My 2004 F-350 4×4 needs ball joints, any idea how much this will cost? Thanks

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My 2004 F-350 4×4 needs ball joints, any idea how much this will cost? Thanks
I had the front 2 done on my ’03 Dodge Ram last year, included some bushings of some kind and 4 new tires….cost about 1200…tires were roughly 500 of it though.
Kinda funny you mentioned this, as of today I need new ball joints on my 98′ F150. Depends on the joint. The upper is more expensive $150 per side roughly but easy to install, the lowers are cheaper $60 per side but more labor intensive to install. Atleast on my truck. Your’s might be a little different price wise but I’m guessing its pretty close. Not real happy about this seeing I just replaced the same joints 40,000 miles ago. I am guessing the last guy that installed them went with cheapo parts. Good luck it wont be that cheap for you to replace them….
I did my own in a day,(6 HRS) not the most pleasant job! You will need a ball joint press for removing and installing,(large inpact is nice also) may as well do the brake pads while the front end is apart.
I need to replace them on a 96 Exploder. Uppers are more $ than lowers and my quote was $750 for the OEM quality (parts and labor) and $870 for the higher quality parts.
My 2004 F-350 4×4 needs ball joints, any idea how much this will cost? Thanks
If that truck has the vacuum seals for the 4×4 on the spindles housings you want to replace those while apart also.
I cant give you exact cost on joint replacement ,but I do know its not cheap .I do know while apart do the uppers and lowers at the same time, saves $$$ in the long run.
2002 F-350 SRW, had upper and lowers, and axle u-joints done 6/09. Used all heavy duty greaseable parts and it was about $950. Didn’t do any tie rod ends, truck had 85k on it at the time. Definitly $$$ well spent, couldn’t hardly keep it on the road before, now drives like new…
Chilton labor time guide, says 5.5 hours to do all, uppers and lowers…. not too bad IMHO. A little less if it’s a Dually ???
big G
Should be right around $1000 for uppers and lowers. Make sure to replace the vacuum seals. Alot easier and cheaper when everything is apart.
Ball joints are expensive dude, as long as you have the front end all torn apart you might as well do replace the u-joints up there too, It is a minor cost now to avoid having to to it in a few months when one of them goes to hell. The cost all depends on where you take it too. Good luck!!
figure 600 a side upper and lower at dealer. knock about 100 a side off not at dealer. most newer parts have grease fitting unlike original.
If you have a moderate amount of mechanical ability (ie: you replace your own brakes), doing these yourself isn’t that big of a deal. Yeah, you’ll need a ball joint press – but you can pick that up for about a hundred bucks – and you’ll be set for the next project. Call around for parts, depending on the store you’ll probably be able to find ball joints for a cheap as 20 bucks each. That’s what I paid a few months ago for my Expedition (lowers, not uppers).
Get a little greasy, break a little sweat, and save yourself HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS.
Yeah, point-and-pay makes sense sometimes, but think of what you could do with the dollars saved…
And you would be AMAZED at how easy it is to find step-by-step instructions online – for just about any make/model. I quit buying Chiltons/Hanes manuals about 3 years ago. It’s all out there for free.
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