These photos were just obtained and released by ABC News. The photos were taken by a police Helicopter. WOW
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These photos were just obtained and released by ABC News. The photos were taken by a police Helicopter. WOW
These are incredible images! The only reason its taken so long for them to be released is because they are added evidence the whole story has not been told to us and we have been lied to by our government and 9/11 commission to what really happened Sept 11, 2001 to these structures.
These are incredible images! The only reason its taken so long for them to be released is because they are added evidence the whole story has not been told to us and we have been lied to by our government and 9/11 commission to what really happened Sept 11, 2001 to these structures.
OK, I’ll bite. What really did happen on 9/11?
I am staring at the hook too and am also willing to bite.
What did happen other than a bunch of whacko’s flew planes into buildings.
Feel free to shed some light.
I clicked through all of those pictured yesterday. Didn’t see anything new.
There are thousands upon thousands of pictured the media owns and has not released. Most are shots of dead and maimed people. They won’t release them for respect for the families.
Here is a big for instance. The morning of 9/11 I was glued to the tv here at work. Those shots of people jumping to a certain death were being shown. The shots you saw that day are never shown again by the media. Pretty hard to dig up a photo from media websites too. No conspiracy. It’s media policy.
It existed then, it exists today. You will never see the face of a dead car accident victum. You will never see the crushed body of a suicide jumper from the 20th floor. Not here in Minnesota, not in New York.
We would need an independent investigation to really tell for sure but myself and many others have serious doubts the buildings came down only because of the planes. Don’t take my word for it, here is a site of 1,028 architectual engineers and engineering professionals who also have doubts.
Why did the 9/11 commission say the jets were full of jet fuel when this is not the truth? Why did over 100 people who were at the site at impact hear explosions after the jets impacted yet before buildings collapsed? Why was explosive residue found on building materials cleared from the site?
I’m not saying the obvious didn’t happen but I truely believe there is more to the story.
According to the Debunking 911 site the fuel sustained fires of 1,000 degrees however scientific measurements test the maximum temp could not have exceeded 495 degrees, not even half the temp required to reach the first critical temp of steel. This site hardly has the credibility of over 1,000 licensed engineers. Why not have an independent study to confirm any doubts?
Because there is no possible way that those 1000 “engineers” could be made up people for the sake of trying to make their site seem legit. So are Osama Bin Laden and Al Quada also in on it? Did our government plan it with them so that they would take responsibility and then enjoy having us lob bombs at them for the next 9 years? By the way, hardly anyone worked in those two buildings, so it would have been easy to get in there with explosives and set up the whole operation under secrecy. The Pentagon is another highly unprotected building to get into and plant bombs unnoticed. Oh by the way, the Mayans say the world is going to end in 2012, so we probably don’t have time to get a full investigation done anyway!
From a firefighting standpoint, flashover normally happens at 1,100 degrees F. This is for standard combustibules, and can happen in any building. I can understand how a plain oil based fire (class “B”) can be 500 deg if tested in a vacuum, but heat rises, is trapped near the ceiling, and then radiates this heat back down. This will heat up a building very quickly past the normal burning temps of the fuel. If you allow this for too long, flashover will happen and all combustibule items in the room will burst into flames at one time.
Even if a fuel based fire at 500 deg F were to ignite all the oil based furnishing in a building (almost all office furnishings, cubes, chairs, tables, papers, class “A” combustibules), the heat from the “B” fire are the least of your concerns.
Sorry, I will be unable to respond anymore since I am working on showing who killed JFK as well as debunking the moon landing this afternoon
I’m not saying the obvious didn’t happen but I truely believe there is more to the story.
While you have the right to believe that,after all ,its your prerogatived….and I have no complaint about that..
After checking out all the stuff that has been put out about this, I just do not believe none of it.
Curious about one thing though….
Just who would conduct this “independent” investigation?
Besides….I don’t think thread will last much longer anyway.
Mayans say the world is going to end in 2012,
Sorry to get off track, but the Mayans don’t say anything. The Mayan calendar comes to its end in 2012 and then starts over again. Nothing different than our calendar ending on December 31st and starts again on January first. Keep saving for your retirement and your kids education.
