Super Bowl “half time show”

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    “The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.”

    You can learn more at:

    I guess I have settled into the realization that flags will be worn as clothing. And that is just as bad as people flying US flags on their cars till tattered! Or flying a flag a night without it being properly illuminated.

    I would be happy if the Flag Cops enforced all of the rules! But that aint gunna happen, and it’s a shame!

    Jon J.

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    I think the whole thing is a freaking embarrasement. I might be in the minority, but i watch the superbowl for the game and all this side show crap that happens every year with the “entertainers” they have at half time makes me want to vomit. I agree- bring back punt-pass-kick or show highlights of the year- bloopers, good hits, etc.

    In my opinion what these people do at halftime with flags, clothes and alleged music is downright reprehensible (sp?). How is this not worse than Terrell Owens grabbing some pom poms, or Joe Horn making a “cell call”- self promoting bs that doesnt belong on the grandest stage, but at least those two made a play in the game and were celebrating- though it was just as staged/fake and out of place. I doubt there are many who watch for 1/2 time entertainment- most either watch the game or the commercials, but having these people disgrace the country i live in, the flag we fly and any respect for young fans is unacceptable to me. That must be why i missed the whole half time- because this crap escalates and bugs the #%&% out of me- i dont have any desire to see a washed up relative of a child molester bear herself, nor do i care if some dude who bagged brittany can sing or not.
    Like i said, maybe as a football fan i am in the minority- but what an awesome game if you take away all the side shows.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    To sum it up in one word………..inappropriate. A personal view really doesn’t have a play in this. We all know that sex has it’s place in an individual life but if you search throughout history, any community accepting of social decadence befalls a destructive fate. Without fail…….all of them.

    It has to opened up and examined beyond “just a boob”. To me and for me…………an accidental flash at a water park isn’t something I live for or look for and there’s nothing behaviorily in need of explanation. But willful, public exhibition has a known, historically negative impact on a society. I’m a grown man and can handle things accordingly, but kids………..DO pay attention to scantilly clad “symbols” and in their yearning for adulthood, go with what they think is “cool”. All the social stats are there………… breeds problems and I will not condone that viewing because I want better for my kids than my personal experience has produced………….in ALL things!

    In some parts of the world, they aren’t viewed as sexual but merely an instrument of life. True as that may be, it’s not the view in our culture or society, and frankly, the bulk of the world’s population. Why? Even the wickedest of men do not prefer their woman/women be shared publicly in what is deemed to be a personal matter. It’s relative to a bond between man and woman. Even in a “free spirited” America, the exposure is done out of a sexual statement, whether it’s a liberal position, vain attention, or to create income. We don’t have them exposed because we’re too poor to cover them up or it’s the only way to feed the young. It’s not our culture and shouldn’t be forced to be viewed otherwise.

    If you don’t encourage this behavior of your children, realize that this reservation is of the same moral base that is being voiced here. I get a kick out of those that feel it’s all fine and dandy but aren’t letting their kids run naked through the streets and write it off as innocent curiosity.

    It’s not Janet’s job to decide when or how my kids should become sexually curious but that’s the position she creates. Am I supposed to believe there’s no difference in the thought process between a 15 yr. old and an 8 yr. old? That they can just be told and handle it? So much of the media is trying to state that it’s okay and parents are trying to let the kids remain kids………adulthood and all it’s difficulties come soon enough…………so they’re caught in the middle. One says it’s okay and the other says not. Who do we believe?

    I’m letting history and close personal examples of observation be of a big influence. I’m letting God be the ultimate decider because that’s my choice. But anytime someone decides when your kids are ready to handle an issue before the parent do, is also indirectly stating that they know what’s best for EVERYONE’S kids. Not good. Not acceptible. Absolutely foolish.

    It’s the same stupid behaviors………trying to “push” the envelope, that continue to choke out our beloved freedoms. If you think that Playboy is acceptible, you can bring it into your home because of your protected freedom. But in a public forum, you infringe on everyone’s freedom and a cry for censorship quickly follows. It’s not rocket science.

    Sorry for such a long venting here guys………..but every human being has been born of the same emotional capacity and capability, from the beginning of time up to our present time. If it has continually bred destructive results, are we so ignorant as to believe that we’ll do it better than those before us? I’m sure every repeated attempt throughout history thought the same thing, for we are our own heroes when personal pleasures require justification.

    Happiness and pleasure. Americans would do well to learn the difference between the two and become wiser in this discernment.

    I like boobs too…………but they’re not a required necessity for happiness, personal peace, or spiritual joy. When presented as a desirable object of pleasure, they become objects eligible to be listed as momentarily satisfying. We don’t experience them once and say, “That’s all I needed”, and continue through life happy in that one moment or experience. I’m “happy” that I got to see the Grand Canyon but I don’t long for it. I don’t go seeking pictures of it because I feel happier when I see them. I’m ever refreshed in it’s memory. But something like a breast………….uh uh. I’m not forever satisfied in a single moment’s experience and/or memory. I must return to it, over and over, to satisfy the pleasure, not the happiness. Everyone know what I’m saying here?

