Tiger Woods Press Conference

  • Outfitter17
    Lower Manitou Lake, Ont.
    Posts: 85

    What did you think of it? I got a little uneasy feeling about it. He mentioned being basically above the rules, because of fame and money. I can’t tell if he is really sorry or not.
    Now that he mentioned the paparazzi following his family and how he thought it was wrong, he better watch out – now they are going to be hot on their tail for the next picture.

    Hopefully he meant what he said about being sorry.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Tiger is in a tough spot.

    I think the press conference was the first step in his rehab process.

    I am not sure how easy that would be to do in front of you mother – in – law and mother.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I didn’t watch it, or did I care to do so. Not my sport of interest. But, I’m more concerned about all sports figures and the unwritten responsibily that goes with it. Regardless of Golf, Football, Tennis, Bass Fishing…it is my belief that individuals that have the recognition of the spotlight also should accept a code of conduct. Yes, the arguement can be made that it happened on his/her personal time away from the game. However, it still makes the headlines and media. Too many people look up to athletes as heros; and these athletes know and thrive on it. Its what makes them millions. I just believe a code of honor should be lived on and off the field to be worthy of the millions they make.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Randy –

    Great post and your comment is “spot on”

    You could tell that Tiger was remiss in handling this implied responsibility associated with his fame and fortune.

    I found his comments around this very issue the most compelling. He simply had lost his way and felt that he was “entitled to the spoils” of his hard work, fame and fortune. Screwed up but I would think the world could get a little fuzzy from the back seat of your G4 flying all around the world – anything you want and any time.

    It was good to see that he recognized his moral compass had been compromised.


    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    He is human he messed up were all not perfect..now with that said..I hope he stomps over everyone in every single major this year just to shut up all his critics!

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    The truth shall set you free. He came clean on his shortcomings and made the first of many steps needed to truly make amends. Time will tell but as he said it will take more than words. He is in a really tough spot but many in similar situations have come out on the back side of a storm to be a better person.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    I can hold him to no higher standard than myself… in fact, who cares what I think ??? Hate to see if I made Millions….. I would be pretty good at saying sorry…. I do believe…

    big G

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    He is human he messed up were all not perfect

    I completely agree. As the great book says, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I wish he wasn’t so “scripted”…His stares into the camera, arm movements, head shakes and even the hug w/ mom…I am sure he had notes that said, “stare into camera for 5 seconds” and “shake head”. I am a huge Tiger fan but I wish he would have just spoke from his heart and he clearly didn’t…RR

    Posts: 38

    I heard he was going to change his name from Tiger to Cheetah

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277


    I wish he wasn’t so “scripted”…His stares into the camera, arm movements, head shakes and even the hug w/ mom…I am sure he had notes that said, “stare into camera for 5 seconds” and “shake head”. I am a huge Tiger fan but I wish he would have just spoke from his heart and he clearly didn’t…RR

    Just because it was scripted doesn’t mean it was not from his heart or that he meant it any less. In that scenario, I might like some preparation also

    I selfishly hope he can get back to golfing before the Majors this year., I guess we’ll see

    Posts: 1583

    he’s probably gonna rail that blond chick in the front row later on today.

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    Why isn’t Elin in Jail? She nearly killed a person.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    wish he would have just spoke from his heart and he clearly didn’t

    If he would have spoken from the heart he would have sounded like big G

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092


    he’s probably gonna rail that blond chick in the front row later on today.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    He is a none story. He is not a world leader or somebody of importance. Unless you are the PGA or his sponsors. Its all about $$$! He is a golf pro, nothing else. IMHO

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Don’t condone his actions and really don’t care how he has handled it. I’m not a Tiger fan anyway… Go Phil!!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    What did you think of it? I got a little uneasy feeling about it. He mentioned being basically above the rules, because of fame and money. I can’t tell if he is really sorry or not.
    Now that he mentioned the paparazzi following his family and how he thought it was wrong, he better watch out – now they are going to be hot on their tail for the next picture.

    Hopefully he meant what he said about being sorry.

    3 months later……………….yep I still couldn’t care less about this.

    WHY IS THIS GARBAGE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 204

    Well put Big G. I would hate to wonder what I would be like if I had access to nearly anything in the world, regardless of price. I am sure that everyone would like to think that money and fame would not have an effect on you, but until we are in that position, I honestly think it would have a bigger effect on most of us than we would care to admit.

    Posts: 1493

    He certainly owes his wife an apology, but not me, and not the public in general. This was a personal matter that never should have made the news in the first place. So if his apology was insincere, then I dont blame him. Anyone who feels he owes them an apology should get a life.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Sad part is, he’ll save his marriage along with millions in divorce settlements. Then, when he gets back to the PGA and wins a big fat pay check the fans will applaud his conviction! What a bunch of scripted Tiger bull!

    Posts: 188

    He’s sorry all right…sorry he got caught and sorry he lost many millions in endorsements!GO PHIL!!!

    Posts: 2389

    Per usual, I agree with Randy and Ruger…

    Who the heck cares.

    Ruger – you asked “why is this garbage news??”

    I totally agree… Unfortunately, thats basically all that news is anymore. It would be nice if we as a society would quit being so concerned with all this celebrity/sensationalistic garbage, take a step back, and realize that its just not worth wasting time and brain cells on. In the end, it just is EXTREMELY unimportant information. I could care less about 99.9% of today’s “news” — I suppose thats why I watch the news about once every NEVER.

    I’d rather waste…. ummm, I mean spend constructive time on IDO…

    Of course, I could be wrong….

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574


    he’s probably gonna rail that blond chick in the front row later on today.

    OMG, I think I just pee’d myself!

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    That was a good one!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    x2. And his next steps in his rehab will be Maury, Springer, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Letterman, Leno…etc. Just PR improvement.

    I’ve about had it will sports figures and celebrities being above the rest of us. I think 3 years old have better moral values.

    Great golfer, bad role model.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    I really don’t think extra-marital affairs… are exclusive to celebs and sports stars… They just make the news, your neighbor doesn’t…. Tiger hardly has ruined my day or life…. I take none of his doings personally and they do little to help my slice….

    big G

    Posts: 470


    He is human he messed up were all not perfect..now with that said..I hope he stomps over everyone in every single major this year just to shut up all his critics!

    That still doesn’t change the fact that he cheated on his kid’s mother and broke up their happy home, does it? I could care less about Tiger, but I sure as hell feel bad for his kids. All the money in the world can’t replace what they have gone through.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    OMG a man cheated on his wife…

    Posts: 2294

    I’m going to hold a press conference tomorrow to admit the mistakes I’ve made. North east corner of Fishers Flat. 12 noon.

    Anyone have the ESPN phone number handy? I need to get this out there for all the world to see so I can start my healing process.

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