Best Buy Survey

  • trophy19
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    I’m curious about everyone’s perceptions about Best Buy after reading the earlier post today re: problems with customer service. I interview with Best Buy next Tuesday and would appreciate your comments on the following:

    1. Are employees more knowledgable and helpful now than a year ago?

    2. Does the Cell Phone department do a better job of helping you and provide better options now than they did a year ago?

    3. Would you be more apt to buy major appliances from Best Buy now compared to a year ago?

    4. Value of service contracts is increasing, same or of less value than a year ago?

    Thanks for your help. Appreciate it.


    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    I like Best Buy. I buy everything there and rarely have a problem with there service. The only thing I would not make the mistake of buying there is cell phones. But part of the reason they treat me so good is because I buy so much there. Obviously if one person has a problem there it does not mean the whole company is going bad. I always buy service contracts on anything over 300 or so. They have paid for themselves. The most recently was the 4000 dollar tv that went bad two weeks after factory warranty. Gave me a new one, a better one. And a gift card.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I have had numerous bad experiences there.. the only place that I had a good experience was in Phones.. but I was only buying a $10 phone.. so.. its not saying much.. I have story after story of bad service especially dealing with Computors and TVs..

    each to their own.. but I won’t spend money on any thing, that can go wrong there.. meaning I buy some software, CDS.. and cheap items.. I wouldn’t ever spend over $100 on an expensive item there.. because they don’t support it..

    Posts: 2014


    I’m curious about everyone’s perceptions about Best Buy after reading the earlier post today re: problems with customer service. I interview with Best Buy next Tuesday and would appreciate your comments on the following:

    1. Are employees more knowledgable and helpful now than a year ago?

    2. Does the Cell Phone department do a better job of helping you and provide better options now than they did a year ago?

    3. Would you be more apt to buy major appliances from Best Buy now compared to a year ago?

    4. Value of service contracts is increasing, same or of less value than a year ago?

    Thanks for your help. Appreciate it.


    Alright off the bat I will tell you I have not shopped at best buy for things other than Gift cards, and Cases for my Phones and iPods in over 3 years. so take it for what it’s worth.

    1) Last time I was there purchasing a product that help would have been nice. NO! oh wait that reminds me. I was actually in there looking at laptops this fall. (I wanted to see some in person before I ordered on-line ) So NO!!!! I spend my days on computers for a living as a graphic designer and printer. I knew what I wanted in a computer. touched the computers I was looking at and walked out laughing. So NO!!!!

    2. Wouldn’t ever consider buying a phone from Best Buy sorry can’t help you. I worked in an AT&T call center for a year, and that experience taught me 2 things. 2nd party retailers are the only ones who know less then the company selling the phones. The 2nd thing is NEVER GIVE A KID IN MIDDLE SCHOOL A PHONE!!!!! Things in the Cell phone world change rapidly enough that the sales people working directly for the providers have enough time keeping up on everything. Then when you have to relay that in for to some one that is trying to keep track between T-mobile, Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T, they can’t have a clue what they are talking about.

    3)I might actually consider buying appliances from Best buy, but I would do my own research 1st.

    4) can’t speak on the prices of the contracts sorry, but after my last experience with one I wouldn’t waste my money on it.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    1. A few weeks ago in the La Crosse store my wife and I walked in to buy a Digital camera in the price range of 200 bucks. After checking reviews on a couple different cameras we had an idea of what we wanted but yet still had a couple questions.

    In just minutes we were being helped and appreciated the young mans knowledge and had made the decision. He then walked us to the other accessories, which always saves me time, and we are off.

    I’ll rate it….Very cool

    2. I would never purchase a phone from Best But or any other second party.

    US Cellular has kept this family in phones for years. In with a crap phone and out with a working phone. Insurance is a must for girls

    3. We have started looking for a new fridge. Yes, Best Buy will be considered.

    4. I don’t do extended warranties or service contracts. I try to purchase a quality brand name with there warranty in mind and take my chances from there. Every company you purchase from wants a contract with you for just a few dollars more

    And then number 5


    I interview with Best Buy next Tuesday and would appreciate your comments on the following:

    Don’t let rants on a web sites make life decisions for you

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Thanks guys,

    I appreciate your input. Everyone has had good / bad experiences with retailers – just looking for input that wasn’t charged by a recent disaster (I’ve been there too).

    For me, Target has changed their return policies to the point that I won’t go in their stores anymore….seen too many newlyweds register there and get screwed because they didn’t use a gift in less than the return period, have prolems and they are given the cold shoulder. That, and they are not the discount store that they started to be. That, and their fishing department sucks..

    We all make our own decisions based on what’s important to us and experience….that’s why there are marketing departments, I guess.


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