fisherman from nd

  • lostinminnesota
    Posts: 12

    need some help..been ice fishing alot..but not catching much..been on the st croix near st.croix buffs park..any hot spots in this area..and how deep ..ive been in 25-30 feet..have portable..willing to move..need some advice please

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Hey Tomb,

    I haven’t been on the Croix for a couple weeks, but when I was it was pretty tough.
    They were getting into some crappies on the Bayport ice. There’s a little more info in the St Croix River forum….WAY at the bottom of the index page (hint).

    If my other plans fall through, I’m heading over that way Thursday….I think.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    PS Welcome to the board! Wish I could help you more! You might want to place your post down there too..Also right below the banner ad, there’s a link to In-Depth Lake info. Nose around the East Metro forums…I haven’t been over there lately.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    James? Whats the chance of putting that link on my home page?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Sure. You have a home page?… lol What’s the url? Ya’ know, we should start calling you Mr. YUM.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    LrealhardOL! That would be ok…but there’s too many guys on this site..and Jake. Someone could get the wrong idea…

    I think I meant enterance….that is my home page…Did I mention that Rodney Dangerfield and I have a lot in common!?

    But on a lighter note, I will bring to the GTG, a box of YUM gum for all of us that are trying to quit smoking or anyone else to enjoy.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Gum? Who in the what the? I thought you were with the fishing plastics company – YUM.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    You are kidding, right! You didn’t know that YUM plastics is going in to a venture with Beachnut? The Chiclites Brand of gum has be found to be an excellance game fish attractor. Plans are to have it available to the public by next winter. Too many chewers in the production line to get it out any sooner…

    PS just in case you aren’t kidding…. YUM Brands Inc.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Seriously. I saw YUM and I thought fishing stuff. I mean, given where I hang out all day it’s not too much of a stretch. And here you’re talking gum. I’m just so disheartened.

    I still think Jake might start calling you Mr. Yum though.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    I’m just so disheartened.

    So was Crossingeyes and Mike W. I think they though I could get them some new cutting edge plastics, but all I could get them was some old Extra Crispy!

    The name is a little differant…but it goes like this… We are the parent company of A&W, KFC, Long John Silver’s, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut with over 32000 company owned stores. When we spun off from Pepsico, we were just the THREE brands KFC,PH & TB…at that time our name was TRICON Global Restaraunts…TRI meaning three and ICON meaning the brand icons…but we bought A&W and the name didn’t work…hang on…here it comes…

    Alone we’re delicous…but together, we’re YUM!

    I knew you’d like it!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    Now that is a mouth full.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    how did i get drug into this thread??? i never did nothin wrong

    ……Mr. Yum, was this your doin

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988


    how did i get drug into this thread?

    It ’twas H20 that “drugged” you, sir. I wouldn’t do that.

    I’ve been up all night trying to hack into this site to delete this thread before you saw it…<yawn>

    Jake, you going to da GTG? Doesn’t look too far from your area?

    Mike…have you been to P2 or P4 lately? Mouth full of what? Plastic or chicken?

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    well as long as i can drug myelf out of it, i should be fine .

    and as far as this get together thing goes…..i’m not all that fond of these Iowa fish, therefore i shalt not be attending……actually, i had already made a previous family commitment when the date was announced. so you guys will have to do with out me for this one. i know everyone will be crushed .

    ….but i do believe i was promised a lake pepin get together sometime in february. it is to be discussed on saturday. i’ll be there for sure .

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Well since you shalt not provide us with your presents and expertise, I’ll leave my fish cleaning tools at home.

    You may have alienated some of the folks that live in the state that supports MN with your comments. They may not want you as with the St Croix in the MN River forum…I was told “we don’t want it”.

    By the way, with your new bait caster thingy. Put at least a 2 oz weight and your sucker or bullhead on there and you won’t have a problem casting as long as you keep your thumb on the spool. Accuracy…may take a little more time.
    By the time spring rolls around, I’ll have three new or used reels. I’m going to asks Stillakid to take me out on the Croix to work on my target practice…maybe we’ll start at night…so he can’t see it coming. eh eh ehhh!
    See ya at the next GTG

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’d truly be intimidated except for 3 things……………..

    1. You’re only dangerous yankin’ jigs out of the rip rap.
    2. Your accuracy in the light tells me your accuracy in the dark shouldn’t be of concern.
    3. We’re talking about you here………..

