I would have to say that it’s looking like YOU have the THE MAN LOVE for him not me
But seeing you can read my mind, what am I thinking now.
will you be upset if he goes into the HOF as a Viking?
I guess I don’t know about that because I can’t see into the future but I doubt that would happen, but then again who know’s 
Even Troy Aikman commented that Petersen did not offer Favre an open pocket to hand the ball off… Petersen has been prone to fumble his whole career.
Ok I’ll give you that one, But I would like to see the replay again, and that came from another QB so either way.
It’s so fun that in one thread it’s all about the stats and stats only but when it makes Lord Favre look bad then it’s not about the stats. 
Who fumbled to end the Packer’s hope for a playoff win??? Aren’t you going to put that loss on Rogers?
Same scenerio, same position, he threw 2 INTs, last play of the game… But you haven’t criticised him one iota I am not seeing a difference here between those situations…
First off I thought this was a Favre post, but I do agree with you, Rodgers should have eyes out the back of his helmet (blind side) but ya he should take some of the blame and he only had one interception, along with 4 td’s 423yds and a qb rating 121.3.
I think Rodgers is a good QB with a hell of future in front of him, and he will be around the league for many years to come and could very well challenge some of Favres or Mannings records, Hey he has been a top 10 QB (stats wise) in his first 2 years starting without near the talent around him as the Vikings have.
OK to end this 
I do think Brett Favre is a great QB and did enjoy watching for most of those years as a Packer, I even have quite a few things hanging on my basement wall that list his accomplishments but I am not to keen on how his career in Green Bay ended, In my eyes he tried to be above the team and wanted everyone to worship him and run the team his way, Well the packers got sick of him flip flopping with his retirement and decided to move on. Now he is with the vikings and he is still pretty amazing to watch with a boat load of talent around him but he is not GOD and he does make mistakes at some poor times.
So sorry for rambling on but I’m done now 
is that better ??