Flying with Fishing equipment

  • nategroshek88
    Stevens Point, WI, USA
    Posts: 6

    Has anyone had recent experience transporting their fishing rods/tackle boxes with them on plane trips?

    I am flying down to Austin, TX this Sunday and am planning on bring two spinning combos plus some tackle with me to fish with my girlfriend’s little brother. (The poles are 2-piece poles, and I have a flat tackle box I could use)

    Anyone think I’ll have a problem with it at the airport in a checked suitcase?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You shouldn’t have an issue.

    A side note, and it may not be an option for you…I have UPS’d rods in tubes to Alaska to the address I was staying, and prepaid a return slip for the trip back home. That works great too!

    Oh, and if you are carrying it on, you may have an issue. When I was at Bass Pro in Springfield MO once, I had to check my bag because I had hooks in it. So you may have to check it worst case…also no filet knives on carry on’s. I know it sounds obvious…but we saw 2 people stopped by TSA for it.

    Prescott, Wi
    Posts: 372

    I agree with Chris, UPS is the only way, I have been flying rods to Florida every year, when the lost my Orvis 10 wght. that was the last time. Did the UpS thing to L.A last spring, worked great

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5725


    I have been flying rods to Florida every year, when they lost my Orvis 10 wght.

    That’s the most awful thing I’ve ever heard. Losing your ORVIS???? Somebody’s should get kicked over that!

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