I come back to my office around 3 this afternoon to find a business card on my door. Normally it wouldn’t bother me. This one however was from a rep of ADT Security. It wasn’t your normal paper business card stuck in the frame of the door. It was a adhesive stuck to the window on my glass door. Here is the kicker, it’s on a glass door of a space that’s for rent! Anyway, I have this thing stuck to my glass door. I have my hands pretty full but figure I can just peel it off with two fingers. I mean nobody would really “stick” something to someone else’s property would they? Anyway it wouldn’t come right off. So I figure he can kiss my
so I call him. Ask him to please return and take the sticker off my window. His reply is ” I’m not coming back today. I’ll get it the next time I’m in town.” At which point I ask why he thinks it’s ok to stick something on anybodies window? I said “geez, stick the card in the door or drop it in the mailbox.” His reply, “it’s a federal offense to put anything on a mailbox.” To which I reply, I don’t give a ________ about the feds. Get the thing off my window. And btw, how would you like it if I stuck something on your windows?
He was still babbling his apology when I hung up.
I’m getting real tired of inconsiderate people.
To top things off you are required to submit a e-mail address when trying to contact customer service. The pigs would just sell it anyway. I’ll just wait for the next chump to swing by.