MN Fishing License Fee time for a increase?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    MN Fishing Licenses have stayed the same for 10 years.

    The MN DNR will see a $4.5 million shortfall this year after cutting back 10% of it’s work force.

    If license sales will stay the same, this would generate a little over $3 million, reducing the short fall to about 1.5 million.

    Would you as a MN resident support a increase to $25. to help cover regular operating costs of the MN DNR?

    If you support a price increase, but not a $25. fee, what price are you willing to pay for a MN Fishing license?

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    What I would support is free licenses for all full time students. I’ve seen so many kids drop out of fishing at 16 when they have to start buying their own license.” Not all that many have dads around to take them fishing.” They would get in a lot less trouble down by the river than hanging out on the street or in the malls.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    BK I can not support any increase for the government or any of its programs at this time they have everything so screwed up.

    I just got my newsletter from my elected official. It stated the this state is in a world of hurt.

    Qoute,”According to most experts, Minnesota faces the most serious fiscal crisis it has seen since the Great Depression. In December, the state’s finance directors released a budget forecast that showed Minnesota facing a projected $1.2 billion budget shortfall for the current two-year cycle. Lowerthan- expected income tax revenue – caused by the still sluggish economy and high unemployment–is responsible for 70% of the shortfall.”

    I could have told them that for a lot less money! I think most of us could have!

    We have a lot of worries not just fishing fees. The knuckleheads in government need to get a clue. I mean all the knuckleheads at all levels.

    Now is not the time to be raising anything. Money is tight for everyone and it does not sound that promising for the immediate future either.

    Just my 2 cents!!

    Posts: 1719

    Don’t know how you determine a fair price.Someone that has the chance to fish 50 or 100 days a year $25 is way too low.But $25 may keep someone from tagging along a few days a year.Maybe a cheaper 10 punch card for casual fisherman.DNR should rephrase it to”do you want to maintain or improve fishing in the years to come”they would get more yes votes out of the box.Ten dollars give or take over a years time,three gal. of gas,two crank baits,two cans of chew.Of all the taxes, fees etc. you pay in a year what do enjoy the return more.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The state can fix our government first….starting with the governor.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    Isn’t it true that the fishing license fees are added to the GENERAL FUND and then the Legislature allocates money back to the DNR? A better idea would be to get the legislature out of the way. I don’t mind paying for a fishing license but I’d like to know that the money is going to DNR for outdoors projects, not going to the legislature for purposes I probably disagree with.


    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Why is a fishing license and a hunting license so much more expensive than a drivers license? There are more driving infractions than hunting or fishing infractions.

    Why don’t they sell 3 or 5 or 6 year permits? That would save some money would it not?

    Zumbrota, MN
    Posts: 578


    The state can fix our government first….starting with the governor.

    This proposal will assure you even bigger tax increases… but this is a fishing site, not established for political bashing

    SE MN
    Posts: 192

    It really doesn’t matter to me if they raise the annual license fee so I said yes. Just a faster return on my investment in a lifetime license!!!

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Raise it for out of state residents first.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Josh, I would imagine if the fees for resident sportsmen go up, the non-resident will do the same.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    Why this state ever dropped house licinses on portables is beyond me. That was a stupid move, it was a huge chunk of change. The minute I heard that they were dropping the lic I said that there would be budget stortages.

    Also, I would be willing to bet that it is mailny the portable fisherman that leave the largest mess on the lakes too from 1# tanks to trash. Shelter tags were good $ for clean up efforts at minimium. I say leave lic. fees alone, maybe up to $20, I belive it was $18 now if I remember and re-institite portable shelter tags. -Mark

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    They might make up a big chunk of that shortfall by getting rid of that new conservation license!


    Posts: 2014

    If They upped the fee would the DNR still get the same funding? Or would it end up were they lose the exact amount of funding from another pool of money that there were suppose to get, hence giving them the same budget.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    You could up it $50 dollars I don’t think it will make the DNR better off. Take back the lottery funds. They were for the DNR until the politicians realized the amount of money that was there. Correct me if I am wrong the DNR is given a set budget from the legislators just like every other department.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    I find it amazing that MN with the high taxes we pay compaired to most of the country we are always in debt. We pay more they find a way to spend more throwing money at it won;t do a thing. They need to find a way to manage what they have like every family on a budget!

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173


    Josh, I would imagine if the fees for resident sportsmen go up, the non-resident will do the same.

    I say keep MN Residents the same, Non-Residents can go up if anything were to happen… Also, I agree with the portable fishouse comments dumb move…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If what Rootski and others pointed out is true, I would have to change my vote to know. This is enough for me to run for state legislature and change things. All license fees should only go to the DNR budget and they should either dump the lottery or allocate the money as it was initially intended. I’ve always had no problem with them raising the license if it will benefit fishermen. The DNR is already grossly underfunded. The only way the a-holes in the legislature would take notice is if the tourism industry took a huge hit and thus made a big hit on the taxes that come along with it. It is appalling that they would exploit or natural resources.

