fastest route to north end on mille lacs

  • onestout
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I’m heading up to Aitkin tomorrow after work and was wondering what the fastest way would be to go from St. Paul. I was planning on taking 35 up and cutting over. Other ideas suggestions for a friday afternoon trip north? Thanks

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    West side of Mille Lacs 169 all the way

    East side of Mille Lacs HWY 35 then cut over at Hinkley

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4453

    Depends on city traffic. If you are going when traffic is leaving the city (afternoon rush) AVOID 10 to 169 AT ALL COSTS. When I head North and can’t leave around noon. I take 35 up to Rock Creek and then jump on 70 West into Mora. From Mora you can take 65 North, 47 North (back side of Mille Lacs), or head over to 169 (Milaca) and head North. I love this route, no traffic to speak of.

    There really needs to be a toll road through the cities with no off ramps. I’d gladly pay to get through the cities painlessly.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Hmmm, how about 35 to North Branch, west on 95 to Princeton, north on 169 to Aitkin??? Never come from St. Paul before, I live in the northern semiburbs, I take 65 north, shortcut over to Ogilvie, and then 47 the whole way up. Isle is an hour from my front door.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    35W to 610 to 47 will cut some miles off, but doubt if it will save you any time vs 35. All depends on Friday traffic which shouldn’t be bad this time of year.

    We run up to Aitkin a lot and 169 is preferred route.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    35 to Hinckley, then cut over.

    35 to 18. 18 turns into 3. Take 3 to 65 then north on 65 to 27 into Isle. Then 47 north to Malmo.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4453


    35W to 610 to 47 will cut some miles off, but doubt if it will save you any time vs 35. All depends on Friday traffic which shouldn’t be bad this time of year.

    We run up to Aitkin a lot and 169 is preferred route.

    You guys have been living in the cities way to long. I can’t stand being on a major highway and not being able to at least do the speed limit.

    I avoid Elk River 10/169 at all costs. Unless I’m driving through that area at 5 AM or noon.

    95 west from North Branch to Princeton sucks as well. 95 is a hard highway to pass on and there is always some Ethel on there doing 5 under the speed limit.

    Of course I’m talking about coming from South St. Paul or Rochester. Obviously 169 would be the choice if you were in Blaine of something.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Sorry I’m from Iowa, but don’t you need to go through Remer to get to Aitken?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4453


    Sorry I’m from Iowa, but don’t you need to go through Remer to get to Aitken?

    No no, you are thinking of Bena.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974



    Sorry I’m from Iowa, but don’t you need to go through Remer to get to Aitken?

    No no, you are thinking of Bena.

    I think that’s my mistake I was told to turn right in Bena after the Dentist Office, so according to you Minnesota folk it’s: Remer? “not yet” Bena Aitken? “yes, that’s why I’m here!”

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    I thought it was “When you are on an Outing for Emily, you get to Aitkin before you get to Remer”….

    Geographically it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I am sure everyone can relate.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4060




    Sorry I’m from Iowa, but don’t you need to go through Remer to get to Aitken?

    No no, you are thinking of Bena.

    I think that’s my mistake I was told to turn right in Bena after the Dentist Office, so according to you Minnesota folk it’s: Remer? “not yet” Bena Aitken? “yes, that’s why I’m here!”

    Don’t you know when you take Highway 6 North you get all the fun started when you take “Emily” on an “Outing” to “Remer” and then the whole “Aitkin” thing starts.

    Back to the topic, I’ll second Jon J’s route because hes probably made that drive a million times.

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    Straight across the middle

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Thanks for the replys, we’ll see if I can catch a fish this year.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    I always go 35 to 18 al the way across. to 47 then north. exit at finlayson. seems more direct but Jon lives 2 block from me and is up there a bit more then me. Either way it a a few miles or time difference. within 10 or so i’ll bet.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The problem with the Finlayson route is, at Hinckly, 35 starts trailing off to the east. Adds 15-20 minutes to the run up. There is Finlayson and Gies where you need to slow to 30 mph. The Hinckly route keeps you stomping on the gas pedal!!!

    One more tip. Get off 35 at the first Hinkley Exit. (The exit for Mora) Then run the frontage road past Hinkley. You skip the weekend traffic headed to the casino.


    Posts: 848

    Is the frontage road on the west side of the freeway?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Yes. Exit. Hook a left, go over the hwy bridge, take the first right and you run up the west side of the highway. Might save 1 – 2 minutes. But the title of the post is “Fastest” route….

    Respect the local law enforcement in the area. They are around. Radar on!


    Posts: 785

    you could always contact me, come a half day early or a day early, at the Duck INN; PLUG IN YOUR UNIT AND TAKE OFF FROM THERE- were 7 miles east of Garrison, down The county road by Headquarters- about 20 miles to the Red Door

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