Since my name was brought into this, I feel compelled to reply.
My experience with seine hauls is limited. When we pulled a seine, the fish were loaded that day or the very next. As alluded to, the gamefish weren’t always treated the way we’d treat them when we’re fishing with a rod & reel. This is a business and gamefish aren’t part of it. That’s NOT to say they were abused to the point where it caused death. They were simply tossed back into the water, no matter what the size. Believe me I’ve seen some tanker sized fish in a seine.
Personally, I feel those gamefish(if any) inside the nets are the responsibility of the people who own the net. Will those people suffer any fines or penalties? Only if enough people make a stink. I know a few guys who’ve lost their comm. fishing lic. because of gamefish waste. Not always does the DNR turn a blind eye….
As Herb said,
While I don’t like what is shown in the video either, it’s a fact of life on the river.
This couldn’t be closer to the truth. The water’s wet, the sky’s blue and people kill fish. If they weren’t a renewable resource, then I believe we’d see tighter guidelines on commercial fishing.
You may not like what people “in the know” on this subject have to say, but it’s a fact of life. Fish do die from this type of fishing. If you want any kind of validation to death caused by comm. fishing, turn on ‘Deadliest Catch’ and in the background. Not all those little crab make it back into the ocean alive.