One BIG Man killing Bear!!!!

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    I know this story has been around for a few days but I haven’t seen any pics yet. The size of this animal is so remarkable I thought I’d pass it on…besides…the fishing has been so slow around here lately I’m reading the news.

    The following pictures are of a guy who works for the forest Service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A huge Grizzly suddenly charged him from about 50 yards away. He unloaded a 7mm Mag rifle into the bear and it finally dropped a few feet from him. It was still alive so he reloaded and finished it. It was over one thousand six hundred pounds, and 12′ 6″ high at the shoulder. It would be a world record. Of course, the game department did not let him keep it. Think about it…. This bear on its hind legs could walk up to the average single story house and could look on the roof at eye level. The other sad fact:It was discovered the bear had attacked and killed at least two people whose remains were found nearby. I did not pass the last picture of a partially eaten body….yeesh…gave me the willies I’m amazed anyone would post something like that….Although there are a few PETA supporters I would like to send it to (I’m not that mean)

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    I thought I had read this was another scam pic. Anyone know?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    There is a post on this subject in the hunting forum under “great big mother of a bear”.

    Gator Hunter

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    This pic has been floating around the web for at least a couple of years now. I do not remember the real story. I remember seeing a link about internet hoaxes but I can not find it now, I could swear I saw the real story about the bear there. Great big Mother of a Bear

    Posts: 255

    Here is the real story:

    The basic story here is true although some of the details are wrong, perhaps because two different recent incidents of very large bear killings in Alaska have been conflated into one.

    The bear pictured above was killed in November 2001 by a hunter (not a Forest Service employee) who came across it while he was deer-hunting in Alaska. As he described the event on the message board at

    My partner and I ran into the unexpected . . . “BIG ARSE URSUS”! The bear was shot 10 yards away (no zeros missing in that figure my friends) in the head with a .338 Remington Winnie, using 250 grain Nosler handloads, followed up with two shots to the vitals. A very quick clean death.

    We were working up a creek, headed for the mountains to hunt blacktail. He was coming down the creek, hunting for the last of the spawning Coho in the creek. We initially spotted him from 40 yds off. As a matter of fact we were glassing the bear over the high brush just behind the bear when we spotted him.

    Check out, they have all kinds of info into supposedly true stories such as this, if anyone has gotten the same email as me recently, it stated that Target department stores won’t support veterans, and they are french owned and so on, it’s false, check out the story on this website.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 110

    Theres one thing thats nice about not living in Alaska anymore. Those bears are scary. I have had them false charge me. Follow me.Attack and maul two freinds of mine, And just plain be a nusiance. We went deer hunting (little black tails) with 338s and the like,because we allways ran into the bears. Dont get me wrong there a wonderfull creation of God,and I never wanted to kill one,I have shot over there heads several times and scared them off, but I was allways ready to dust one if needed. The Bear mentioned was shot the season before I moved,and the news made a big stir all over southeast Alaska. A modern day real life monster. You want true bear storys read BEAR TALES one and two. Real fun reading knowing those bears are there and your at home. And if you ever walk around the rainforest of southeast Alaska remember. Your part of the food chain now….The low part.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Thanks for the added info guys! I hadn’t heard that one before. It may have resurfaced after the Mountain Lion episode recently in California. Sorry Leinie..I missed you post on that one….must a been .

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I followed up on this hoax myself.. the ugly half eaten body WAS done by a bear.. but it was a black bear in Idaho… the guy played dead… the bear ate him…. sometimes your not supposed to play dead… only if its a mother with cubs.. or a grizzly defending a kill.. so Im told…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    In 2000 on our way to CA, we were in Montana, when a public service announcement came over the radio. Apperantly they had some grizzly and black bear attacks out there. I thought it was good info for the traveler that stops along their way..If I recall, it went like this…

    (Because of the recent) bear attacks, you should always be equiped with a sports whistle and a bell. Both tie around your neck. Also easy access to pepper spray. You should become framiliar with bear dropping identification and be able to tell the differance between black and grizzly droppings.
    To tell the differance in droppings, Black Bears generally have berries, nuts and tree bark in thier droppings. Grizzlies on the other hand generally have whistles, bells and pepper spray cans.

    Sometimes I just can’t help myself….

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Sometimes I just can’t help myself….

    And sometimes…………….we can’t help you either!

    I’ve heard from DNR personnel during black bear reports that this species as a whole doesn’t follow the “play dead” routine. They must be the ones controlling possum numbers! Seriously, it’s been said that if it’s a black bear, fight back for all you’re worth!

    Posts: 116

    Here is a pic of a large AK Brown Bear. It is all in how the photo is taken. Head up, hunter behind, and a little zoom. Works every time!

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    no matter how you shoot it…that is one big a** bear

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    So this little guy is say…100 yards away and really mad at you. He charges. How steady and how many of your 5 shots would you get off and would hit him before the lights went out? Last question…who’s lights would go out?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Ps…I’m sticking to fish’en.

    Posts: 3

    A Brown/Grizzly bear can run over short distances @ approx 15 yds. a sec. I have been charged a half a dozen times in the 12 years I have guided in AK during the summer. I have never had to pull the trigger, but it is hard to accurately describe how small and insignificant one feels when this is occurring.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Hey mnproguides! What area did you guide in?

    Back to the 100 yard thing. That’s just under 7 seconds (about) to decide if you need to shoot and then make as many shots as you can….count.
    Forget the 100 yards…say 200 yards with aprox 14 seconds….I’m still sticken with fish’en!!!!

    Never had a walleye yet that I couldn’t take down bare handed!


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Is “yet” the key word here?

    Tell ya what Brian, bullets have a little more effect than wingin’ a jig at ’em! In some places you may fish (one day), you’re going to want more than jigs and cranks in your arsenal!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    Never had a walleye yet that I couldn’t take down bare handed!


    Is “yet” the key word here?

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