DNR Firing

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Anyone catch the WI news last night. There was a short blurb about a State Official wanting to fire anyone at the DNR that has to do with the Wisconsin Deer management group.

    I would be interested in more information and the name of the State official. I want to let him know if there is anyway or thing I can do to support the canning, just let me know what it is

    It might be 3 years to late, but cool to know maybe someone with some pull has had enough of the Deer management group.

    If they do find out that money has exchanged hands (no doubt in my mind) to promote a liberal amount of antlerless tags…..could this not be considered a form of pouching, and what should the repercussions of there actions be?

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    What should the repercussions of there actions be?

    Cut there @!$&ing balls off and feed them to the wolves.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    I wish someone would stickup for MN hunters like that.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    I am no rocket scientist, but if they had EAB before, naturally wouldn’t the numbers be way down without them ??? A hunter that “Had” to shoot a doe (which is counted in the harvest numbers) now did not have to. So naturally, wouldn’t the numbers be considerably lower ??? Think of it this way, a trophy hunter, in order to get his buck, “had” to shoot 2 deer last year, but this year could harvest his Buck and be done. Am I missing something ???

    big G

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    I am no rocket scientist,

    You can say that again!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Matt Frank……you are full of BS. We all know standing corn provides great cover for deer and they have no reason to leave it but, many hunters drove corn fields without results and noticed little to no sign. How much malarkey are you going to push on us?

    The DNR as done nothing to reduce tags, they have however just renamed areas. Instead of T Zone areas we now call them Herd Reduction. Thousands upon thousands of antlerless tags are available for units of which most hunters never seen a deer.

    Ed Harvey…..Of course you are against the firing, your job should be in jeopardy also.
    No one has said that we need to fill the positions with green horns out of college, although I’m sure they would do a better job.
    The positions should be elected not appointed. Maybe the elected would be personnel that actually get there behinds into the field and listen to those that spend many hours in the outdoors instead of a group tracking wildlife from a cubicle.
    The DNR has lost count on the Deer, Bear and Wolf populations. The numbers provided from the DNR don’t add up. And the public is becoming aware of it…finally.

    And I would also like to know how the 16 day deer season for year 2010 is going to help.
    Wisconsin needs to get back to the traditional 9 day hunt. We also need to bring back Buck only units in much of the state and possibly party tags for antlerless to give the herd a chance to rebound.

    The DNR caused the demise of the deer herd, not all the other bull they keep feeding us. The excuses have become sickening, forest damage, winter kill….blah, blah, blah.

    I fully support Decker, I have sent my letter to the Madison DNR and voiced my opinion on every feed back source to the DNR that I can find. Now that this has been brought up by a State Official it is time for the Wisconsin Deer organization and Deer hunters to keep the pressure on.

    Posts: 6259

    Pick up the scent of the money trail and it will lead you straight to a insurance lobbyist….

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    This is good. People are starting to see the light and believe. Let’s keep the pressure on the DNR and maybe we can bring the deer numbers back closer to where they used to be. Either that or they will try to sell their deer irradication program openly to the public.

    And I agree this is a MN problem as well as WI.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I never thought I would agree with a Democrat…until now! There is a lot more to do than firing idiots. Everyone that enjoys deer hunting regardless of trophy hunting or meat hunting, must attend all public hearings and voice their opinions. Hearings do work only when the majority participates

    Posts: 1564

    Big G, to clarify, you did not have to shoot a doe to qualify for a buck tag, a buck fawn was counted the same as a female deer.
    If the DNR can not tell the difference between a buck fawn and a doe fawn, how can you expect anything else???

    I was at our archery club meeting couple months ago and we have a DNR field technician as a member of our club. He was talking about the deer problem in our local town and what was being proposed. With my smartalic nature, I told him a good idea would be to live trap all those deer and restock our area.. After much jeering, he retorted-“maybe you guys shouldn’t have shot off all your deer!”.
    Well, he did have a point. Just because the DNR gave us all those antlerless tags for 10 plus years on end, buck poles turned into doe and fawn poles and slobbery led to decay with everyone shooting anything brown running out of the woods–just because someone hands you a bag of potato chips does not mean you have to eat the whole bag at one time.
    Like I said many times, EAB was just the last straw that broke the camels back and pushed this car over the cliff.
    Like Jesus said to the people-clean the inside of your own cup. The best way to control the DNR is to control your own actions and limit yourself.
    Buffalo county has a million deer and a zillion big bucks–why??? the landowners manage their own properties and don’t overshoot their herds, most of the rest of the state is like fishing below Lock and Dam 3 in the spring and fall.

