Best price seen for Strikemaster Lazer Mag Solo ?

  • seeds
    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Looking to buy a new 8″ Lazer Mag Solo… I see they are 439.00 at most places. Any better deals out there yet?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Looking to buy a new 8″ Lazer Mag Solo… I see they are 439.00 at most places. Any better deals out there yet?

    I think Dean down at Everts has the Lazer Pro for less than that! Call him.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Yup,time for the last couple to hit the “go away” machine.They are really in the way of the open water goood stuff!

    The price just got better!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I just talked to Dean. He’s got the Lazer Pro for sale for $40 less than the price quoted earlier for one the lower horse power models. Best I can figure it that’s about an $80 savings. Only two left though. So… if you’re in the market you best hurry.

    Posts: 4179

    When you stop down, be sure to ask him what the earliest possible time on Christmas morning that he plans to have the ramps open. That low-light bite is pretty strong this time of year, especially in a blizzard.

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