This might get a little lengthy but here goes. I’m still looking for research to figure out what went on. I’ve got my opinion based on what I’ve read online by witnesses and heard myself the day the towers fell. I haven’t made my mind up because the stories not complete so I can do so. After the first tower got hit ABC news came on and showed everything live. I seen the second plane hit the second tower. Between the time the towers were hit and they fell I watched what was happening and heard atleast 3 huge explosions. I used to work for a company that dynamited solid limestone rock to put sewer lines in and we used to load and shoot 500 pounds at a time and the explosions that I heard coming from the lower areas of the trade centers dwarfed a 500 pound explosion of Hercules 80/20 made by the Dupont company.
I know theres people who believe that the trade centers came down just by the force of the upper floors collapseing upon one another,,,After hearing those manmouth explosions I don’t. I know the weakened structure was a partial cause but not the whole cause. Theres dosens of engineers around the world that have been hired by their countries to find out what happened because they lost citizens too.
Do yourself a favor and search what Jesse Venture has to say and who he has interviewed to find out what he has,,,this may change your mind.
One thing he did do was talk to a chemical engineer who analyzed the dust from the trade centers and he found residue from a very high explosive in all the dust from both trade centers and the building that held the FBI and Homeland security, alot of people don’t know this but another building came down that housed these branches of our government services, I think the building was building 7.
Another person he interview was a maintainence worker that was on the 3rd floor when one of the explosions went off below him, he thought it came from the basement area. He said it was so big that the 3rd floor heaved upward. Remember when that van full of explosives exploded a few years before that when the first attempt was made to bring one of the towers down, this all happened a few years before 9/11.
In another interview he interviewed an FBI agent and this agent said that they did find all 4 black boxes from both planes, the official homeland security explanation is that they were never found and if you call Homeland security thats their official answer. This agent did say in this interview that they did find all of them. Then you have to ask yourself why didn’t they publish whats on the recorders,,,theres speculation that the talking between the flight tower and those pilots says enough to make a person think they knew the terrorists were on the planes, I don’t know if its true but the thoughts there. Do yourself a favor and bring up Jesse Ventures Interviews, Its a mindblower forsure and tell me what your thoughts are about whats surfaced since the official explanation from the 9/11 commission. People can think what they want, its up to them but I’m still looking for more information on what really happened.
There were over 100 first responders who also heard these explosions. I haven’t formed a complete opinion on what I think happened all i know was more than what we’ve been told by the 9/11 commission report and the government. Apparently I am not alone in these thoughts as a quick google search on “911 Truth” has different groups represented by Engineers, Fireman, Police, Military, Pilots who all have many un-answered questions that have not been answered. Why did the airplane transponders supposedly never get recovered according to the government however workers clearing wreckage from the site saw the black boxes being recovered? Why when a pilot and aviation crash investigator with over 50 years of experience explain how never in the history of aviation has even one black box never been accounted for yet these supposedly never were recovered? Usually when questions go un-answered there is a reason, what this reason is will be is yet to be determined but I doubt this many people with very respectable reputations would lie with nothing to gain but then again I doubt our government ever would lie either.
What did happen other than a bunch of whacko’s flew planes into buildings.
Feel free to shed some light.
Don’t forget these “wackos” were funded and trained by the good old USA military back in the late 80’s and early 90’s in Afghanistan. Yes the same people (Taliban) we’ve been going to war with for 8+ years in Afghanistan.
Couple questions for you conspiracy guys. Why? What possible motive? Was the goal achieved?
Let me ask a few questions, do you think our country would have approved of a war and the Patriot Act without a terrorist attack? Would anyone stand to make money off of a war by sealed bid defense & military contracts? Did any high level politicians have connections with any companies rewarded these financial contracts?
do you think our country would have approved of a war and the Patriot Act without a terrorist attack?
I think it should have been implemented after the first WTC terrorist bombing. Clinton dropped the ball on National Security. We should have recognized we were at war then.
Would anyone stand to make money off of a war by sealed bid defense & military contracts?
Do a little home work on the topic. There are only 3 companies worldwide big enough to do bids on the contract and actually execute the job. One French, one German, one American. Easy pick.
Did any high level politicians have connections with any companies rewarded these financial contracts?
The 9/11 commission found no wrong doing by any Bush administration official. That report signed off by both Democrats and Republicans.
Although you are incorrect no one company worldlwide would be able to handle these contracts, regardless Halliburton/KBR failed miserably in fulfilling their obligations, hence fleecing the United States for billions. I think the highly criticized 9/11 commission is hardly a reason to find certain individuals as not doing any wrong doing. Without terrorist attack there would be no Afghan war and without WMD’s there would have been no call to war in Iraq. But surely WMD’s were found right?
