Super Bowl “half time show”

  • Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Sunday, February 1, 2004

    Updated: February 2, 4:04 AM ET

    Associated Press

    NEW YORK — CBS apologized on Sunday for an unexpectedly R-rated end to its Super Bowl halftime show, when singer Justin Timberlake tore off part of Janet Jackson’s top, exposing her breast.

    It’s too bad, as there were many kids watching this deal.

    How about that Janet…….Janet Jackson!

    I saw it………anyone else?

    you can see part of her top in Justins left hand.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I saw it too and it looked intentional. It also looked like she had a small pasty(sp?) covering up a portion of her……well, no need going into detail. How else did they plan to compete with the lingerie bowl?

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    CBS did say that MTV would not produce another half time show for them!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Too bad too. Next year will probably be Xanadu Ice-Capades. Or Sha-na-na. Can’t wait for that………….

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Oh come on what’s wrong with Sha-na-na?

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I saw it… and saw it… and saw it.

    Needless to say, the place I watched the game was fully equipped with TIVO.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 309

    Saw it!!!!!! It looked intentional, but what do you expect from MTV. The halftime shows just seem to get worse as each year passes, although it was a great game. They should bring back the kids punt, pass, and kick contest for halftime.

    Eric Ahlstrom
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 137

    It looked clearly intentional to me. And for them to do that knowing many children would be watching is wrong. It is one thing if it was just a bunch of guys watching. But given the audience that was watching it was unacceptable. come on now have a little class. If you didn’t see it pm me for the link to one of my favorite conservative news web sites

    Eric Ahlstrom

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    It looked clearly intentional to me. And for them to do that knowing many children would be watching is wrong. It is one thing if it was just a bunch of guys watching. But given the audience that was watching it was unacceptable. come on now have a little class.

    Not too mention what it says about violence against women. It’s not too much of a stretch.

    lake city, mn
    Posts: 49

    goes to show there is more then one boob in the Jackson family.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    What was done……… matter who planned it (because I firmly believe it was planned, either by those two, MTV, CBS, or whoever) was wrong.

    We are talking national TV. Children are watching.

    Names need to be taken and people need to be fired. This is public tv and it was clear violation of FCC rules. Because it is public tv, these people need to be named to the public and charged for their actions.

    CBS just lost all of my business…………

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 168

    I believe that both Justin and Janet knew what they were doing and it was intentional…. remember, controversy sells…. what a better way to promote yourself…. bare it all… too bad it was done on national TV with millions of childern watching….

    oh yea by the way…. that was not a pasty…. those were pierceings… I found the actually picture and will email to anyone that wants it but I don’t think it would be responsible to show it here.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Even without the bared breast, that halftime show was nothing fit for innocent eyes. I’m with Gary………………boycotting CBS, I wrote off MTV years ago, and Janet and Justin as well. Besides, I’ll be too busy fishin’ to care about the “boob tube”.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Let’s not forget that Janet has a new CD being released today…Nothing sells more than drama and controversy….It was intentional….and NICE

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Amen Brother Kid!

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not Mr. Holy. But this is not appropriate.

    I’m grateful for God with my daughter going to a private school. She USED to be a big fan of Brittney Spears. But after her escapade with Madonna, my daughter (9 years old) has nothing to do with either one’s music.

    I’m just happy that she wasn’t watching.

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    CBS and the NFL have both apologized for the incident. I would not boycott either for the obviously intentional publicity stunt performed by the 2 individuals. Boycott them instead and maybe MTV. MTV has some pretty racy stuff on it, but there is time for the censors to cover up any nudity. But the suggestiveness is still there. This was live TV.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    I Liked it. The deal with the kids seeing it. No problem. Most of mine where feed off of those not to long ago. Its just a boob. For those that have older kids that did not get hungry by this and had questions. Maybe it time to talk to them. There are going to need to know it anyways.
    Now if it was a graffic sex act, murder, kicking puppies. I would think that went to far. It was just a body part. Half of us have them. the other half wants them.
    This is just my view on this.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 309

    Mike, gotta say I completely disagree with you. This was a stupid stunt pulled off by a couple of individuals with no integrity, and they definitely are not moralists. I agree with kid, the entire halftime show was obscene. The pregame with Willie and Toby is what I’m looking for. Thumbs up to Paul Tagliabue and the NFL for stating that they are getting rid of the individuals running the halftime show and starting over. I rarely watch CBS due to their liberal bias, this may have ended it. But, thats just my opinion. You reap what you sew.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    if you stop watching CBS, how are you going to watch “Survivor All-Stars”???

