get any attention

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Not sure if they will listen to a non-resident but message sent.

    Posts: 248

    Hey sgt rock Ashland county is where i call home and do all my deer hunting.Where about did you hunt up here.

    On a negative note if dnr managment doesnt change for the better this resident will hang up the gun and bow for wisconsin deer hunts. I,d rather go ice fishing anyways


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