So here I am again, sitting without an answer from navionics customer services. I have been trying to get an answer about a large portion of Lake Vermillion MN that is uncharted. This is something I have asked this company about since August of 2009, when I first purchased this chip. I have taled to them on the phone, I have visted ther sales represenitives, I have sent them e-mail. About 5 weeks ago, out of options, and without answers from any of the several contacts I have made with navionics, I posted a question on this website asking if anyone had simular prblems with navionics customer service. I was given several contacts to try and solve this problem. Again I sent an E-mail to one of those contacts and have yet to recieve confirmation or response to that question. I did get a reponse from a post that I stated three weeks ago, just an aknowedgement that they recieve my complaint,as of today, still no answer or resolve.I have never in My life recieved such poor custmer service,nor will I ever use their product again.I spent $150.00 on their product, apparently they feel that they have no responsibilty to their customers once they have your cash. I worked hard to make that money and it really P!$$&$ me off that they Don’t give a hoot.
Jeff Huberty