Look, don’t take this as an attack………….anyone.
However, If I had to make a decesion and forced to it, I would rather have my child watch a puppy getting kicked, vs. two idiots, ripping off each other’s clothing and revealing private parts. That is too hard to explain to a child that sexual actions of this nature are acceptable or not. With a puppy getting kicked, you can explain that there are mean people in the world and you don’t do it. However, when it comes to sexual exploration of a child, they are so subject to influence, that you have to manage and educate to keep from deterence.
However, don’t be fooled that it was just these two idiots that did this on their own. MTV was pumping up the “special surprise” long before it happened. Do you think that CBS just said “OK”, whatever you want to do, just don’t tell us? It don’t work that way.
What do you think went on with CBS???? “Oh, you have a special surprise for us, but don’t tell us what it is???? Get out! If you think that not one person at CBS didn’t know about this, then I’m in the dark ages!!! As Kid said, look at the whole half time show. It was pathetic!
What was done was wrong, yet the liberal media will get away with it. Why not…………….kick out freedom of religion on public tv and denounce God, but whip out a breast……….thats OK????
Not in my world…………..Never.
Like I said……….I’m no angel, but that is for me to choose as an adult. I’m not letting some TV liberal idiot force this type of behavior on my child! Life is too short to accept this type of behavior!