I’m curious about everyone’s perceptions about Best Buy after reading the earlier post today re: problems with customer service. I interview with Best Buy next Tuesday and would appreciate your comments on the following:
1. Are employees more knowledgable and helpful now than a year ago?
2. Does the Cell Phone department do a better job of helping you and provide better options now than they did a year ago?
3. Would you be more apt to buy major appliances from Best Buy now compared to a year ago?
4. Value of service contracts is increasing, same or of less value than a year ago?
Thanks for your help. Appreciate it.
Alright off the bat I will tell you I have not shopped at best buy for things other than Gift cards, and Cases for my Phones and iPods in over 3 years. so take it for what it’s worth.
1) Last time I was there purchasing a product that help would have been nice. NO! oh wait that reminds me. I was actually in there looking at laptops this fall. (I wanted to see some in person before I ordered on-line
) So NO!!!! I spend my days on computers for a living as a graphic designer and printer. I knew what I wanted in a computer. touched the computers I was looking at and walked out laughing. So NO!!!!
2. Wouldn’t ever consider buying a phone from Best Buy sorry can’t help you. I worked in an AT&T call center for a year, and that experience taught me 2 things. 2nd party retailers are the only ones who know less then the company selling the phones. The 2nd thing is NEVER GIVE A KID IN MIDDLE SCHOOL A PHONE!!!!! Things in the Cell phone world change rapidly enough that the sales people working directly for the providers have enough time keeping up on everything. Then when you have to relay that in for to some one that is trying to keep track between T-mobile, Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T, they can’t have a clue what they are talking about.
3)I might actually consider buying appliances from Best buy, but I would do my own research 1st.
4) can’t speak on the prices of the contracts sorry, but after my last experience with one I wouldn’t waste my money on it.