Tired of drilling holes yet?

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I just wanted to let you all know that as you read this, the sun is already going to work on our next summer season and the winter will pass before we know it!

    The days are getting longer so we have more exposure. We’re presently gaining a couple minutes each day. By March this will really kick into high gear.

    The average coldest week of the year for this part of MN/WI (Twin Cities) is this week. In fact, Jan. 17th is traditionally the coldest average temp day of each year. The 17th is behind us so the averages are now beginning a slow increase. Yes………it can still get bitter cold but the overall swing makes those spells shorter and the new highs a little higher!

    As of Jan. 25th, just a few days from now, our lattitude position will begin to once again receive TRUE solar penetration for a brief period, which also expands everyday. Not just in time of exposure, but degree of penetration as well. This is why in February, you’ll have a high temp of “0” for the day and still see water running from melting snow.

    We’re on the verge of turning the corner toward soft water fishing! Upon the solar penetration, we usually have only 4-6 weeks of bitter winter moments. It’s also the best winter time there is! Temps are usually milder and you can really feel the sun when it’s out so it’s easier to enjoy the outdoors in comfort.

    We’re better than half-way already and it’s gone fast! I can’t wait to be casting those lures around again REAL SOON!!!

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 399

    Ahhhh Kid…. that’s just what I needed to read on this bone-chilling day up here. Bring on the open water!!!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Sacrilege… It’s heresy I say!

    Burn him!!! (I’ll be using your flaming bones to keep warm while I jig, jig, jig for crappies)

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    As much as I look forward to soft water, I do enjoy ice fishing quite a bit. I did get a new power auger for X-mas, so I still haven’t gotten tired of drilling holes with it.
    I do know that a lot of people that I work with seem to suffer from some sort of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) so the longer days have already been a good thing, but living in the areas that we have chosen to live, I just try to make the best of it. The winter has so many things that I enjoy, that I just can’t wish for it to go away. I love ice fishing, skiing, watching my son play hockey, and sledding with my kids. Winter actually goes by too fast for me somedays.
    Now, days like today, where it’s too cold to enjoy, then I’m thinking of palm trees, and rum based drinks with an umbrella in them.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Tired of drilling holes? NOPE!!!!!!!!
    Kid, I believe we have “issues”

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I have Herbie drill all the holes. In exchange I clean his fish. Somehow I end up cleaning more fish than he drills holes.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I grew up doing most of those winter things. I never got into hockey…………lack of funds and it interfered with wrestling! But I skated in the town park, skied the local hills, and lived for snowmobiling, as all the hockey money went to sleds and gas! Loved winter! I don’t skate anymore and skiing has slowed with time constraints, someone to go with, and a shortage of real snow. Snowmobiles have taken a severe backseat due to mild, “snowless” winters.

    I can see hunting taking precedence in the cold thru January and fishing when the temps are milder. I’m not saying I dislike winter but I really like casting and trolling………covering more water. Until I break down and invest in ice gear…………it just gets long between fall and spring. Maybe I need to bring a rod and reel out on the ice and cast for open holes? I dunno…………..but I didn’t mean to convey that I didn’t like winter nearly as much as I figured those that do could use a little “pick-me-up”.

    Gianni………………. Good stuff bud!

    Herb……………we have issues? Wanna go over them on the 31st? Should I pack a lunch cuz it’s gonna take a while?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Kid – gotta say I’m with ya! Ice fishing is enjoyable but nothing comes close to open water (in my opinion). I’m missing it something terrible!

    As these days get a little longer I’ll be able to find time to get on the big river again – not the one most of you ride – but the mighty Missouri is calling my name. Soon we’ll be wearing these… I’m ready.

    skhartke, sorry to hear you’ve got SAD. Heck of a deal living in the north country. I’m guessing you’ve heard about the SAD light therapy to help alleviate some of the symptoms. If not, shoot me a PM and I’ll give you the info. Can’t speak to it personally but the research is convincing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    If not, shoot me

    I’m finding out that a person really has to watch how a post is worded…especially when talking to someone about their SAD issues. Sorry Wade, your last post just hit me as very funny when it wasn’t ment to be.

    I guess it makes a differance how wide your window is when viewing posts. The above was at the end of a line.

    I’m with the guy at the top…bring on spring and all the things that come with it…washing the boat, mow’en lawn…I’ll tak’em!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Yea Brian – it was not meant to be funny. As I read it back I see what you mean. I’m most sincere in my comment about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Nothing funny about it. I hope nobody else misunderstood my comments.

    It’s funny how when you read your own post they often don’t say what you meant to say in the first place. Communication is a terrible thing to waste.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Tell you what Ken, if I get up there on the 31st you can pack 2 lunches. 1 for you and 1 for me. I like baloney samiches. I’ll drill your holes and you can even borrow a new ice rod I have coming to me. That should take care of the “issues”.
    BF, and a very fine job of cleaning fish you do my good man!

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I will also take the soft water over the hard. I did try to get more ice fishing in and it is fun, but I am tooooo impatient and need to move all the time!
    Bring on the 50-70 degrees!!
    Think warm thoughts

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    skhartke, sorry to hear you’ve got SAD. Heck of a deal living in the north country. I’m guessing you’ve heard about the SAD light therapy to help alleviate some of the symptoms. If not, shoot me a PM and I’ll give you the info. Can’t speak to it personally but the research is convincing.

    Well, thanks for the offer, but I’m not suffering from SAD. Quite the opposite, I am a fan of cloudy days. There are a couple of gals in the office here who seem to suffer from it. They get really moody if the sun doesn’t shine. Now I have heard about the light therapy, and it does seem like a good thing.
    Thanks again,

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Ooops. Sorry Steve. Thought you were talking about you. Well, I’m glad you don’t have SAD.

    Myself, I get grumpier in the winter. But it’s not due to the lack of sun light as much as it’s due to the lack of the open water chuck-n-wind. I NEED Spring!

    Here in NW Iowa, were supposed to have highs right around zero next week! Guess I better change my attitude for a while.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    No %&&*$ why am I tired or drilling holes yet!!!!!

    I get a kick out of doing something that most people on this planet think I am crazy to do and have no clue as to the enjoyement one gets from sitting on 2 feet of ice, staring down an eight inch hole holding a short fishing pole with maggots on the end for bait with 15 below air temperature and 40 below wind chill readings outside, being warmed by a portable propane heater on a container like the one they hve under their barbaque grill, drinking semi-frozen Mountain Dew, hanging my lunch on the support pole in your canvas shack so they defrost, wiping the snot dripping of my nose on my jacket sleeve….We could go on and on

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    AAaaa Kevin !!!

    I get a warming feeling inside with that explanation of being on the ice…thanks!!

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Now I have to add…Keeping a tow rope right next to me so I can pull someone out or get pulled out of a snow drift in my vehicle in the middle of a frozen lake after an 18 inch snowfall.

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