    To solve this problem, look at yourself, then correct the state.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    You know as well the rest of us the majority of the hunting population cannot control themselves. Same with fishing. Never gonna happen. Human nature/instinct prevents it. That is why we have laws for everything. That is the basis of being civilized.

    I quote the movie, Men in Black:

    “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.”

    Posts: 1564

    You are right, but the DNR has plainly stated we will never revisit the days of high deer numbers again. It is not the carrying capacity of the land nor biological issues that are dictating the mandated over winter goal numbers—it is the sociological issues, that is what drops the number like a rock. This can be read by anyone on-line, just do a google search.

    In a sense, unless you own land, hire an outfitter, lease land in a good area or travel out of state–for most, the golden days of deer hunting are done.

    Look at pheasant hunting in SD?? All leased up and 200 dollars per gun per day with an outfitter.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I think somewhere between my expectation and yours would work.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Look at pheasant hunting in SD?? All leased up and 200 dollars per gun per day with an outfitter.

    I guess I disagree with this statment. There are 1000’s of good public hunting acres in SD and not sure how this even remotely relates to the deer herd numbers in Skonny?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Big G, to clarify, you did not have to shoot a doe to qualify for a buck tag, a buck fawn was counted the same as a female deer.
    If the DNR can not tell the difference between a buck fawn and a doe fawn, how can you expect anything else???

    What I am saying is… how many hunters harvested a deer, they didn’t want to ??? They “had” to shoot a antlerless, nub buck or doe, so they could actually hunt the deer they were after. I would think, that alone, inflated EAB years numbers, and as you all are saying, has declined the numbers drastically. I am just saying, comparing an EAB year against a non EAB year, numbers wise, is not apples to apples.

    big G

    Posts: 1564

    Kooty, correct me if I am wrong, but there is such a problem in SD with land issues that non res. hunters can not hunt the public ground the first couple weekends. Much like Iowa public grounds for birds-rare to find a good one since so over run with hunters—that was my point with relation to deer hunting in WI and direction of private land for quality hunting being the wave of the future, much like 200 per gun to hunt pheasants on private ground in SD.
    Big G, EAB was icing on the cake, most people were already shooting at anything brown since having multiple tags in their pockets–no need to be objective.
    Listen to all the deer drives and volleys of shots–those aren’t all big bucks running at warp nine being straffed at.
    Personally, I LOVED EAB, good herd management tool. Only thing that was wrong with EAB was the crediting of a buck sticker for shooting a buck fawn and excessive antlerless tags made available to everyone. Prior to EAB, the buck poles year after year were dominated with does and fawns–EAB was just done to drive the issue DOWNWARD so the artifically low over wintering goals could be met. According to the DNR, we are still not there in many management areas, esp. the zones labelled 15 deer or less per square mile of habitat.

    IMHO, I would love to see EAB become permanent statewide, set overwintering goal numbers at a realistic level and then properly manage with antlerless tags–if someone shoots a buck fawn let them register it, but do not give them a sticker for a big buck. That would send them back out in the field, use a little thought and shoot a female deer. Add prequalification for the next year and we are set with a management plan that could include the youth hunt, muzzleloader, gun well as bow.
    1) would balance the herd
    2) would keep populations in check
    3) would be a long term solution to managing deer on private lands.
    4) would keep hunters out in the field to prequalify for the next year.

    Only people that would complain are those that eat horns or run an outfitting business.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    EAB was designed as an emergency measure for overpopulated areas. NO WAY would it be fair to use as a normal statewide mgt tool. I am strongly agains it and imagine the overwhelming majority of hunters feel the same way. Just use doe tags as necessary.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Personally, I LOVED EAB, good herd management tool.

    I would disagree, EAB also gave a false awareness of what the antlerless count really was. How many does do you think were registered a number of times. Trust me, it was a ton, especially in the eradication zones. Car kills were even and are being passed around in exchange of a Buck tag. If there are no does to be found how in the heck is a guy suppose to be able to earn a buck tag.
    Maybe it was not right but, you try to make someone shoot a doe who does not want to because they know the numbers are down, they will find a way to get there Buck tag.

    Posts: 3835

    The next round is they are trying to cancel the December hunt. I’m all for cancelling it. I think it is not responsible to call for anyones “firing” but I agree the counts are all messed up. I got a big doe this year but it was nearly all I saw. For a crew of 8 who always takes 8 we got 2 this year and some guys didn’t even see one and we are in a prime spot. The one I shot was with two nice bucks I had to pass. I hate EAB.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    EAB is second cousin to QDM which I am totally against.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    What, did you just type that?? It’s not even close!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    What, did you just type that?? It’s not even close!!

    Figures the phrase “second cousin” would get you excited Kooty. Isnt that the eligibility guideline in SD?

