Fishing For Life – New Men’s Ministry

  • DaveI
    Posts: 35

    “Fishing for Life” is introducing a new men’s ministry, to men who love the Lord, and want to fellowship with other Christians in the metro area, called “Deep C’s”.

    Fishing for Life would like to invite you and your friends to what we like to call “Deep C’s Night”. We are meeting for the second time this month (Thursday Feb. 25th, 7-9 PM). We will be providing dinner, guest speaker (Steve Carney from outdoor news, speaking on local lake tactics for walleye), and some good old fashion Christian fellowship. We will be meeting at Gander Mountain Lodge in Blaine.

    Please RSVP ( [email protected] ) as we will need to have a head count and feel free to bring a friend.

    Gander Mountain – Blaine
    10650 Baltimore Street Northeast
    Minneapolis, MN 55449-4514
    (763) 783-7200

    Posts: 9263

    Sounds like a good time. Wish I was closer.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751


    Sounds like a good time. Wish I was closer.

    Dito here!

    Posts: 1027

    Sounds great. Do you know if you will be meeting in the same general vacinity all the time or will the locations change? Like maybe SE metro.

    Posts: 35

    I have not heard. I have heard they’re trying to organize tournaments and additional events throughout the summer. I’ll learn more tonight and pass along the info.

    Posts: 35

    Well, there was about 30 men at this 2nd “Deep C” meeting and I liked what I saw. Actually, the GM Lodge was a bit on the tight side and the following monthly meetings may be moved to a church in Ham Lake; so there’s more room for seminars and demonstrations.

    I’ll pass along a few points from last night’s meeting.

    “Deep C” is a program ministry of Fishing For Life. The main mission is to serve youth, family and community through fishing and outdoor programs.

    Some fellows there last night were actually working out the details to take about 70 disadvantaged youth out on a Monticello lake today so they can enjoy an ice fishing experience!

    If you’re interested in organizing a “home church” fishing and Bible study fellowship group, contact “Deep C” for help. If you don’t have a “home church” and want to benefit from participating, they can help you with that, too.

    There will be a summer fishing league, tournaments, fishing clinics, Fall weekend fishing retreat and opportunities to help Fishing For Life during its scheduled lake events as well.

    I was impressed!

    Posts: 35

    Deep C’s Night is at 7pm this Thursday 3-25-2010. Snacks, devotion, speaker, and Christian fellowship.

    R.S.V.P. [email protected]

    Things to discuss are:

    When will Spring Fishing League kick off: Troy Sonnenfeld

    Sports Show Booth- Tom Goodrich

    Fundraiser Opportunity-Tom Goodrich

    Fishing for Life Banquet May 11th Speaker- Ron Lindner

    Fall Outing: Chris, Steve C.

    Gander Mountain – Blaine MN
    10650 Baltimore Street Northeast
    Minneapolis, MN 55449-4514
    (763) 783-7200

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