FL8 ?

  • Geerdes
    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    Posting this for my buddy.

    Any of you ever have this problem. My FL-8 (a little older) works great outside but once in the shack I struggle to pick up my lure. On Sunday this happened and about an hour later my lure showed up like normal?? Talked with another person and they said the same thing and his vex is only a year old. They even sent it in to Vexilar and they said there was nothing wrong. Any thoughts?

    Central MN
    Posts: 104

    I have an FL-18 and when I turn it on for the first time of the day I can’t pick up bottom sometimes. All I have to do is crank up the gain all the way and then it finds bottom and then the sensitivity goes way up then I can turn it down to a normal setting. Never really asked anyone about the problem before but that has always worked for me.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3895

    Transducer? Check it with another buddy’s ducer. There chould be an audible fast ticking noise.
    I was experiencing similar, working intermittantly (sp) and found that when i would wiggle the cord where it entered the transducer it would work or not work, so i bought another ducer and the problem was solved…
    that is untill 2 weeks later when I cut the cord on Mille Lacs on the auger blade .
    Subsequentley, I learned you can splice the wires and insulate them from touching with a plastic wrapper from a propane tank It worked fine. I did buy another ducer but have since done a good splice on the cut and keep it for a spare for when i do it again.
    Cuz we all know Im going to…

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    try wiping the bottom of the transducer off. Sometimes you get a film of water on there with an air bubble in it or something that causes it to misread.

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 432

    I have the FL-8SE. Lots of possible solutions. Here is just a couple.

    1) You may need to turn your gain up. If the lure is micro and the gain in all the way down and your fishing deep – you may not see your lure.
    2) Another is current. Sometimes your lure can be swept back and out of your cone signal.
    3) Somtimes it is hard to see very vertical presentation lures as they do not give much of a target for a signal to hit.

    Hope that helps – I am sure others will chime in with other suggestions.

    I love my old 8Se. Half a sunflower shell fell down my hole once. I watched it on the 8Se. I could actually see the slow clear wobble of the shell on the Vex – and in the hole – as it slowly spun its way to the bottom. That was 27FOW.


    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    is your battery charged fully? signal strength is directly related to batt charge.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778


    try wiping the bottom of the transducer off. Sometimes you get a film of water on there with an air bubble in it or something that causes it to misread.

    Posts: 1493


    try wiping the bottom of the transducer off. Sometimes you get a film of water on there with an air bubble in it or something that causes it to misread.


    Josh Runksmeier
    Pequot Lakes, MN
    Posts: 279


    try wiping the bottom of the transducer off. Sometimes you get a film of water on there with an air bubble in it or something that causes it to misread.


    Posts: 22

    Another vote for checking the transducer bottom. Often when you pull it out of an outside hole, it takes seconds for ice to form on the bottom and that really cuts the signal until it is wiped off, or it melts.

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