LCD vs Plasma tvs….really that much of a diff?

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Got a real conundrum here. I saw a 50″ plasma tv for only $700, pretty good deal. But then I did a little research and apparently plasmas use more energy (up to 3x more), and the picture isn’t as good. This particular one is 720p vs 1080p. Am I really going to see a big difference? Or should I go with affordable size vs affordable quality (I’m thinking cheaper=bigger, same price would get me a better, smaller picture)?
    Looking forward to your opinions.

    Davenport, Iowa, USA
    Posts: 293

    A buddy of mine installs home theater systems. He told me buy plasma only,won’t be happy with LCD, shadows, trailers,etc deffinatly go 1080 if you get 42″ or more.He gets people who demand LCD, and then aren’t happy, Then he has to trade for plasma. I am really happy with ours, but it was abit more high end, built in hard drive, sound bar.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 134

    You can boil it down to what environment you watch TV in and distance from TV. If the room has a lot of windows and ambient light LCD will be better. If it’s a naturally darker room like your basement than the plasma will look better. Also there is a distance relationship between you and the TV that is important to remember. It’s hard to explain but does a good job of giving you the low down and some of the more tech. stuff that’s easy to understand. For the 50″ they say between 6′ – 12′ is the optimum distance for that size. Check out CNET for more info. It can be confusing but they helped me understand so I could make an informed decision. Good Luck.

    Posts: 9311

    x2. Exactly what I was going to type. Just don’t have to now.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 211

    I have an LCD and I love it! Then again maybe I would like a plasma even more. If I were you, I would figure out my price range and compare all TV’s, plasmas and LCD’s and get the one that looks good to you. Do not forget to consider room lighting and viewing distance.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    You can boil it down to what environment you watch TV in and distance from TV. If the room has a lot of windows and ambient light LCD will be better. If it’s a naturally darker room like your basement than the plasma will look better. Also there is a distance relationship between you and the TV that is important to remember. It’s hard to explain but does a good job of giving you the low down and some of the more tech. stuff that’s easy to understand.

    They only say that because they think that Plasma’s have a glare because of the glass on the front. This has never ever been an issue with the glass tube t.v.’s of the past and IS NOT an issue with the glass front plasma’s. This was just discussed here on IDO not long ago.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Edit: Sorry a little bit of a tough read, I ended spending a lot more time on this post than I intended originally, so you get to live with the spelling/grammar errors, wife’s on my case to pay attention to the family

    Bang for the buck Plasma’s are far superior, I literally spnt years looking at tv’s finally settled on a Panasonic G15 (same as a G10 which is easier to find) There is some truth to Plasma’s being not quite as good as LCD is a room with windows and tons of lighting, but really it only effects the tv, if the light is directly reflecting into your sight line, So my room is rather bright, but the only window that is directly behind me as I’m sitting in front of the TV affects my view, I took care of that with some curtain, I have a big sliding glass window with window on top of that, and 7′ of window on left side of the TV as I sit, open everything up on a sunny day and there are zero issues seeing a perfect picture.

    Though it may not be as big of an issue with the newer LCD’s the off angle viewing is as perfect as if you were in front of it, I can’t say that for our cheaper Vizio LCD.

    Today’s plasmas are more energy efficient that previous generations, last I heard ballpark is $30 more a year to run a Plasma, I can accept that for the better quality picture.

    IMHO it all depends on how picky you are, me I want the single best choice for my money, and Plasma’s have superior contrast levels and are better for fast action moving scenes, that LCD, Truth be told day to day I’d be hard pressure unless they were side by side to ever notice the difference between our LCD and the Plasma. I also had to have a 1080p, for no real other reason that it would bug me to have anything less, again truth be told 42 and under “they” say you can’t tell a difference, I’m not sure either way, but I know it would bug me if I had my Bluray hooked up, that is capable of putting out a true 1080p to a 720p tv, But as of today HD TV comes in 720P quality some in theory the 1080 isn’t going to give you any more quality unless you had a higher resolution (like bluray)

    I have to say for whatever reason, plasma’s don’t show as well in the showroom, I suspect it’s something to do with signal quality (same signal split 100 different ways, somehow compromises pic quality, and plasma’s seem to be more effected, I do have to say a real side by side comparison overall quality wise here at home the plasma’s blows away the LCD of ours, though I don’t think it’s too fair of a comparison, the LCD was a cheaper model, and the plasma is on the upper end. Still honestly day to day I don’t notice it as much as you would think

    I also don’t like or buy the 60/120/240 hz hype, it’s software acceleration, physically your 120/240hz tv’s are identicle (in cases I’ve looked into) to a 60hz LCD with the software acceleration off. Now my LCD had a 5ms pixel speed so it takes a pixel 5ms to switch and change colors, that is a big key to reducing blur, but my plasma is something like .01 ms. Again, unless I put them side by side, I’d doubt I notice the difference, somewhere in my head if I do see some blur I wonder if it’s the tv of the quality of the video.

