Quick question?

  • chubby
    Posts: 244

    I am looking at buying a new 17′ aluminum fishing boat w/a 115 HP and just need to know what is the best brand boat and what motor brand should I go with?

    I am also thinking about putting a flasher on it and need to know if I should get a Vex or a Marcum?

    The pickup is aslo due to get replaced and was wondering if I should get a Ford or a Chevy?

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S Since you guys are going to be such a big help maybe just a couple more answers.

    Mono or braid
    Short or long jig rod
    mono or Flouro leader
    Alum or stainless prop
    Bunk or roller
    Color or B/W
    int or ext antenna
    Standalone GPS or combo
    Loomis or St Croix
    plastic or live bait
    Clam or Otter
    2 stoke or 4 stroke
    regular or premium
    Strikemaster or Jiffy
    8″ or 10″
    Mr heater or Big Buddy
    strap or snap cover
    skin mount or replica
    Richter or spike
    casting or spinning
    Leech or Winni
    Lowrance or Humminbird
    Polaris or Honda
    2WD or 4WD
    pool 2 or pool 4
    leech or crawler
    Lead core or snap weight
    spikes or waxies
    2 bank or 3
    Solar or generator
    wheeler or sled
    Thick or thin crust
    Real or fake

    Thanks guys, thats all I need to know for now!

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Definately FEMALE

    Yes that outfit makes your look big

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    You know the saying- Opinions are like , everyone has one!

    Posts: 2389


    Standalone GPS or combo

    Loomis or St Croix

    plastic or live bait

    Clam or Otter

    2 stoke or 4 stroke

    regular or premium

    Strikemaster or Jiffy

    8″ or 10″

    Combos can be fun???

    Live for sure.

    Definately clam. I’ve never heard it refered to as an otter,

    The more strokes the better.

    Regular or premium??? Sometimes you have to settle for what you can get….

    Usually Jiffy, but you never know.

    No 12″ option????

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Combos can be fun???

    Live for sure.

    Definately clam. I’ve never heard it refered to as an otter,

    The more strokes the better.

    Regular or premium??? Sometimes you have to settle for what you can get….

    Usually Jiffy, but you never know.

    I see we all full of it today

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Only thing missing was, What’s the powerball number for next week???


    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Oh alright smarty,…….You missed one….

    Mr. Heater or Big Buddy?

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    I prefer the real boobs vs. fake

    Posts: 3403

    Well at least he has one of the biggest questions figured out. That being Tin boat or glass boat.

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    Go ask Grandma-she rode in on a bicycle!

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