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Yea. Thought I saw a extra appendage on that show also. Didnt hear much about that today. Didnt they play a football game yesterday also?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Look, don’t take this as an attack………….anyone.

    However, If I had to make a decesion and forced to it, I would rather have my child watch a puppy getting kicked, vs. two idiots, ripping off each other’s clothing and revealing private parts. That is too hard to explain to a child that sexual actions of this nature are acceptable or not. With a puppy getting kicked, you can explain that there are mean people in the world and you don’t do it. However, when it comes to sexual exploration of a child, they are so subject to influence, that you have to manage and educate to keep from deterence.

    However, don’t be fooled that it was just these two idiots that did this on their own. MTV was pumping up the “special surprise” long before it happened. Do you think that CBS just said “OK”, whatever you want to do, just don’t tell us? It don’t work that way.

    What do you think went on with CBS???? “Oh, you have a special surprise for us, but don’t tell us what it is???? Get out! If you think that not one person at CBS didn’t know about this, then I’m in the dark ages!!! As Kid said, look at the whole half time show. It was pathetic!

    What was done was wrong, yet the liberal media will get away with it. Why not…………….kick out freedom of religion on public tv and denounce God, but whip out a breast……….thats OK????

    Not in my world…………..Never.

    Like I said……….I’m no angel, but that is for me to choose as an adult. I’m not letting some TV liberal idiot force this type of behavior on my child! Life is too short to accept this type of behavior!

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036

    I am 20 years old and my generation has pretty much grown up on MTV. I also thought that the halftime show was ridiculous. I like most of the singers that were in the halftime show, but the whole thing was put together very poorly. Last year or maybe two years ago, the halftime show featured Britney Spears, Aerosmith, Nelly, and I think N’Sync. That production was a great mix of both new and old singers. Did anyone else enjoy that halftime show? Are you guys more upset with the boob or the whole line up of singers? My parents always want to see Aretha Franklin, Rolling Stones, or another singer from when they were younger. I do like all kinds of music, but I think at a big event like the super bowl that it is important to feature the big stars of today and also some of the real artists of old. I think the breast exposure was over the top stupid even for MTV.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Just caught part of this story. Thought I heard there was a guy doing a nude river dance mid field during one of the plays. That one might take a little work to explain to the kids. Dont really understand why myself, but that was funny. Guess some people really want to exspress themselves.

    metro area
    Posts: 151

    How come nobody is complaining about Kid Rock wearing a flag that he had to intentionally put a hole in it to fit his head through? To me that is not right! That is a disgrace to OUR COUNTRY And THE AMERICAN FLAG!

    Posts: 517

    I don’t have kids… if I did, I wouldn’t want them to see Janet’s boobie during the bowl, have them read it in the paper, or see it in the news.

    I guess it’s all about being a good filter for your kids. Problem is, this thing wasn’t anticipated… it didn’t give parents a chance to avoid it. In my opinion that is what was wrong.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Today I was talking with the guys at work about this half time deal. After what Justin and Janet pulled off I will not have any time for them in the future………I think we all can see how Janet and Micheal are related. They both have some warped minds……..

    It would be great to see some big fine’s after this deal.

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    I have to agree with Gary.
    People should be held to the burner.
    Jackson and Justin should be “Fined” big time 100,000 plus.
    MTV should be charged with recklessness. and banned from airing for a month.
    CBS should send everyone whom was watching a free happy meal.
    It was a great Super bowl one of the best in the last ten years.
    The hoop la before at halftime and afterwards was all set up…and we shouldn’t have to take it.

    Maybe next year a casting contest for the best kid in the USA….or as stated the Punt Pass and Kick…

    It won’t take much to beat the garbage they had this year.

    The dog commercial was still my favorite for Bud light…I still have tears in my eyes and wet pants..

    Well know back to sorting tackle and making photo slide shows for the relatives…

    God Bless America !!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    How come nobody is complaining about Kid Rock wearing a flag that he had to intentionally put a hole in it to fit his head through? To me that is not right! That is a disgrace to OUR COUNTRY And THE AMERICAN FLAG!

    While he did have to cut a hole in the flag to wear it, I was glad to see that when he took it off, he handed it to his guitarist, and they never let it hit the ground. Now I’m not sure what the rules are for wearing a flag, but I see them all of the time on t-shirts, and hats, etc. and I don’t personally have a problem with folks wearing them. I do have a problem when they mistreat the flag. No one was burning, or stomping on it, so that’s why there is probably no outrage. I don’t think he was trying to denegrate the flag.

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