To sum it up in one word………..inappropriate. A personal view really doesn’t have a play in this. We all know that sex has it’s place in an individual life but if you search throughout history, any community accepting of social decadence befalls a destructive fate. Without fail…….all of them.
It has to opened up and examined beyond “just a boob”. To me and for me…………an accidental flash at a water park isn’t something I live for or look for and there’s nothing behaviorily in need of explanation. But willful, public exhibition has a known, historically negative impact on a society. I’m a grown man and can handle things accordingly, but kids………..DO pay attention to scantilly clad “symbols” and in their yearning for adulthood, go with what they think is “cool”. All the social stats are there………… breeds problems and I will not condone that viewing because I want better for my kids than my personal experience has produced………….in ALL things!
In some parts of the world, they aren’t viewed as sexual but merely an instrument of life. True as that may be, it’s not the view in our culture or society, and frankly, the bulk of the world’s population. Why? Even the wickedest of men do not prefer their woman/women be shared publicly in what is deemed to be a personal matter. It’s relative to a bond between man and woman. Even in a “free spirited” America, the exposure is done out of a sexual statement, whether it’s a liberal position, vain attention, or to create income. We don’t have them exposed because we’re too poor to cover them up or it’s the only way to feed the young. It’s not our culture and shouldn’t be forced to be viewed otherwise.
If you don’t encourage this behavior of your children, realize that this reservation is of the same moral base that is being voiced here. I get a kick out of those that feel it’s all fine and dandy but aren’t letting their kids run naked through the streets and write it off as innocent curiosity.
It’s not Janet’s job to decide when or how my kids should become sexually curious but that’s the position she creates. Am I supposed to believe there’s no difference in the thought process between a 15 yr. old and an 8 yr. old? That they can just be told and handle it? So much of the media is trying to state that it’s okay and parents are trying to let the kids remain kids………adulthood and all it’s difficulties come soon enough…………so they’re caught in the middle. One says it’s okay and the other says not. Who do we believe?
I’m letting history and close personal examples of observation be of a big influence. I’m letting God be the ultimate decider because that’s my choice. But anytime someone decides when your kids are ready to handle an issue before the parent do, is also indirectly stating that they know what’s best for EVERYONE’S kids. Not good. Not acceptible. Absolutely foolish.
It’s the same stupid behaviors………trying to “push” the envelope, that continue to choke out our beloved freedoms. If you think that Playboy is acceptible, you can bring it into your home because of your protected freedom. But in a public forum, you infringe on everyone’s freedom and a cry for censorship quickly follows. It’s not rocket science.
Sorry for such a long venting here guys………..but every human being has been born of the same emotional capacity and capability, from the beginning of time up to our present time. If it has continually bred destructive results, are we so ignorant as to believe that we’ll do it better than those before us? I’m sure every repeated attempt throughout history thought the same thing, for we are our own heroes when personal pleasures require justification.
Happiness and pleasure. Americans would do well to learn the difference between the two and become wiser in this discernment.
I like boobs too…………but they’re not a required necessity for happiness, personal peace, or spiritual joy. When presented as a desirable object of pleasure, they become objects eligible to be listed as momentarily satisfying. We don’t experience them once and say, “That’s all I needed”, and continue through life happy in that one moment or experience. I’m “happy” that I got to see the Grand Canyon but I don’t long for it. I don’t go seeking pictures of it because I feel happier when I see them. I’m ever refreshed in it’s memory. But something like a breast………….uh uh. I’m not forever satisfied in a single moment’s experience and/or memory. I must return to it, over and over, to satisfy the pleasure, not the happiness. Everyone know what I’m saying here?
I’ll shut up now……….for real this time…………..but I want everyone to know there is a basis for morality that extends far beyond the right winged conservatives. It’s not of my wisdom, but of a historically consistant result and one of worthy example for guiding our discretions.