Blown disk/pinched nerve

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    I have had this going on for a while and after countless pain pills and muscle relaxers a couple dozen trips to the doc and a few to the chiropractor the nerve pain in my leg seems to only worsen so i bring the subject to ido to seek thoughts and ideas on where to or what to do next anyone on here ever been threw this what route did you take i kinda feel like im at the end of the rope and out of options thanks guys

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    i have had the same problem for a number of years and have tried the same as you.

    the best thing for me has been stretching exercises on a daily basis and it has made a huge impact in a great way.

    simple stretches in the morning and night help big time.

    stretch out your hamstrings and lower back will take alot of pressure off of your lower back disc issues as well

    hope this helps you

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Just got out of surgery on Monday, went fishing on Thursday (with help).

    Years ago I used to make my living as a heavy equipment service tech and messed my back up bad. I suffered with it for five years before I had surgery(diskectomy) and never looked back. It relived 100% of my pain and after a month off I was back to my old self minus the back pain. Previously fishing, hunting, working and even moving around was excruciating.

    Now this winter (seven years later) I was taking on way to much and doing things I shouldn’t have been doing and screwed it up again. Dead lifting full 100lb propane cylinders into a 1977 Ford Highboy in -40 temps while standing on ice was not a good idea and I ended up in the emergency room and hospital for a few days from it. The docs proceeded with an immediate surgery to attempt to save the nerve damage and regain the muscle control and feeling in my left foot and it was partially a success. The motor functions returned but the feeling did not, mostly due to the severity of the injury. I was more than happy to walk properly again and will deal with the dead foot as it was slim chances going in it would return 100% right away, in time maybe.

    Either way both surgeries where painless for the most part with quick recoveries. Heck I spent the day today plowing snow and cleaning rental houses and I had surgery six days ago. After suffering with it for so long before and seeing how the surgery made my condition of life so much better I would go for the surgery hands down…just learn for the first one unlike I did.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    ouch- hang in there man, back pain is no fun. I’m sure someone here has had disk issues, and will chime in.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    If you have severe pain in your Quad(thigh) you may very well have a ruptued disc…You need to go to a Neurologist ASAP. My Quad pain was from pressure on the nerves along my spinal bundle due to a ruptured disc and multiple bone spurs in my vertebral buckles. Like Johnny, from years of abusing my body from football and heavy labor. These problems cannot be identified by an xray, but an MRI… a Chiropractor is not what you need if there is damage already.

    Please do not delay if you can help it… you can permanently damage your back and possible lose your leg due to insufficient blood flow.

    My surgery went well and with today’s technology I was on my feet in a couple weeks and actually fishing (with a temp brace)not long after. I still have some numbness in my lower right leg…cause I waited too long.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Going under the knife is the last resort but sometimes like Jon said it may be an absolute necessity.

    You didn’t say how long this has been going on for but make all the effort you can in trying to rehab with-out surgery. Which includes getting into shape by losing weight strengthening your abs and increasing your flexibility.
    From the sounds of it the Chiropractor isn’t going to be able fix you so it’s the rehab thing or the surgery.

    good Luck and keep us posted!

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668


    Which includes getting into shape by losing weight strengthening your abs and increasing your flexibility.

    That was the BEST thing I ever did. Losing the weight (40lbs) and getting in shape helped my back but also gave me a whole new energy and increased my fishing success. Before I needed to take breaks, sit down for awhile etc. Now I am a Ironman on the bow of the boat and I don’t have the soreness or fatigue.

    That and my new body attracted a good woman along with the kids no longer calling me Fat [censored]; now its just [censored].

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    Find a good orthopedic surgeon immediately and get a real diagnosis so you really know what is going on. Go from there. I had surgery for the same thing in 1979 and have never had a problem since. No pain, no limits feel great. If you are not a candidate for surgery, they will tell you so. Hard decision to make, but in the end the right one.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    What Pier and Johhny P said about losing weight is right on the money My surgeon said he will never see me again, unless I put on weight. I have a decision to never gain weight for fear of doing that again.

    I had back surgery about 8 years ago now to clean up some disks and they ground a hole in my spine for my nerve to run to my lower leg. Before the surgery, my leg felt like it was hit in the funny bone, tingling and pain all the time. I was out for 6 weeks, but it was well worth it.

    Go get a MRI so you know the true scope of your injury, and if necessary, get a quality neurosurgeon. Back pain is no fun, and the sooner you can be back on your feet the better.

