MN Fishing License Fee time for a increase?

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Better re-think the raising non-resident license part. Raising non-resident would hurt the tourism industry, which trickles down to all of us. If anything give non-residents a discounted per week license while on vacation here. Make theirs cheaper, draw more business to the state not less.

    License IMO need to be sold on a need basis. If you want to fish for the day you can buy a daily license. This helps the students and seniors who may only fish once or twice a year. A second license for the vacationers, make it good for up to 2 weeks or something. Then a license for all us guys who try and get out often.

    You can’t complain about the loss of participation on one hand and then raise the cost to participate on the other. Seems counter productive to me.

    And to those politicians attempting to get the money from the Lessard bill we just passed. Use the word “protect” to steal our money and we will “protect” it by creating a fund to unseat elected officials who try and steal our money.

    Protection is a 2 way street.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350


    How about the state do what it said it was going to do, use the lottery money, also how about they realize they don’t have a money tree to pluck whatever money their favorite BS program calls for, how about they become financially responsible and then we wouldn’t have to pay more????

    This thread is directly linked to govt spending and irresponsible politicians.

    Al….who’s not buying the “we need more money” from govt crooks.

    Posts: 3407

    I disagree I still think you should raise the out of state fee. I think that if you are from a state that border MN then you should pay the same as your state would charge for an out of state license. Iowa is the same as here at $39.50, ND is $60, SD is $45, and WI is $50. Any other state I would average it out at $50, or just make it simple and make it just $50 to all non residents. I doubt it would hurt tourism much. Gas prices have much more to do with tourism than license fees do. You could still do a 7 day license for $25.


    Better re-think the raising non-resident license part. Raising non-resident would hurt the tourism industry, which trickles down to all of us. If anything give non-residents a discounted per week license while on vacation here. Make theirs cheaper, draw more business to the state not less.

    License IMO need to be sold on a need basis. If you want to fish for the day you can buy a daily license. This helps the students and seniors who may only fish once or twice a year. A second license for the vacationers, make it good for up to 2 weeks or something. Then a license for all us guys who try and get out often.

    You can’t complain about the loss of participation on one hand and then raise the cost to participate on the other. Seems counter productive to me.

    And to those politicians attempting to get the money from the Lessard bill we just passed. Use the word “protect” to steal our money and we will “protect” it by creating a fund to unseat elected officials who try and steal our money.

    Protection is a 2 way street.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    just for your info SD non-res is $60 plus a $2 convenience fee. MN non-res is $40.50, I don’t think you would scare too many people off with a $50 individual non-res fee.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I guess I’m more trying to get people out fishing with a lower non-resident license. I see everybody’s point though.

    Seems with the cost of cabins I would rather see a dad buy a license and take the family fishing rather then go hang around a shopping center or casino which doesn’t help the resorts at all. If we don’t concern ourselves with tourism then we all will pay much more for license fee’s and we will lose our resorts completely.

    Vacations are becoming for just the rich as more and more resorts convert to condos or sell off their cabins. I would hate to see that continue.

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