When to when???

  • superiorfishing
    Posts: 395

    I have had a few dogs in my life–an hate the point were I am with my 14 yr old springer now! she seems be be almost wasting away slowly–she eats–dont seem to be in any pain-still have body functions and all—but feel back and hip bones–were never used to be able to and getting to wonder that question–should I?? I so hope she would just let me know or do it some night–were I wake up and now she passed–hate thought of taking to Vet–she never liked going there—well take it day by day I guess!!

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Sorry to hear it man. Only you will know, enjoy your time with her.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Ask your vet for some senior dog food which may allow your buddy to take advantage of the food he does eat. Good luck.

    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    I would talk to your vet. I am sure there are different food options or it could be another issue – thyroid, etc.
    Some vets make house calls to put dogs down also. Less stress on them.
    I feel your pain. We had our golden to the vet last weekend, she couldn’t get up. We expected the worst, but she had just severely strained a large muscle and with a bit of meds – is walking fine again.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You will see it in her eyes and will know.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 161

    I feel your pain. I had to put one of mine down 2 weeks ago tomorrow. 3 1/2 years old ran out in front of a snowmobile. Not an easy or fun decision. They have a way of letting you know when it’s time though.


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    You will see it in her eyes and will know.

    I agree. I put my dog down a few weeks ago too, and it was the first time I had to make that choice. You just look at them and you know.

    Sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers from my family to yours.


    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    If she is eating, bodily functions are working, wags her tail and seems in no pain then I would just keep on keeping on. Like others have said she will let you know when she is in too much pain. I have a 12 yr old lab that is doing real well but they can go fast. I hope to get a new pup this spring to give my lab some entertainment for his last couple of years…. at least I hope we have him for a couple more years. Good Luck and I feel your pain!

    Posts: 13

    When you feel like you are keeping her around for you and not her. When we do it for dogs it is humane. When a person wants to go it’s murder. Good luck.

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    Its been exactly one year ago today we had to put our springer down and I still get choked up whenever there is a post on this. Took me 11 months before I could commit to getting another but am glad I did. the posts saying they will let you know when its time are right on. some things in life just plain suck.

    central, IA
    Posts: 85

    I know what your feeling ,I’ve had to do it twice, and getting close again.Got a 12 yr old lab and she’s a sweetheart. will be lots of tears. Good luck!

    Posts: 395

    Thanks for all the support— like I say I guess take it day by day and see–my other dog is a 12 yr old lab–she not getting any younger either!! Thanks All!!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Its about quality of life for her…when she begins to suffer and/or struggle daily, its time for a opinion from a Vet you trust.

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    When my old hunting companion began to really deteriorate, I took him to the vet and the diagnosis was cancer. I asked him about putting him down and he said the dog did not appear to be in any pain. If he was to get a lot of pain, bring him back and we would do the job. Old dog just kept going and one day I went out and he had passed in the yard. Didn’t weigh as much as a paper sack, but got to lay in the sunshine until his last day. Made me feel better for it and kind of hope when my time comes it will happen the same way. Goodbye old friend.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977


    You will see it in her eyes and will know.

    So true… My 14 1/2 yr old lab gave me that look last September, I knew it was coming, but it still didn’t make it any easier. As long as your dog is still eating, drinking and still has the desire to chase a ball, I’d say
    she’s doing ok.

    Hang in there and enjoy your time with her.

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