    Jeff Matura
    Sumner, IA
    Posts: 238

    I will second bull cans. -)

    Last winter I had terrible lower back pain, mainly on my left side. Went to the chiropractor several times and although the pain eased some it was from healed.

    Got muscle relaxants for two weeks from the doc and still no progress made.

    Then went to him one more time and he took a really close look at my back and pain area. He told me my tail bone was cocked because my leg muscles were so tight.

    Per his instruction I did leg stretches 4 times a day, 2 sets, 20 seconds per leg. I was HEALED in 4 days! Standing, put one leg at the heel of your foot on the arm of your sofa, now bend over and try to touch your toes and hold for 20 seconds.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 299

    Ditto on what Bull Cans said. Stretching your hamstrings and lower back will help a lot… you might even look into trying Yoga. Then lose the extra weight.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I have to agree with the physical therapy and the stretching. You can also do a lot by making your core area stronger and more fit.

    I have 6 back conditions including bulging discs, degenerating discs, scoliosis, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and arthritis and after MRI’s at Mayo clinic two years ago, even they said all of these are mild to moderate and they would not recommend surgery. I did a few weeks of PT and that helped where the pain killers and muscle relaxants did not.

    Now it’s just up to me to keep it up and I can sure tell when I don’t.

    Good luck but do get some sound medical advice.

    bigdog mn
    Posts: 27

    I had a diskectomy in 1995 after years of back issues. Surgery was the last option and was based on MRI’s and severe nerve pain in my right leg. I went to a Dr. Kraker who is with Advanced Spine Associates now in Spring Lake Park. Was a day surgery with little pain after. Had one relapse since and that was treated with a Epidural Steroid injection. Based on my experience, I would recommend him and his partner Dr. Banks.

    Reducing weight and excercise has also helped a great deal.

    Posts: 2998

    I would like to say thanks to everyone that has made a post back to me in such a short time its been going on for a year and a half to two years all started after a day at valley fair when the day after i was floor bound for a week crawling my way to the bathroom and it would kinda come and go then i forced myself to get out and get ready for deer season and it kinda got better then would come back a little bit here and there this time my backs not giving me much for pain but the nerve in my hip runs down threw the side of my leg and into the top of my foot and seems to only not hurt when i stand laying down or sittin is about enough to make a guy cry so sleeping hr have been cut in half

    South Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 223

    i see there is alot of advice in here i can reccomend a damn goog orthapedic guy his name is Dr David Polly at the university of Mn riverside clinic. he has done wonders to my back after I was hurt overseas. 1st step is get a MRI and see polly he is the professor for orthapedic surgery and the head of the orthapedic surgery department. look up his bio he is by far the best doc I have ever dealt with for back problems…. PM me if ya got any questions

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    I would like to say thanks to everyone that has made a post back to me in such a short time its been going on for a year and a half to two years all started after a day at valley fair when the day after i was floor bound for a week crawling my way to the bathroom and it would kinda come and go then i forced myself to get out and get ready for deer season and it kinda got better then would come back a little bit here and there this time my backs not giving me much for pain but the nerve in my hip runs down threw the side of my leg and into the top of my foot and seems to only not hurt when i stand laying down or sittin is about enough to make a guy cry so sleeping hr have been cut in half

    That severe pain in your hip/thigh is a key symptom John…I had that same pain so bad I almost would vomit.Get your butt in to a good Ortho surgeon or Neuro Surgeon for an MRI and evaluation ASAP!
    You need to know if there is damage in there…if there is, no amount of therapy will repair a blown out disc or fractured/damaged vertebrae.

    Posts: 2998

    I made a app today thanks agin for you advise

    Posts: 2998

    The only bad part now is i just got a call back and they said they looked at the sched wrong the soonest i could meet with a surgeon is march 8

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921


    That severe pain in your hip/thigh is a key symptom John…I had that same pain so bad I almost would vomit.Get your butt in to a good Ortho surgeon or Neuro Surgeon for an MRI and evaluation ASAP!
    You need to know if there is damage in there…if there is, no amount of therapy will repair a blown out disc or fractured/damaged vertebrae.

    X2. That pain down your leg is nothing to fool with and indicates a real need to know what is going on. Continued time without appropriate treatment is an invitation to real damage that nothing can fix. My pain was so bad, I walked with a crutch for a little while before surgery. After surgery, the nurse asked me if I hurt and I said, “Oh no, the pain is all gone.”

    Our thoughts are with you.

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