Roll Call, Who’s going to Fishapalooza?

  • ferny
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    I’ll be drilling holes and running the leader board so I can’t fish. It’s going to be a blast. During the last one we weighed in over 100 pike out of nearly 1000, Wow! I think a couple big crappies won some prizes too. It should run a lot smoother this year with Twitter leaderboard updates and on ice radio broadcast from WDGY. Don’t forget to bring your radio! They are having an Ice Bash Friday night also. More info on

    See you there!


    Posts: 3323

    I will be there Friday setting up a couple of tents for it, and will return Saturday after the event to take them down. That counts right?

    Posts: 3010

    If you see Santa at Fishapoalooza, come over and introduce yourself as a fellow IDO’er.
    Either that or have another slug from your flask.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Santa, Thanks for handing out all of those cars! Every time I saw you, there was happy kids surrounding you. So I didn’t get a chance to say hi. I was working the weigh in tent/leader board. My girl was handing out the kids prizes. She said you dropped off the cars. It looked like about 100 matchbox cars for the kiddies? Thank You very much! I did make a couple trips outside with a couple hand fulls and gave them to the tykes too. You gotta love all those smiles!

    Thanks Again,


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    Ferny, are the names posted of who won what and with what yet?

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