LCD vs Plasma tvs….really that much of a diff?

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  • cshunt1
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370


    Looks like we found an answer: apparently the higher the hz, the better the picture ‘moves’. I guess it’s kinda like when it’s changing from one screen image to another, the higher hz means it does it faster. Like when it’s scrolling across a scene, the higher the hz, the better the picture is without skipping.
    Hope that’s what it means….let me know if I’m wrong.

    60/120/240 = processor speed. basically, you are right. but you also have to correlate that speed to the color ratios you see. and since there is no standard color aspect in teh industry, comparing samsung to sony to sanyo to vizio is like comparing apples to oranges. pick a line and you can compare within that brand. for ex… if you have a samsung 120hz with 40,000:1 ratio, you can get the equivelent picture out of a (older technology) 60hz with 80,000:1. you have double the speed with half the colors.

    color aspect is huge when looking at tvs. all else being the same, 80k:1 is night and day diff to 40k:1. that means that from a fade from black to white there are 80,000 different shades that it changes to switch colors. now how fast does it take to go through those colors? not long at all.. think of hockey, watching that puck fly around. thats why on older tvs it was hard to pick up the puck. now more colors means more of a tail (so to speak) of gray. they used to speed up the 60hz tvs by adding more color changes, that way they could differentiate subtleties better. but once you get into the 100-120k range, it tends to degrade. enter the 120s… double the speed with half the colors. now they are bumping up the colors again, enter the 240s. once the 1080 cable rage gets in full swing, they are gonna bump it again. ive talked to a couple sales buddies and they say that to get the 240s to look good, they have to turn the settings back to 120 to optimize the picture. i guess the 240 is too fast for the cable you have coming in and the picture can get choppy.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    or you could just get a plasma…..

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Thanks guys. I was in Lincoln today and went to a place Garver recommended: Schaefer’s. Holy crap…my head is still spinning. Got lots of great info, and now it looks like I have a lot more to think about than just the tv! Looks like I’ll have to upgrade my home stereo to work with it too, which I was also considering, so wow….lots of stuff.
    They had a display that showed the diff between the 120hz and 60hz, and it was amazing. You could really see how diff they were and how slow the 60 was. There’s no way I want a 60 now, but going up to 120hz is going to push my size out of my price range now. Looks like I might have to get a part time side job and get some cash so I can get that baby in my living room!!

    Posts: 1583

    everyone i know turns off 120 hz on their tvs….and i agree with them…it looks horrible.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    hnd – i hope you meant 240hz. right now 120hz is the cream of the crop if you have high def cable.

    brian – its nice that you were able to compare the 2. but on the other hand it sucks cuz now you know what you would be missing if you went with 60hz!! when it comes to TVs, ignorance really is bliss (at least on your wallet)!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I really dont put any real faith in those displays, several people that worked in the store say they arent that accurate. Honest to god, Im not sure you can really tell much difference in my tv’s I watch Hockey just fine on either tv.

    Home theater is another issue, I really do think you’ll want something as soon as you have or shortly after you get the tv. I picked up some smaller Kilpsch quintet III’s speakers online for 229, need a better reciever that does HDMI, (mine does dolby digital) That will be about $400, ( probably a denon 1910) and maybe $100 or so for a sub, might not add a sub at my place, well see…. and right now I’m only using 3 speakers both fronts and a center and it still sounds stupid good, with my 13 year old crappy receiver. I still have full sized towers, center and rear speaks that are high quality than the quintets and I dont find the quintets lacking.

    I can reccomend ya a good sounding even cheaper setup. of course speakers are subjective to the listener. I can also reccomend you staying away from a Home theater in a box, you can do much, much better for the same or a little extra going with seperate speakers.

    Again the Av forum can direct you towards the better stuff in your price range.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I hear that! The more I think about this, the more it’s making my head hurt, that’s for sure.

    I’m at the point right now where no matter what I get, I think I’d be happy with it, just because it’d be new and a TON better than what I currently have. But at the same time, I wanna get the best I can afford at the size I want. 1 thing I’ve found out: you can spend any amount you want!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    nick, check out the def tech subs, my cousin just added a pro800 to close to the same setup you have now and its real nice! hes got a denon 790 and the quintet 3s with that setup..

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