This is not meant against you Jon or any other person that may think to the contrary, my reply is follow the money and also who needs protected from the muslim world in the mid-east. Who would benifit from an allied invasion in full in the mid-east. Who would benefit the most, theres many. Heres something to ponder,,,All these explosive devices, and they would have to be big containers, to make the huge explosions they did and I heard, not box sized that could be easily hid, how did they get by security and the bomb sniffing dogs that security had patrolling the buildings often since the first explosion a few years before that. Before anyone says it didn’t happen this way they should hear the testimony from people who seen the marble that was blown off the walls in the front and ground entryway. This doesn’t happen when a plane hits the building 100 floors above. I know its hard to believe but it dosen’t add up to me when scientists say the fire wasn’t hot enough by itself to weaken the steel. Maybe a good shaking from explosives from below would be sufficient, maybe blowing out some supports at lower levels would also do it knowing that the fire by itself wouldn’t be enough. Id be willing to bet its not natural gas, it seems they would vent that off in a serious accident immediately and Id bet thats a New York city firecode. I know the backup generators were diesel fueled and diesel doesn’t explode, I used to weld on diesel fuel tanks with diesel fuel on the other side of the steel on oil drilling rigs when a leak occurs.
Even if the fire was hot enough where did those huge explosions come from, theres tapes you can listen too online where you can hear them, the 911 report never addressed them and thousands heard them and they came from the towers. Remember the dust was tested for explosive residue by a scientist and it was found in all the dust, how did it get there. Does it seem possible the the New York firecode would even allow anything this explosive around any of the buildings, inside or out and let it there for any amount of time, I don’t. Anyone that would allow something this explosive to be in an area where theres thousands of people would probably be fired and brought up on charges and I’ll bet thats another NYC fire code. I’m not running anyone down its just that things don’t add up for me. Id maybe believe the fire theory more if it wasn’t for the explosions that many and myself heard.
Why wasn’t a sound comparison ever made to compare the sound waves to other explosives to determine how fast the explosive was, was it slow burning or was it a high tech substance that has a much faster flash point, they can do these sound comparisons and as far as I know, no one has. I know I’m not reading too much into whats happened, it just theres way too many good questions that haven’t been answered that need too be. Remember for every action theres a reaction to it.
Come on, guys…. Any fear of a “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” can be tossed out the window. The election of President Obama proves it. If all the no good politicians were crooked, wouldn’t McCain be running the country??
I’m not a blind partisan either. I think the Obama has taken the task of running a war well. Basically following the plan laid out by the Bush administration. I’m not opposed to getting the troops home soon. I think its time to get our borders secure. Times are a changing. Our real enemies are not imagined. They have introduced themselves!
My last comment on the topic. This country dwells on the possibilities of the future. Rather than dwelling on tragedies of the past. I sure hope peace prevails.
Jon I really appreciate hearing your views even if different than mine sometimes so please don’t take any of this as a personal attack as this was not the meaning of any of my comments. Maybe we can figure out how to bring about world peace over a couple cold ones on Pool 2 this summer.
Have boat and cold one’s and will travel!!
I hear ya Jon and I think the same way. Everything I’ve said wasn’t political or meant to be read inbetween the lines. What I’ve stated was purely from a scientific and factual standpoint, Id like to know of any political insert in this but for now its all physical evidence and the questions it brings to mind. Heres another one Im puzzled on, theres been around 8 to 12 skyscrapers around the world in the past that have been hit by modern jets at that time and none of those came down. Why the trade centers when they were designed for a direct hit by a jet almost the same size that did hit the towers, maybe it was just luck of the draw because our engineers didn’t build them right but I doubt it considering the explosions that took place before they came down.
Hey guys- Sorry for chiming in so late since I was the who put the pictures up first. All your opinions are great and duley noted. However I am with Mr. Jordan. This does now require a trip some where on the Mississippi with Jon J, Dan B, Tim E, and mysely so we can catch some fish
Sorry for posting and starting a fight, just thought the pictures were amazing.
I for one lost, an old college roomate on floor 83 of tower 1. He actually called me that day and I will never forget 9-11 for as long as I live.
God bless all who died.
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