So i finally finished building on the fly rod blank i ordered last fall. It is a Batson Rainshadow blank. i wanted something lighter for bluegills and crappies so i went with a 6’6″ 2 weight 2 piece. It is the first two piece rod i have ever built so i was a little nervous doing the ferrule but i think it turned out pretty good. i went with an oversized cork handle that i turned myself from 1/4″ grade A cork rings cuz i have big hands and dont like the tiny reverse half wells grips.The reel seat is from Janns netcraft and the guides are Forecast lightwire snake guides from Janns. The stripper guide is an Alps XPFLG with an aluminum oxide ring. I loaded the 4 weight Cabelas Cahill reel up with 4 weight line and absolutely love how it loads up! Here are a couple pics, cant wait to get this thing out on the soft water:

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