    All in all, spend some time looking at them and buy what you really like, benchrace and compare all you want, you gotta live with it, the new LED LCD tv’s look sharp, higher end LCD’s also look great.

    Anyways That’s how I understand it, I’m no video file, no salesmen or tv pro, just what I’ve figured over the years, and I could quite possibably be wrong on some aspects. (not on plasma being superior though )

    I looked long and hard at the 50inch 720p version of my tv, I figured if I went far enough to spend $700, may as well spend $1100 on the one I really want. I’ve seen 50 inch Panasonic plasma’s (720p) down to $619, pretty darn good and tempting.

    Check out for price shopping (use forum searchs like “panasonic plasma”) to find out what the real prices deals are I know I din’t get the deal of the year on mine, but I know I did far better than most, and I wanted to buy mine locally, versus getting one shipped.

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Go LED if possible… Super color and just plain top notch!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Thanks guys. Here’s the one I was looking at. Sanyo TV
    It’d be in my living room, which isn’t real big, and not real bright. The 720p instead of 1080p bothers me though, so that’s something I’ll be thinking about. I’ve read a few reviews and they sound good, so I’ll be doing some thinking. Thanks again guys, I appreciate it.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Seriously, you can get a panasonic for the same price and it’s far superior.

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    I bought that same tv and so did my boss and I have to say for the price you cant go wrong and the picture is freaking spectacular.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    from that link i’d really double check the specs on that tv. the red flags i see from that link is that it says its a plasma tv with only 60hz processor. usually when you look at plasmas, they are in the 600hz range. if the processor truly is in the 60s id bet its only an lcd. and the combo has an upconvert dvd player. thats old technology already, blurays do the same thing on top of playing bluray discs.

    i wouldnt get too hungup on the 720 vs 1080 debate, unless you are a purist or want the biggest and baddest. and to be honest, it takes a pretty keen eye to see the differences, unless they are side by side and you are within 5-8feet from the units.

    that being said, if you are getting bluray and would like to watch 1080 programming when it comes out in ?? (mb 10) years. or do any gaming, then you’d want to look to a 1080 tv.

    another thing to remember is that tv’s arent built to last like they used to be. i mean, if you could get 20+ years out of a tube tv, it was good. these days, with average use, you should be getting 10-12yrs from an lcd and 8-10 from a plasma. and i have no idea the longevity of a LED…

    good luck with your purchase, these days choosing the right tv is about as clear as mud.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I won’t restate what’s already been said, but I think you can find a better TV for the price.

    And from personal experience, skip the upconvert DVD player and go right to Bluray. You can get them pretty cheap now and the picture quality of Bluray is far superior.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Awesome, thanks for the links guys. I haven’t had a chance to check em out just yet, but I will later on today. I checked refurbdepot and there were some good prices, but by time I added in the shipping, I might as well buy something new around here. I will look these other sites over, though.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    720 vs 1080 will matter more the larger your screen is.

    LCD will look better in brighter rooms and Plasma imho looks better in dark room.

    Light enough to read by, look for LCD, darker I may lean towards plasma.

    After you pick one, get a calibration disc for it, while professional calibration is nice, the DIY ones can make for better PQ and cost far less.

    Picking one of these things is like picking the best car, everybody’s got different opinions and you get to decide which one you like.


    Posts: 2389

    Also, never overlook the number of inputs/outputs that the TV has.

    You’d hate to get it home and want to hook up 3 or 4 HDMI input feeds and find the TV to only have 2 HDMI inputs….

    Of course, there are ways around that (HDMI splitter/junction boxes, receivers, etc…)… But always keep # of inputs for your application in mind.

    BTW, the sound on most flat panel TV’s really sucks because they lack the depth to house a proper speaker. Consider (highly consider) adding a decent reciever (Onyko, Sony, whatever) and a 5.1 speaker setup to get the full benefit. Even if you don’t place the surround speakers where they should be for true surrond, your 3 front speakers +/- a subwoofer will be way superior to your TV’s sound quality…. You can get good HDMI recievers these days for not too much $$ on Amazon.

    2 cents.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    You should be able to find some smokin’ deals on panasonics right now 2009 are going out 2010 are comming sure the 2010s are maybe bit better, bang for your buck 2009 are hot, and seen 50 panasonic 720P from 619 to 699 (699 about anywhere) and 1080p versions starting at 750 or so, there are a couple different versions of the 1080p panasonic’s IMHO you want atleast an “s” and Ive seen them go for $900 or so (at sears at the right time) g10’s at 1199 no tax free ship.

    Seriously take some time to check prices and search around on slick deals forum (, you can get a better tv than that sanyo at minimum same price.

