99 Tahoe Problem

  • sirchad
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 90

    I have a 1999 tahoe and recently when I turn somewhat sharp, the wheels “jump.” Kind of like the wheels jump when turning in 4 wheel drive. This is happening when the vehicle is in 2 wheel drive. Also seems like the steering is a lot “looser” than it should be. Any body have any similar experiences with this or any ideas?

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    My guess would be the ball joints are shot on your vehicle. Try and find a place that offers a free alignment check. Most likely they will check over the vehicle before aligning it, and find the culprit. If you want to have the work done there, great, but if not, you are at no charge for the inspection….

    Bemidji, mn
    Posts: 56

    U have some loose front end parts. pitman arm, ilder arm, tie- rods. that normally wouldn’t be a ball joint problem but owning a 99 tahoe myself and being a master tech if they havn’t been replaced in 80k miles they are probably shot too. like the person before said bring it to a local shop and get the front end checked out.

    Posts: 3403

    I had a 97 Tahoe that had steering speed sensors go out three times before 41k miles. These sensors were for making the steering stiffer while at highway speeds to reduce the chance of over steering, and making the steering easier while driving slowly or parking. I would notice it most when going onto a cloverleaf off or onto a freeway. It would feel like slop in the wheel, and a loose front end. I had the issue fixed twice under warrantee the last time a speed sensor went bad, I called the dealer to ask if there was a way to test which side was bad without a computer, and they said no. Having heard that, and having past issues with the brakes, and just finishing paying to have the transfer case rebuilt at 39k, I fixed it by trading it in, and I haven’t been happier not seeing that thing in the garage in ten years. You could have worn out ball joints or tie rods, like others have said, but if that all looks alright, then look at the speed sensors.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    My guess is your CV joints/shaft are bad.

    Posts: 289

    Sounds like ball joints. How many miles on the Tahoe?

    Posts: 170

    What Rochey said, I have a 2000 and had to replace the Idler arms at 90,000 mine did the same thing.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 90

    Thanks for the help guys! Just over 110k miles. I’ll take these suggestions to the shop with me next week. Need to have everything fixed for the ice fishing trips.

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