    J/K buddy! Say…………I think I found a way for you to “get even” with me bud! Go hang out with Bobber for a while and see what he can teach ya…………that guy’s takin’ me to school no matter what class I graduated from!!! EVERY TIME I need to reach for something……….I go for it………….and I got nothin’! NOTHIN’! Empty………………THANKS FOR PLAYIN’!!!

    Maybe I just need to get him out of the house…………..or off Mille Lacs………….or………………………or…………………..SEE! I GOT NOTHIN’!!!!

    I’m gonna go find a hug……….

    Bobber Anti-Victim Formulator Must………….break………………code

    Posts: 12

    im just not sure how any of this helps me

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    After the link to the Croix forum itself, everything went downhill from there as far as useful info goes.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    im just not sure how any of this helps me

    You will run into that here. From time to time!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Here’s a suggestion, one that I think might actually be of some use if you’re looking to get into some good fishing this weekend. Grab a ride with BrianK and come on down to the Get-Together being held this Saturday. Dave Koonce, Mr. Local Ice Fisherman Guru, has been on dandy fish all week and will be guiding us to his locations. He’s been pulling nice crappies, up to 13″, numbers of big gills and perch. Plus we’ll feed ya’!

    Come on down and meet the guys and we’ll promise you a few fish and a GREAT time!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    im just not sure how any of this helps me

    Sorry about the sidebar there tomb…………..there’s kind of a “happy family” aura around here and I get carried away sometimes. Please accept my apology!

    I live just north of where you fish but have never been much of an ice fisherman……………I’m working on it though!………….so my Croix assistance isn’t much good in the winter anyway. But come spring/summer………..I can help put you on some fish!

    James has a great suggestion and he’s right…………you’d have a GREAT time with those gents! Hope you can make it!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    TomB…You have to quit sleeping in so late! I needed someone to go fishing in Afton with this morning! But, my fault. I responded to you on the Croix forum and not here.

    As in my conversations, I at times change topics in the blinik of an in keeping with tradition…
    I’m leaving sometime around 7 Saturday morning for the Get ToGether. Your welcome to a ride down there and I have half a room to share. No cost to you…except you’ll have to put up with my topic jumping
    If you out fish me…you may have to find your own way back…
    Just let me know!

    Posts: 12

    ummm.i was working by 6 am today..self employment sucks sometimes

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Our first topic will be … Priorities 101

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    hey, i took that class…….got a big fat “F”. apparently fishing, fishing, fishing, and fishing was not the right answer………..ahhhhhh, what does a cranky old professor no anyway.

    …..and tomb, i apologize for this BrainK guy…..he always goes off hi-jacking important threads and such with his crazy antics ……….some people these days .

    …..and i would also like to say sorry to all you iowa fish out there that got offened by my previous statement.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Jake, the reason you got the F is because you didn’t give the ol Prof some of those fish. Your first class will be Schmoozing 101

    I spoke with Tom B or Tomb rather, on the phone last night. Sounds like he and friend will be following me down Saturday…

    Don’t worry Jake, I’ve got your back. I’ll personally appologize to those Iowa fish for you..kinda be your representitive.

    Now I have to go find a map to figure out where Iowa is…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Jumping to another topic…. Somehow this is linked to fishing the Croix…somehow….


    Long John Silver’s is prepared to go where
    no Quick Service Restaurant has gone before…

    If NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover project finds conclusive evidence of ocean water on Mars by February 29, 2004, Long John Silver’s will give America Free Giant Shrimp. This out-of-this-world offer celebrates our newest and truly exciting menu offering!

    I’ve sent a letter to NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe, expressing our support for NASA’s efforts on Mars, and told him of our plans to provide free Giant Shrimp to America if conclusive evidence of ocean water is found. It’s our way of saying NASA’s exploration of Mars and the discovery of ocean water would be ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for seafood.’

    If conclusive evidence of ocean water is discovered, the Free Giant Shrimp give-away will take place on March 15, 2004. But of course for those who can’t wait, the nearly six-inch long Giant Shrimp will be available in our restaurants beginning Feb. 16, 2004.

    Mike Baker and his team are closely monitoring the progress of the Mars Exploration Rover “Spirit,” which has already begun its quest to find conclusive evidence of ocean water on Earth’s celestial next-door neighbor.

    Watch for news coverage of this terrific event.


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