    If you need or want help with some specific with links and tv’s and such let me know. I’m posting from my phone so it’s nearly impossible to add links…

    BTW I do recall some good deals people got at Nebraska furniture, seems like they run some solid deals at times, IIRC.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Hey Nick,
    Sure, I’d love to have some of those links. You can pm me if you’d like. I looked a little bit on that forums page and couldn’t figure out some of the stuff there. But I didn’t try too hard either.
    I’ll take all the help I can get. Sittin here on my night off lookin at my old 28″ or whatever it is Sanyo….just not the same.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    OK looking, not finding any super rocking deals at the moment $790 said and done shipped to your door. Not a whole lot more than buying one local and paying sales tax, even so, I think it’s worth the extra money over other brand plasma’s

    Example of a smokin’ deal,

    Brand new 720p (2010) model″+Class+/+720p+/+600Hz+/+Plasma+HDTV/9788583.p?id=1218175321977&skuId=9788583 $799

    Honestly having a tough time finding a good deal on panasonics right now, I go out find look at the Tv’s in person, check out the reviews online, then I watch for good deals on slickdeals. You may actually be a bit late to find a really hot deal on a 2009 panasonic, We picked ours late January, darn near bought an “s1” model, 50 inch panny, for around 900, after cashback.

    A lot of these deals get better using bing cash back, both newegg and best buy have some precentage cash back right now, you need to log in and register with Bing cashback, and then you go through Bing to find the TV and link to the site through Bing to get your cash back, gotta front the money, but in 60 days you get the cashback, through multiple ways, paypal or they’ll cut you a check, or the can also direct deposit into your bank account.

    Dude, if you were only sitting here, almost makes watching the bachelor watchable… almost

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    46 inch s1 at 6th ave $826 shipped.. not too bad of a deal, plus cashback for a couple %

    I know I walked into Ultimate electronics here, and they did have the 720p Panny for $699, if I get a chance in a couple days, I swing in and see what they’ve got going on.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Thanks Nick!
    Some of the links aren’t coming up, but it’s ok, I’m getting the idea. Might go out shopping a bit tomorrow to see what I can see. Looking for a few other things too so I might as well make a day of it.
    But…the bachelor? Whaaa??? C’mon Nick, that’s not smart use of a tv!!

    Posts: 1583


    Thanks guys. Here’s the one I was looking at. Sanyo TV
    It’d be in my living room, which isn’t real big, and not real bright. The 720p instead of 1080p bothers me though, so that’s something I’ll be thinking about. I’ve read a few reviews and they sound good, so I’ll be doing some thinking. Thanks again guys, I appreciate it.

    stay away from sanyo. look for a Panasonic X series plasma. they have their 50″ 720p plasma that runs about 700 bucks.

    i have a 46″ panasonic U series 1080p and it blows most of my buddies and their lcd’s out of the water.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    Thanks Nick!
    Some of the links aren’t coming up, but it’s ok, I’m getting the idea. Might go out shopping a bit tomorrow to see what I can see. Looking for a few other things too so I might as well make a day of it.
    But…the bachelor? Whaaa??? C’mon Nick, that’s not smart use of a tv!!

    Well the wife that doesn’t argue when I go out and buy and frantactic tv, and beautiful boat, gets her way once in awhile, really I was laying on the couch surfing and typing the post up. I wasn’t really watching it as much as I was listening to it, sadly I’m usually put in the same situation week after week, being the final empisode of that series , I did want to know what happened, sigh… might as well send in the MAN card now…. Oh the shame…

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Wow….man card…yowch.

    All right, one other thing I’ve been noticing….you see TVs at 60hz, 120hz, etc. What difference does the HZ mean? I’m guessing it has to do with energy usage?

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Looks like we found an answer: apparently the higher the hz, the better the picture ‘moves’. I guess it’s kinda like when it’s changing from one screen image to another, the higher hz means it does it faster. Like when it’s scrolling across a scene, the higher the hz, the better the picture is without skipping.
    Hope that’s what it means….let me know if I’m wrong.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Honestly I’m not the best and answering these questions, I took a stab at the 60/120/240 hz question earlier in the thread. I’ve seen some LCD tha were UUUUUUGly I’m certain it was due to the 120/240hz

    I’d recommend you doing some reading up on just don’t get too caught up and the whiners weight the pros and cons, you should be able to find specific info about any specific model you’re looking into.

    And in addition

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914


    Ya, my biggest problem is when I do something like this, I dive right in and have to try to understand every little thing to make sure I know as much as I can about how it operates and all that. It’s a terrible curse on me.

    Maybe by the end of the week I’ll have one in hand…we’ll see.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Most of the time I’m the same way, almost always on big ticket items. Sometime’s I’ve been know to be a little impulsive Sometimes I have nothing better to do that surf the net, so I force myself to read up on things I own or want, because a lot of it gets really dry and boring, but it comes in so handy to know all sorts of info on things I own.

    To be honest I came across the same plasma TV at wally world and so I looked into it a bit, still found I could get a better tv for the same price (at that time) Money’s been tight with the wife being out of work for almost 2 years now, but we have money on occasion to slurge a little so we shop hard are a patient waiting for the right deal, and there are certainly deals to be found on HDTV’s

    Once you’ve narrowed you choice down let me know, I take a couple minutes and see what the best deal I can find on it.

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