    Here is what I would like to see. Fishing organizations entities involved in the fishing sector in the state lobby to have the DNR to be detached from the government. Kind of like the post office. Hmm, before that I should investigate how much money is brought in through licensing, taxes on the outdoors sector and other funding sources and how much their actual budget is before getting all wound up.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    Dont they have all that new money for the tax increase for the outdoors and arts? Oh yeah, that money is going to eco-education and not directly to our lakes and streams as promised.

    An increased fee would just be wasted on other B as in B, S as in S too.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I’m ready to take some heat that I won’t respond to. I would pay $150 for a MN fishing license. Sure I fish a lot. If I didn’t I’d buy the shorter term licenses.
    I didn’t feel that I’d contributed enough to MN’s natural resources so I gave an additional $100 for MN critical habitat license plates.

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    That’s very respectable of yourself willing to pay $150 a year. Some people enjoy the outdoors and some use it to make money on top of the enjoyment, like resorts and guides etc. Now I could see an expensive fishing license for these folks… I also have the critical habitat on both of my vehicles and the majority of that money goes to the DNR

    Posts: 3407

    In times like these you never know what the state legislators are going to do to fund their own pet projects. That is the inherent problem with government. They are not out for the greater good, but for themselves. I would have no problem what so ever with an increase, if I knew it was going to the DNR. I mean really $25 is nothing in the scheme of things. How many people pay $25 for one muskie lure? How much do you spend on a rod and reel combo, and not bat an eye. Heck it is $150 just to fill my boat with gas. If it could somehow be guaranteed to go to the DNR, I would be in favor of it being higher, but I say start with the out of state fees to at least match WI out of state fees. The fishing is much better in MN than WI, but costs more to fish in WI than MN. What is up with that?

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    I’d pay $150 a year for a license if we could use more than one line.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    You guys are a lot better folks than I am! No way in hell would I pay $150 dollars for a license! I don’t care where the money goes!

    If you break it down month by month sure it is not bad, but then I have a mortgage, car payments, health insurance, medical bills, energy, food, oh yeah gas that is way over priced they have done nothing with to lower the price on, taxes , an unemployed wife do to this wonderful economy, etc…

    I know the majority have the same bills, and I know I am better off than a lot of people, I am very grateful of that!

    The government needs to start making some tough decisions that don’t empty my wallet!

    Start cutting the size of the government and all their perks then you wont need more of my money!

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    I think the best idea is to raise nonresident fishing and hunting Lic. Make them $150.00. Raise the cost of other things that have to do with tourism. I don’t fish any MN lakes, only Pool 4 and I can do that with my Wis. lic.

    Posts: 4179

    I’m a non-resident of MN, I don’t guide in the state, and I’d have absolutely no trouble paying $100-$150 for a non-resident license. The resort industry would never go for it, but sign me up. Everyone who wants access to a high-quality outdoor experience like MN offers should expect to pay for that privilege.

    I buy the WI conservation patrol license every year…and all I do is fish. I could get by with a fishing license/trout stamps only and save a bunch of $$, but I know those license fees help the DNR do the work I want them to be involved in.

    The angst that a $10 increase generates is just beyond me. Most guys spend $10 at the gas station on the way to lake for coffee, donuts, sodas and a cold sandwich for lunch. That’s all to enjoy one day on the water. Why not contribute that same amount for a season’s worth of enjoyment?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    Agreed, there are many more important concerns than a reasonable increase in fees after almost a decade.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    Why this state ever dropped house licinses on portables is beyond me. That was a stupid move, it was a huge chunk of change. The minute I heard that they were dropping the lic I said that there would be budget stortages.
    Also, I would be willing to bet that it is mailny the portable fisherman that leave the largest mess on the lakes too from 1# tanks to trash. Shelter tags were good $ for clean up efforts at minimium. I say leave lic. fees alone, maybe up to $20, I belive it was $18 now if I remember and re-institite portable shelter tags. -Mark

    Agreed on all counts.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I would not mind paying a reasonable increase, or even an unreasonable one.

    a lot of my quality of life time is getting the boat out, with a good friend, and spending some time on the water.

    A few dollars more spent is nothing compared to the enjoyment and satisfaction I receive from our waters.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    How about the state do what it said it was going to do, use the lottery money, also how about they realize they don’t have a money tree to pluck whatever money their favorite BS program calls for, how about they become financially responsible and then we wouldn’t have to pay more????

    This thread is directly linked to govt spending and irresponsible politicians.

    Al….who’s not buying the “we need more money” from govt crooks.

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