    I’ll shut up now……….for real this time…………..but I want everyone to know there is a basis for morality that extends far beyond the right winged conservatives. It’s not of my wisdom, but of a historically consistant result and one of worthy example for guiding our discretions.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I have a 14 year old step daughter who is constantly struggling with the decision to either be an adult, or a kid. What she sees on TV, and other media outlets have a huge impact on her. Not because of how she was brought up, but because she’s a 14yr old girl. That is the way they operate. Kid’s that age are more concerned with what is going on outside of themselves, then they are with internal happenings. What scares me, is that this innapropriate act will somehow further desensitize kids this age. Why if Justin can rip off Janet’s top in front of 150 million people, why can’t someone rip off her shirt in front of 5? It may seem like a stretch, but unless you live with a 14yr old girl you may not see the connection. But it’s there. If this event was unplanned, then Justin should be arrested for sexual assualt. Because that is what it is. At the very least, they should be fined heavily by the FCC.
    The message that has been sent is that it’s okay to rip off someone’s shirt. It’s not. It’s inappropriate at the least, if it was like I feel, staged. If it’s not staged, then it’s criminal, and should be treated as such.
    It’s a shame that we’re spending this much time on two people who don’t have the talent to hack it any other way.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Hey guys, It was a pretty good game though, huh???? Who cares about the half time show. Superbowl Sunday is for the players and the fans. Period. End of story. If I want to see a music video I will turn on MTV.

    Gator Hunter

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    It was a tremendous game, one of the best ever, if not the best, in my opinion. As for the half time show I opted not to watch it, however, I was back for the second half. Fortunately, I missed the whole warped exhibition. Oh well, Like Boggie, I am an invenerate leg man anyway!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    Well it had a definite impact on me. I was so inspired by it, that yesterday I took off my shirt and walked out to the mailbox. All I got was bills, junkmail and frostbite.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    About that frostbite…..You did state that you only took off your shirt didn’t you? Or am I/you missing something?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    That Super Bowl Game was one of the best I have seen in many years !!!

    What Half Time Show ?

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    Too bad too. Next year will probably be Xanadu Ice-Capades. Or Sha-na-na. Can’t wait for that………….

    now way, i have heard rumors that Barney the purple dinosour is going to be the main attraction at nextyears super bowl.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    I do have to say, i had some $$ riding on the outcome of the game, It kept me at the edge of my seat for the last quarter. and I would like to tip my hat to those “Pats” great job guys, but look out for the Panthers next year. I think that they will be a team not to mess with. as far as a half time show, most definatley, bring back the pass,kick, punt competition. I would rather watch them heave the rock down feild than watch people jump around stage that make more money than i will in my entire life. although i do have to say, that Biance did a hell of a job on the national anthem, and she looked (dressed) very respectible for the event. (she gave me goose bumps)

    I was busy playing with my little boy during the half time show, he needed my attention and I was willing to give it, so that way i wouldn’t miss the second half. he sat on the couch with me and watched the 3rd quarter before he got squirmy. he turns 1 today. so happy bday Lane..

    but i will have to say this, I am loosing my interst in watching the NFL with all of the player celebrating after every play, and doing stupid and crazy end zone dances. I would rather watch college ball or better yet, watch HOCKEY!!!!

    just my opinion.


    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    I would rather watch college ball or better yet, watch HOCKEY!!!!

    Or the a lovely combination of the two? COLLEGE HOCKEY!
    Go Gophers!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    it would be nice if they won the title again this year. it would be nice for the program.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036


    Or the a lovely combination of the two? COLLEGE HOCKEY!
    Go Gophers!

    I couldn’t agree any more. If there is one sport worth watching, college hockey is the best. In the WCHA any team can beat any other on any given night.
    GO GOPHERS!!! Back to Back to Back

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I’ll tell you what guys, the Gophers started out slow but it’s crunch time now and ther starting to roll.They are building up some major momentum for their title run.

    Gator Hunter

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    College hoops all the way for me!!

    Expect to see a little Gopher road kill tonight!!!!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1371

    Hey Shane –
    Happy B-day to your little guy! Mine turns 2 in March. Can’t wait to get him in the boat! “Get the net son, daddy’s got a good one.”

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    Hey Shane –
    Happy B-day to your little guy! Mine turns 2 in March. Can’t wait to get him in the boat! “Get the net son, daddy’s got a good one.”

    My son also turns 2 in March. March 12th. Way cool.

    Gator Hunter

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800


    I was busy playing with my little boy during the half time show, he needed my attention and I was willing to give it, so that way i wouldn’t miss the second half. he sat on the couch with me and watched the 3rd quarter before he got squirmy. he turns 1 today. so happy bday Lane..

    Happy B-Day Lane

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Pretty soon it will be ”get the net Dad, sonnys got a good one.”

    Posts: 255

    I gotta agree with what stillakid said, I just don’t have the ambition or energy to type it all. I won’t lie and say that I don’t like seeing Janet Jackson’s boobie, but I have say that, it was inappropriate. On another note, I’m sure this will start another rant, but I can’t help but feel like there is too much emphasis being put on the physical form of the American Flag. Not flying a flag when it’s tattered? To me, that flag has seen a lot, and shows character of the person flying it. I think that we have too many people worrying about flag ettiquite (SP), and not enough worrying about what it stands for. I have a lot of relatives who have, and are still fighting in just about every war since WWI, several have been wounded, and they have and still do fly the same flags that they have for years. They faithfully raise and lower it and keep it at half mast when appropriate, etc. Sorry, just another thing that gets on my nerves when we have a lot more to worry about than when the “flag police” will start enforcing laws.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey guys,

    thanks for all of the good chuckles. I sure hope that Lane will be in the boat showing dad a few things or two. I also hope that one day he will skate for the golden gophers. that would be just too cool. I know that maybe next winter he will be on skates learning how to fly around. taking after dad again. I also know that he will be in the boat and he will probably know you all also. I am going to have to get a picture of him with his own chocolate bday cake. then I will post it and let you guys see the fun that dad will have giving him a bath.

    thanks guys,


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