I know this story has been around for a few days but I haven’t seen any pics yet. The size of this animal is so remarkable I thought I’d pass it on…besides…the fishing has been so slow around here lately I’m reading the news.
The following pictures are of a guy who works for the forest Service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A huge Grizzly suddenly charged him from about 50 yards away. He unloaded a 7mm Mag rifle into the bear and it finally dropped a few feet from him. It was still alive so he reloaded and finished it. It was over one thousand six hundred pounds, and 12′ 6″ high at the shoulder. It would be a world record. Of course, the game department did not let him keep it. Think about it….
This bear on its hind legs could walk up to the average single story house and could look on the roof at eye level. The other sad fact:It was discovered the bear had attacked and killed at least two people whose remains were found nearby. I did not pass the last picture of a partially eaten body….yeesh…gave me the willies
I’m amazed anyone would post something like that….Although there are a few PETA supporters I would like to send it to (I’m not that mean)