    Posts: 1564

    I know my opinion is not popular, but I am sticking to my guns on this one–my plan makes biological sense, which with controlling wildlife should be the only factor.

    Takes into account private land issues.

    Takes into account only counting female deer and seperating buck fawns in the anterless count–which most can tell you can not carry offspring-that brain cell is removed when you work for the DNR.

    EAB gives long term plan possibilities with easy modification of further population control measures by increasing-decreasing antlerless tags per unit as dictated by predation, weather and fawn recruitment.

    Yes, people will cheat the system, they always do. CWD is shown to be unmanagable and uncontrolled due to transmission realities and once again, private land.

    Once again, only people really who would be crying are the ones who like to eat horns or run an outfitting business.

    Long term realities of a biological nature should be the light at the end of the tunnel–now that the herd is down, it would be the time to modify the over wintering numbers for the units and utilize a modified EAB for long term measures.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    OK. Why aren’t you gusy over on IDO Hunting discussing this?? Come join us, we are way more fun than catfisherman!!


    I guess I still can’t see how this compares to Skonny’s deer management. I should probably take this into a different thread, but what the heck. Hunting has been becoming the rich man’s sport for a very long time. Pay hunting in SD has been around for all my 37 years. I don’t have the facts to back this up, but I would argue there is more public land now, than ever before, SD anyway.

    I guess I’m not sure what the hunters of WI want the DNR to do?? Manage the herd for quality? Numbers??

    Anyting below does not pertain to this thread directly in my opinion:

    SD Pheasant Seasons

    Yes, the residents of SD have distinct advantage of one 3 day hunt prior to non-residents entering the state. This is a public land hunt only. This law was implemented cuz a bunch of the guys who live in the “big” towns were sick of fighting over the public spots on opening day. I don’t agree with the reason it was implemented, but kudos to the guys who got together and got the season implemented. Here are the lands that can be hunted:

    * GFP land that is owned, managed or leased by the department and is normally open to public hunting.
    *Walk-In Areas that the department leases and manages, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Production Areas, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land adjacent to the Missouri River, U.S. Forest Service National Grasslands, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation land,
    *State School and Public Lands property,
    *Public road rights-of-way adjacent to public hunting areas that are open to hunting.

    I actually support this law. Not for the reasons it was implemented, but for the fact someone who lives in SD 12 months a year deserves some sort of break occasionally. The reality is, if the cities folks weren’t so lazy, they would rarely have to bump into other hunters.

    In my opinion, people who live in any state should have preference over non-residents to a certain extent. I can’t hunt elk in SD. I don’t like that Iowa charges through the roof for non-res deer. I don’t like that in certain areas of Montana, I’m required to have a guide to hunt. But those are the perks of living in those states.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    What, did you just type that?? It’s not even close!!

    Figures the phrase “second cousin” would get you excited Kooty. Isnt that the eligibility guideline in SD?

    Duh, who doesn’t?? That’s what I like to refer to as “kizzin’ couzans”

    QDM is about letting 1.5 and 2.5 year old bucks walk so they can reach their real potential at 3.5 years and beyond. It’s also about managing the deer heard overall in comparison to the food sources available. It’s a proven fact a 1:1 ratio of buck to does is a very healthy herd and offers hunters the ability to shoot trophy deer, year in and year out.

    How you equate being forced to shoot an antlerless deer to earn the right to shoot a buck is beyond me. In some areas, I’m sure the buck to doe ratio needs lowered. However, I’m guessing in lots of others, this could have devastating effects.

    When you apply for a license in Skonny, do you apply by unit, county?? In my opinion, a state should be broke up into counties. Then, within a county there should be sub-units. Each subunit should be managed to it’s ability to support X amount of deer. I’m sure this complicates deer herd management. But we all know what’s good for goose isn’t always good for the gander. How many counties in Skonny have the exact same terrain, forage base etc….

    Posts: 3835


    I happen to be a multispecies fisherman who prefers to target catfish. I’ve been known to set a booby trap or two. When you least expect it… expect it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I guess I should have been more specific. We don’t have to deal with Bk over on the hunting side.

    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 120


    EAB is second cousin to QDM which I am totally against.

    Let – em go and let em grow …

    Posts: 188

    The wis deer herd is a very different creature as you move north to south the northern 1/3 of the state does not have an overabundance of deer.There should be no does taken there until it rebounds.The problem with the dnr is there computer program for predicting deer numbers does not work north of hwy64.In the days we had great deer herds we had gentle winters and does were not targeted like the dnr does now. Please hunters if you are not subsistence hunting let those antlerless deer pass! WE can do some of the corection needed ourselves.

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