here are the simple rules.. DON’T BREAK THEM…

  • oldrat
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    My stupid son-in law to be, broke the rules yesterday, and now I am paying for them..

    what are the rules?

    Here are the simple rules.. you follow them, you get almost any thing that you want..:

    Buy a card on your wife’s birthday..

    On Your anniversary buy her something..
    YOU BUY A CARD OR FLOWERS ON MOTHERS DAY, whether your wife/girlfriend has ever conceived..

    and you buy a card or flowers on Valentines day..

    and when you break the rules.. every man SUFFERS..

    oh.. so and so didn’t buy her something.. ALL MEN ARE SCUM..

    its like when some woman in the office is getting divorce.. YOU AIN”T Getting any because of him..

    so men.. don’t screw it up for all of us..

    Learn the rules, live by the rules..

    and make the rest of us’s lives happy..

    here’s to you my dumb son in law to be..

    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    All I ask for is a card – for any holiday or birthday.

    However, my husband once forgot Mother’s Day. Won’t happen again…. LOL

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary. That’s the “marriage hat trick”. When we were first dating and a few things needed to be established, one of the first things discussed was that Valentines day is an artificial holiday created by florists, greeting card salesmen, and candy companies. Forget it, I’m not going to do it because it’s marked on the calendar. I’d rather get excited about real holidays like opening weekend or the Stanley Cup Playoffs.


    (Happily married for over 30 years now)

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Oh yea, Mother’s day too.

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    Rules for men? The only rules we need were articulated by John Wayne’s John Bernard Books character: “I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a-hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Rules were made to be broken!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I am so happy my woman does not believe in Valentines Day. Oh man am I lucky!!!! She wishes the stupid holiday had never been created. I don’t know why this St.Valentine created the day. I dont need a “special” day to tell my woman I love her, I dont need a “special” day to buy my woman flowers (she gets them through out the year sporadically more time I spend in the boat the more likely she is to get flowers) I already have a “special” day to buy her a card which is her birthday and I dont need a “special” day to thank her for putting up with me . She gets all of these things and more all through out the year.

    Is Valentines day a DUMB, USELESS and POINTLESS holiday=YES!!!!!!

    Thank you to my woman for NOT believeing in such a silly pointless made up holiday, I even love you more now after reading silly things like this

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Come on Rat. It is called setting a precedence. You don’t do it early, you don’t have to do it ever again. The sooner the wife/girlfriend realizes that, the better.

    I saw some flowers at the store the other day and told my wife to look at them there, cause they were her present, and she is not bringing them home

    Posts: 470

    I put my foot down years ago and told my then girlfriend not to expect a card on Valentines day. I don’t believe in it, I think it’s completely a stupid “holiday”, and it makes us men look like a bunch of androgynous puppies on a string. The only sight more painful to the eyes than men with their thumbs tucked in their belt loops and line dancing is a bunch of guys standing at the card counter in Walgreens trying to pick just the right card with words (Probably written by a WOMAN) in it that best describe what they think their woman wants to hear. Makes me wretch.

    Having said that, mom always got flowers…but she earned them!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Spent the Hallmark holiday in my portable alone with a cold Grainbelt and a tin of grizz listening to QUIET! Best over rated holiday ever!

    on Valentines day

    Posts: 299

    I love my wife so much, she wanted to go to the boat show for valentines day. We went and had a great day. We also had a great night too Gotta love women that enjoy fishing,hunting and boats. I was looking at a new Skeeter WX1850 and she comes up to me and says I really like the WX2100 better. That is one of the reasons i consider myself the luckiest man on earth.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Happy Wife…..Happy Life!!!!!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531


    Come on Rat. It is called setting a precedence. You don’t do it early, you don’t have to do it ever again. The sooner the wife/girlfriend realizes that, the better.

    I saw some flowers at the store the other day and told my wife to look at them there, cause they were her present, and she is not bringing them home

    yeah.. well I am married 31 years.. I have had guys show up at the last minute on a fishing trip.. had years when I went to Alabama 2 1/2 times a year..

    and its all because I follow the rules..You make her feel special and you get it ALL.. you treat her like crap and you get problems.. and more problems.. and then the big problem..

    You can talk smart all you want.. but I know what I have at home and I want to keep it forever..

    She has put up with 90 times more crap then any other wife.. and she is still here.. and she is my best friend..

    and I plan on another 31 years if she doesn’t kill me for reasonable causes..

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    When I was a young boy it was a Holy Feast Day of Obligation… It goes WAAAAAY Back.
    Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae).[8] Valentine of Rome[9] was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome,[10] and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.

    sw. wright co.
    Posts: 30

    My wife was a florist for years and told me to never buy flowers for her any where near V.D. [jacked up prices],she gets wild flowers all summer[for a wild wife].

    married 22 years must be working!

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    Heres to VD my wife doesn’t care about VD

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019


    Rules for men? The only rules we need were articulated by John Wayne’s John Bernard Books character: “I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a-hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

    Amen brother,…..You and me should have a beer together

    Posts: 1960

    From what I have seen, usually the guys that talk tough about ignoring their wives and placing fishing and hunting above ALL things at home are either liars, or if they are telling the truth they end up being divorced.

    I get to fish and hunt a lot – and I believe that the old rat hit it on the head. Treat them right, they’ll treat you right……


    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I agree with Timmy and Rat. My wife got a box of chocolates on Saturday night that my daughters and I helped her open and eat. Sunday morning, the daughters got their boxes of candy and each of them got a VD card, right before I headed out to fish in the Cumberland Ice Fishing contest. “If momma’s not happy, no ones going to be happy”.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I did the laundry ONCE, now I am not allowed to do the laundry

    Dundee, Wi
    Posts: 94

    My daughter and I made a real nice VD card for mom….i didnt get one. a little one sided i think. is she in the doghouse??? hell no. am i going fishing 3 times this week?, hell yes!

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