i travel all over MN and NoDak chasing those little demons that migrate through every fall. I have a verizon personal phone – GzOne, and have had verizon for about 6 years now. My work uses sprint, so i have a Sprint Blackberry Curve with me at all times too.
my experience has been that around the metro, they are a horse a piece, both will have their trouble zones.
rural MN, including north, west and south, they both get service about anywhere for the most part, but my verizon phone seems to get stronger signals, and areas where my sprint phone does not work, i usually have a bar or two with my verizon phone.
Nodak – verizon has the better coverage.
the anomaly – Western Wisconsin. when traveling on Hwy F from prescott to hudson, through all of the valleys, my verizon phone is very spotty, but sprint has full service all of the way through. this is the only area that my sprint phone has trumped my verizon one. so far anyways…
i look at it this way, if you are going to get that good of a deal with sprint, i would not hesitate to go with them, they both get roughly the same service.
as far as customer service, i have nothing but great things to say about verizon. Sprint – i have no idea, i don’t pay the bill for that phone, but i have heard from others that they can be a nightmare to deal with.
hopefully my rambling helps out a bit.
btw – i hope you decided on a droid. for work purposes, you cannot beat a blackberry, they are too smooth and proven for work tasks. if you want any of the “multimedia” features, get a full feature phone, and that droid OS kicks